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Ch 14 Introduction to Animals
sensory nerves
motor nerves
digestive system
closed circulatory system
coelom open circulatory system
1. The specialization of cells in an embryo as it develops is called
2. An earthworm’s body is divided into ______________________, each of which
has a set of muscles that can push it through soil
3. An organism that gets its energy from feeding on other organisms is called a(n)
4. Blood gains oxygen in a frog’s respiratory system and is pumped throughout its
body through a closed loop of tubes called a(n) ______________________.
5. When sound reaches the ear, it triggers an impulse that is sent to the brain through
6. The small intestine absorbs nutrients and the large intestine forms feces as part of
the ______________________.
7. Many animals have a body cavity, called a(n) ______________________, that
surrounds and protects groups of organs.
8. Which of the following is NOT true about animals?
a. They are multicellular.
b. They are consumers.
c. They maintain their body temperatures.
d. They have cell walls.
9.A vertebrate’s endoskeleton is made up of a
a. skull, notochord, and backbone.
b. notochord, backbone, and limb bones.
c. skull, backbone, and limb bones.
d. skull and backbone.
10. The skeletons of all embryos are made up of a flexible and strong
connective tissue called
a. bone.
b. cartilage.
c. vertebrae.
d. segments.
11. Some scientists estimate there may be more than
a. 3 million species of animals.
b. 10 million species of animals.
c. 13 million species of animals.
d. 20 million species of animals.
12. Which of the following is NOT true of a jellyfish?
a. It has a medusa rather than polyp form.
b. It is radially symmetrical.
c. It has a head and tail.
d. It is a cnidarian.
13. How do vertebrates typically reproduce?
a. sexually
b. asexually
c. through
d. through
14. egg
15. larva
16. pupa
17 .adult
.In the diagram of a lobster shown above, which segment of the lobster’s body is labeled B?
A the thorax
B the abdomen
C the head
D the nerves
19. All animals are either
a. single celled or multicellular.
b. radially symmetrical or bilaterally symmetrical.
c. have backbones or notochords.
d. vertebrates or invertebrates.
20.In vertebrates, the lungs or gills oxygenate blood, while the
a. heart pumps blood.
b. arteries pump blood.
c. veins pump blood.
d. nerves pump blood.
21. The skull, backbone, and limb bones make up a vertebrate’s
a. endoskeleton.
b. exoskeleton.
c. mantle.
d. segments.
22.Of the more than 1 million species of animals scientists have named,
a. arthropods are the largest group.
b. chordates are the largest group.
c. arthropods are the smallest group.
d. chordates are the smallest group.
23.Which of the following statements is NOT true of sexual reproduction?
a. Most vertebrates reproduce sexually.
b. Offspring of sexual reproduction are genetic duplicates of the parent.
c. A fertilized egg cell divides many times to form an embryo.
d. An embryo’s cells differentiate to perform specialized functions.
24. Which of the following is true of cnidarians?
a. They are invertebrates with backbones.
b. They have radially symmetrical medusa or polyp body plans.
c. They have a head, thorax, and abdomen.
d. They have an endoskeleton.
25.A lobster is able to move because groups of contracting and relaxing muscle cells are attached to its
a. limb bones.
b. backbone.
c. exoskeleton.
d. endoskeleton.
26. When sound reaches the ear, it triggers an impulse through what part of the nervous system to the brain?
a. motor nerves
b. sensory nerves
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
27. Because they feed on other organisms to get energy, all animals are
a. consumers.
b. invertebrates.
c. vertebrates.
d. predators.
28.Besides helping some birds fly, feathers
a. are also found on some reptiles.
b. are also found on some amphibians.
c. help to maintain body temperature.
d. help to keep the skin moist.
29. how a hydra reproduces
30. how most vertebrates reproduce
31. how a sponge reproduces asexually
a. sexual reproduction
b. budding
c. fragmentation