Download 10/6 SI A ECL 365 Digestion 1 1. What type of feeding is important in

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10/6 SI A ECL 365
Digestion 1
1. What type of feeding is important in aquatic vertebrates?
2. What are three functions of the digestive system?
3. What are 3 things important to terrestrial vertebrates that enable them to eat
4. Describe invertebrate digestion.
5. Describe the differences present in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals in
terms of teeth and chewing.
6. ________________: “dis-assembly line”; transport along the gut after collection
7. _________________: mouth begins particle size reduction; size must be further
reduced to facilitate chemical attack
8. ________________: breakdown of potentially useful materials to molecules used
by cells
9. ________________: after breakdown, useful products absorbed and circulated to
cells and storage areas
10. What are the types of teeth found in mammals (mentioned in lecture)? What are
their purposes?
11. True / False True mastication only occurs in mammals.
12. How is homodont dentition used?
13. How do beaks work for pre-processing?
14. In the _______________ _____________ or throat, food can be moved by cilia
but is mostly through ______________ muscular activity also called __________.
15. What type of muscles make of the remainder of the digestive tract?
16. What is peristalsis?
17. True / False The esophagus is well defined in both fish and tetrapods.
18. In which groups is the esophagus sometimes ciliated?
19. Name the modification(s) of the stomach found in birds & crocodiles and in
20. What esophageal adaptation is found in birds?
21. What is chyme?
22. In ruminants, ______________ make amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and fatty
acids, which are absorbed by the _________. Larger solids are ________________
and ____________ in the mouth. Then are ______________ and pass to the
_____________ for physical breakdown. The ________________ is the “true
stomach” and contains the 4 usual stomach ____________.
23. Esophagus means “__________________________” in Greek and is made of
__________ material that resists scouring.
24. Describe the crop.
25. What does mucus do? Where is it from?
26. True / False Stomachs are not found in all vertebrates.
27. Describe the stomach.
28. Name the 4 stomach epithelia and describe them.
29. ____________ is a digestive enzyme that breaks down protein. ____________
breaks down fats. ________ decreases the pH, making it more acidic and more favorable
for __________
30. Where does most chemical digestion occur?
31. What is the major site of nutrient absorption?
32. How is interal surface area of the intestine enlarged?
33. True / False the pancreas is the glandular outgrowth of the intestine.
34. The large intestine is the major site of ___________ _________________ and
___________ wastes. It is most developed in ______________ vertebrates that need
to _________________ water.
35. What does the large intestine terminate into in each of the following?
a. Mammals 
b. Birds 
c. Reptiles 
d. Amphibians 
e. Many Fish 
36. True / False The anus and cloaca both discharge feces.