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Delian League
Athenians dominating over everyone
The name given to an alliance that was formed after the Persian wars,
bringing together the Aegean islands and the coast of Ionia that were to
be liberated from the Persian control
Athens had the leadership of the alliance
The agreed to meet at a congress at the island of Delos
o Halfway between Asia Minor and Athens
o Religious sanctuary to Apollo
o Treasury was kept at Delos until it was moved to Athens
“Constitution” provided for Athenian leadership in terms of military
forces  ‘super power’ of the Aegean because of their naval strength
Athens valued the trade links to the Black Sea/Ionia
Why did Athens assume leadership?
- Spartans lost leadership (Dorians)
o Athens + Asian minor were kinsmen therefore they gained control
- Role of Pausanias
o He was regarded as arrogant and not trustworthy
o He was accused of collaborating with the Persians
o Athenians possibly encouraged the stories about Pausanias
o After Pausanias was recalled, Spartans sent out another
commander called Dorcis
- Athens possessed naval strength and reputation after Salamis
- Athens seized the opportunity and was willing as apposed to Sparta who
did not want see the leadership as an opportunity
Thucydides  Equal and independent allies
- Every state would provide the equivalent of 460 talons
o Ships or money
o Organised by Aristides
- Threw lumps of iron into the sea
o Symbolised that the alliance would not break until the lumps arose
What happened to the Delian League over time? What was it’s purpose?
- Offensive and defensive purpose
- Seek compensation from the Kings territory for the Persian Wars
- Provide security to another Greek city from Persian attack
 Delian leagues original purpose was to gain donations and provide
security from the Persians
 Athens benefits from the alliance militarily as its fleet is being built up.
There were also increasing trade routes opening up that Athens took
advantage of. Athens had turned away from agriculture to more
commercial activity which grew over time.
The league also provided a market for Athenian goods. The allies
benefited from the relationship also because it provided security to the
surrounding islands.
Social benefits included a common place of trade and also a sense of
Herodotus is an example of Athens luring bright talents from the Ionian
 A loss of autonomy as allies could not secede and were unwilling to travel
long distances to the Athenian courts. Athens became politically powerful
and democracy spread
 Payment of ships (the tribute) continued even after the Persian threat
ended, thus bringing in more money to Athens
Political consequences:
 Rowers were the heart and soul of Athenian power
o Got paid for their service which came from the tribute
 Symbiotic relationship occurs between the rowers and political leaders,
particularly Perecles whose policy rests on supporting everything for the
naval empire
o Political leaders needed votes to keep them in power and the
rowers wanted to keep their jobs
 Athens grew in power  dual hegemony. They both agreed to share in
Fear developed in Sparta, rivalry
 Spartans were afraid Athens would challenge their power
 Peleponnesian war was because of the fear of Athens
“It may have been wrong to take it (The Delian League, Athenian Empire) but it is
even more dangerous to let it go”  Perecles
Why was it dangerous to let them go?
1. Allies might be vulnerable
2. Athens would suffer
Athens interest became entwined in the benefits from the alliance; politically,
militarily and socially
1. When the Delian league was formed, who was recalled to Sparta after
behaving in a tyrannical manner? Thucydides or Pausanias
2. Who fixed the amount of tribute to be paid by the allied states? Aristides
3. Who was the military commander of the Delian league forces throughout
the 470-460? Cimon
4. What state according to Thucydides was the original constitution was
broken? Naxos
5. Which state clashed with Athens over the control of silver mines in
Thrace? Corinth Thasos
Essay questions
Account for the development of the Delian league and it’s development down to