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Concepts, Applications, and Issues
Fifth Edition
Judith Goodenough Betty McGuire
Genetics and
Human Inheritance
Lecture Presentation
Anne Gasc
Hawaii Pacific University and
University of Hawaii–Honolulu Community College
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Genetics and Human Inheritance
 Principles of Inheritance
 Breaks in Chromosomes
 Detecting Genetic Disorders
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Principles of Inheritance
 Genetic information is carried on chromosomes that are
in the egg and sperm in equal numbers
 Homologous pairs of chromosomes
 23 chromosomes received from one parent pair with 23
chromosomes from the other parent
 Each member of a homologous pair carries genes for the
same traits
 Genes
 Segments of DNA
 Code for a specific protein that will play a structural or
functional role in the cell
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Principles of Inheritance
 Trait
 Characteristic
 Produced by the actions of one or more gene-directed
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Principles of Inheritance
 Alleles
 Different forms of a gene
 Produce different versions of the trait they determine
 Example: gene for freckles
 One allele causes freckles to form
 Other allele does not
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Figure 20.1 Important terms in genetics.
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Principles of Inheritance
 Homozygous (homo, same; zygo, joined together)
 Individuals with two copies of the same allele
 Heterozygous (hetero, different)
 Individuals with different alleles of a given gene
 Dominant (use upper case—example “A”)
 When the effects of an allele can be detected
regardless of the alternative allele
 Recessive (use lower case—example “a”)
 When the effects of an allele are masked in the
heterozygous condition
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Principles of Inheritance
 Genotype
 Alleles that are present
 Genetic composition of an individual
 Phenotype
 Observable physical traits of an individual
 For example, the freckled phenotype has two
genotypes: FF and Ff
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Figure 20.2 Genotypes for selected human phenotypes.
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Table 20.1 Review of Common Terms in Genetics
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Gamete Formation
 Law of segregation
 During gamete formation, the two alleles for each
gene separate as the homologous chromosomes
move toward opposite ends of the cell during meiosis
 Each chromosome is inherited independent of the
other chromosomes, following the law of independent
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Figure 20.3 Gamete formation.
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Mendelian Genetics
 Gregor Mendel was a monk in the nineteenth
century who grew up in a region of what was then
Austria and is now part of the Czech Republic
 Studied how single genes are inherited from parent to
 Used pea plants
 First used one-trait crosses
 Then used two-trait (dihybrid) crosses
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Mendelian Genetics
 Punnett square
 Matrix used to predict genetic makeup of offspring of
individuals of particular genotypes
 Rows represent possible gametes of one parent
 Columns represent possible gametes of the other
 Boxes represent possible combinations of gametes
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Figure 20.4 Punnett square.
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One- and Two-Trait Crosses
 Monohybrid cross
 Cross in which both parents are heterozygous for one
trait of interest
 Genotypic ratio of offspring: 1 FF : 2 Ff : 1 ff
 Phenotypic ratio of offspring: 3 with freckles (FF and
Ff) : 1 without (ff)
 Dihybrid cross
 Cross in which both parents are heterozygous for two
traits of interest
 Phenotypic ratio of offspring: 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
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One- and Two-Trait Crosses
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Web Activity: One- and Two-Trait Crosses
Figure 20.5 (a) Gamete formation (b) Punnett square.
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Figure 20.6 A person who is heterozygous’ gametes.
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Figure 20.7 A dihybrid cross.
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 Chart showing the genetic connections among
individuals in a family
 Especially useful in following recessive alleles that
are not visible in the heterozygote
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Figure 20.8 Pedigrees.
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 Genetic disorders
 Often caused by recessive alleles
 Carrier
 Someone who displays the dominant phenotype but is
heterozygous for a trait
 Carries the recessive allele and can pass it to
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Dominant and Recessive Alleles
 Dominant allele
 Often produces a functional protein that the recessive
allele does not
 Example: albinism
 Lacking the ability to produce brown pigment melanin
 Ability to produce melanin depends on the enzyme
 Dominant allele that results in pigmentation produces
functional tyrosinase
 Recessive allele that results in albinism produces
nonfunctional tyrosinase
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Codominant Alleles
 Complete dominance
 Heterozygote exhibits the trait associated with the
dominant allele but not that of the recessive allele
 Codominance
 Effects of both alleles are apparent in a heterozygote
 Example: blood type AB
 The protein products of both the A and B alleles are
expressed on the surface of the red blood cell
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Incomplete Dominance
 Incomplete dominance
 Expression of the trait in a heterozygous individual is
in between the way the trait is expressed in a
homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive
 Example: sickle-cell allele
 Heterozygote has sickle-cell trait (HbAHbS)
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Incomplete Dominance
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Web Activity: Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
Figure 20.11 The inheritance of sickle-cell trait.
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 One gene having many effects
 Besides providing an example of incomplete
dominance, sickle-cell anemia is an example of
 Sickling of red blood cells caused by abnormal
hemoglobin affects many areas of the body
 The sickled cells can break down, clog blood vessels,
and accumulate in the spleen
 These effects can affect the heart, brain, lungs,
kidneys, and muscles and joints
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Figure 20.12 Sickle-cell anemia.
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Multiple Alleles
 When three or more forms of a given gene exist
across many people in the population
 Example: ABO blood types
 Blood type is determined by the presence of certain
polysaccharides (sugars) on the surface of red blood
 Type A blood has the A polysaccharide
 Type B has the B polysaccharide
 Type AB has both A and B polysaccharides
 Type O has neither
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Multiple Alleles
 When three or more forms of a given gene exist
across many people in the population (cont’d)
 Gene has three alleles: IA, IB, I
 Alleles IA and IB specify the A and B polysaccharides,
 When both of these alleles are present, both
polysaccharides are produced
 IA and IB are, therefore, codominant
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Table 20.2 The Relationship between Genotype and ABO Blood
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Polygenic Inheritance
 Variation in a trait, such as height, independent of
environmental influences
 Involves two or more genes, often on different
 Many traits, including height, skin color, and eye
color, vary almost continuously from one extreme to
 Environment can play a role in creating such a
smooth continuum
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Figure 20.13 Human height varies along a continuum.
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Genes on the Same Chromosome
 Usually inherited together
 Described as being linked
 Linked genes usually do not assort independently
 Usually is emphasized here because there is a
mechanism that can unlink genes on the same
chromosome: crossing over
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Sex-Linked Genes
 Y is much smaller than X and carries fewer genes
 Most genes on the X chromosome have no corresponding
alleles on the Y chromosome
 Known as X-linked genes
 Different pattern of inheritance: recessive phenotype of X-linked
genes more common in males because son can inherit X-linked
recessive only from mother
 Examples of disorders
 Red-green color blindness
 Two forms of hemophilia
 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
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Sex-Linked Genes
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Web Activity: Sex-Linked Traits
Figure 20.14 Genes that are X linked.
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Sex-Influenced Genes
 Autosomal genes whose expression is influenced by sex
 Their expression differs in males and females
 Example: male pattern baldness
 More common in men than in women because its
expression depends on both the presence of the allele for
baldness and the presence of testosterone
 Men can be heterozygous for the trait and still show
pattern baldness
 Women who are homozygous for the trait will develop
pattern baldness later in life
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Breaks in Chromosomes
 Usually caused by chemicals, radiations, viruses
 Results in changes in the structure and function of
the chromosome
 Deletion
 Loss of a piece of chromosome
 Most common deletion occurs when the tip of a
chromosome breaks off
 Example: cri-du-chat syndrome
 Loss of tip of chromosome 5
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Figure 20.15 Cri-du-chat syndrome.
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Breaks in Chromosomes
 Duplication
 Addition of piece of chromosome
 Effects depend on size and position of the addition
 Example: Fragile X syndrome
 Duplication of a region on the X chromosome
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Figure 20.16 Fragile X syndrome.
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Detecting Genetic Disorders
 Prenatal genetic testing is recommended when
 A defective gene runs in the family
 The mother is older than 35, due to increased risks of
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Detecting Genetic Disorders
 Amniocentesis
 10 to 20 ml of amniotic fluid is withdrawn, which
contains epithelial cells of the fetus
 Cells are cultured and then examined
 Abnormalities in the number of chromosomes
 Presence of certain alleles that are likely to cause
specific diseases
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Detecting Genetic Disorders
 Chorionic villi sampling (CVS)
 Involves taking a small piece of chorionic villi
 Fingerlike projections of the chorion
 Cells of chorion have same genetic makeup as fetus
 Cells are cultured and then chromosomes examined
 A disadvantage of CVS is that it has a slightly
greater risk of triggering miscarriage than does
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Figure 20.17 Amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling.
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Genetic Testing
 Newborn genetic testing
 Blood test screens for phenylketonuria (PKU)
 Allows doctors and parents to prevent brain damage
by keeping the infant on a strict diet that excludes
most phenylalanine
 Adult genetic testing
 Many predictive genetic tests are now available or
being developed
 Some identify people who are at risk or predisposed
for a specific disease before symptoms appear
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You Should Now Be Able To:
 Know the principles of inheritance and the definitions
for gene, allele, dominant, recessive, phenotype,
genotype, homozygous, heterozygous
 Understand the Mendelian genetic: Mendel, Punnett
square, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses
 Understand codominance, incomplete dominance,
polygenic inheritance, pleiotropy, X-linked gene, and
sex-influenced trait
 Know the breaks in chromosomes
 Understand the detection of genetic disorders
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