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Life Science Chapter 24 Homework Questions
Section Review 24A
1. List the two layers that form the skin.
2. List two pigments found in human skin.
3. An area of thickened epidermis is called what?
4. Besides perspiration, how else does skin function to keep you cool?
Section Review 24B
1. What is the technical name for the thigh bone?
2. What two minerals are especially important in giving bones their strength?
3. Besides bones, what other tissues are important in the skeletal system?
Section Review 24C
1. What organ has involuntary striated muscle?
2. Explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Give an example of each.
3. When do muscles produce heat?
Chapter 24 Review
1. Explain why skin is considered a major defense against disease.
2. What is the best way to treat first-degree burns?
3. How does your bone marrow affect your blood?
4. What do you call the bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone?
5. Why kind of joints do not allow movement?
What Did You Learn?
1. List three ways your skin may respond to ultraviolet light in sunshine.
2. How could you tell if a burn was first-degree or second-degree?
3. Why might your muscles be sore after strenuous exercise?