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Tools of Persuasion:
Propaganda is tricky information that encourages people to act without thinking. Propaganda can be seen in almost every part of
our lives, affecting such things as how we spend our money and which officials we elect. Advertisements are perhaps the clearest
form of propaganda, but it is seen in other types of writing as well. Careful readers will see through writing that is based on
propaganda instead of facts or sound thinking.
All forms of propaganda show the writer’s bias. A bias is an extreme point of view. Here are some of the most common tools of
persuasion. Tools of persuasion are propaganda methods used by television, magazines, and newspapers:
Tool of
It says that most people feel one way
Loco- Cola. Millions of people can’t be
about an issue and that others
Teacher’s Example:
should go along with everyone else.
Name Calling
It attacks the person instead of the
Don’t listen to Mr. Bannister when he tells
you that climbing trees can be dangerous.
He’s nothing but a meanie who doesn’t
want you to have any fun!
It uses someone who is famous or
NBA All-Star Reggie Stubbs says, “You
important to sell an idea.
can be an All-Star, too. Drive the all new
Quickfire 690, made by Lemon Motor
Is says the same thing over and over
Be cool- eat Gruel! The new Gruel flavors
hoping to convince the readers that it are apple-cinnamon, roast turkey, and
is true.
sushi. If you haven’t tried them, it’s not
too late! Be cool- eat Gruel!
Air and
It means to tell the other sides’ point
I think all students should do at least six
of view, and give an argument against
hours of homework every night. My
it. This is not always propaganda.
opponent believes that kids should spend
Sometimes, though, authors
all day watching television and chatting on
exaggerate the other sides’ position.
the computer instead. If kids don’t study,
Then they go about arguing against
how will they ever learn?
the exaggeration, instead of what the
other side actually believes.
It presents a positive image or idea
and tries to make you feel the same
way about something else.
All across the rich, green fields, the towering
purple mountains, and the glittering cities,
Americans are discovering the pleasure of using
Smel-Free deodorant.
It uses widely believed but unfair or
Jan VanDann may have the young voters
untrue images of a group or an
behind her, but all they care about are
individual to make a point. It is
video games and rock music.
dangerous because it says that tons
of people or ideas are exactly like
each other when they are not.