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Review From Last Class
­ characteristics of animals
­ bilateral symmetry
­ body cavity
­ germ layers
Jan 14­8:47 AM
­ these animals have no Backbone
﴾See Table 3: Invertebrate Worksheet﴿
Invertebrate Developmental Trends: ﴾1﴿ Simple to complex as organisms evolve.
﴾2﴿ Simplest have asymmetry, more complex are often radial and most complex have bilateral symmetry.
﴾3﴿ Organisms ﴾from simplest to complex﴿ go from having no cavity, to a false cavity, to a true body cavity.
Jan 14­8:48 AM
﴾4﴿ Simple organisms may reproduce sexually and asexually. More complex animals use only sexual reproduction.
﴾5﴿ Simple animals have only two tissue layers ﴾germ layers﴿, complex animals have three tissue layers.
﴾6﴿ Simple tend to be non­motile while more complex animals tend to be motile ﴾they move around﴿.
Jan 14­8:48 AM
﴾7﴿ Simple animals have no tissue, more complex animals have tissues ﴾which can be specialized﴿ and form systems.
Note: Many invertebrates are hermaphrodites ﴾both male and female parts﴿ but rarely can they self­fertilize.
Jan 14­8:48 AM
A Closer Look at Table 3: Invertebrate Worksheet
Jan 14­8:48 AM
Arthropods: The Most Successful Class of Animal
(1) Rigid, jointed external skeleton (exoskeleton for protection).
(2) Well­defined head with jointed appendages.
(3) Specialized body segments fused into distinct regions such as head and thorax.
(4) Well­developed nervous system with large brain.
(5) Wide diversity of structures and functions related to obtaining nourishment.
Jan 18­11:27 AM
­ these animals have a Backbone
(See Table 4: Vertebrate Worksheet)
Common Characteristics of Vertebrates:
(1) Backbone
(2) Dorsal Nerve Cord
(3) Gill Slits
Jan 14­8:48 AM
General Characteristics of Vertebrates
(1) Endoskeleton, appendages and skin.
(2) Closed circulatory system.
(3) Increased cephalization and size of the cerebrum.
(4) Presence of a coelom to hold complex systems.
Jan 14­8:48 AM
Evolutionary Development Trends
(1) Total dependence on water to survival on land.
(2) Development of a complex heart structure.
(3) Increase in cephalization.
Increase in brain size.
(5) Body systems increase in complexity with evolution.
Jan 14­8:48 AM
A Look at Table 4: Vertebrate Worksheet
Jan 14­8:48 AM
The Frog life Cycle ­
see text book page 193
Jan 14­8:48 AM
­ pages 182 ­ 196
­ page 196: #'s 1,2,3,4,5
Jan 14­8:48 AM
Review for Test
Chapter 4: pages 100 ­ 126
Chapter 5: pages 130 ­ 158
Chapter 6: pages 162 ­ 196
Jan 14­8:38 AM
Review Questions
Page 127: #'s 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15, 21
Page 159: #'s 3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,17,19
Page 197: #'s 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,15,17,18,19,20,24
Plus: See unit review on pages 200 ­ 203
Jan 14­8:41 AM