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6. Which of the following was NOT used as evidence by
Wegener to support his hypothesis of continental drift?
Circle the response that best answers the
sea-floor spreading
1. What is the name of the scientist who proposed the theory
of plate tectonics?
Alfred Wegener
Harry Hess
J. Tuzo Wilson
Albert Einstein
2. The direction of sea-floor spreading is from
the mantle to the crust.
the mid-ocean ridge toward a trench.
the core to the crust.
a trench toward the mid-ocean ridge.
3. Geologists have learned about Earth's interior using evidence
7. Oceanic crust consists mostly of
iron and nickel.
sedimentary rock.
8. Earth's inner core is made up of
hot gases.
molten metal.
solid iron and nickel.
9. Heat flows through Earth's mantle by
rock samples and seismic waves.
traveling to the center of Earth.
samples of Earth's core and mantle.
direct heat transfer.
fossils and climate.
4. Which of the following choices is NOT a layer of the mantle?
10. When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate,
the oceanic plate is subducted.
the asthenosphere
the continental plate is subducted.
the core
a rift valley is formed.
the lithosphere
a mid-ocean ridge is formed.
the lower mantle
5. About 260 million years ago, Earth's continents moved
together to form the
mid-ocean ridge.
supercontinent Pangaea.
Atlantic Ocean.
If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.
11 Continental crust is made of rocks such as granite.
12 Slow movements of mantle rock called radiation transfer heat in the mantle.
13 The single landmass that broke apart 250 million years ago was Pangaea.
14 Mid-ocean ridges are places where oceanic crust sinks back to the mantle.
15 When two continental plates diverge, a transform boundary forms.
Checking Concepts
16 What kinds of indirect evidence do geologists use to study the structure of Earth?
17 How do temperature and pressure change as you go deeper into Earth?
18 What happens in Earth’s interior to produce Earth’s magnetic field? Describe the layer where the magnetic field is
19 Why are there convection currents in the mantle?
20 Why are the oldest parts of the ocean floor no older than about 200 million years old?
21 How do magnetic stripes form on the ocean floor? Why are these stripes significant?
Thinking Critically
22 Comparing And Contrasting- How are oceanic and continental crust alike? How do they differ?
23 Sequencing - Place these terms in correct order so they begin at Earth’s surface and move toward the center: inner
core, asthenosphere, lower mantle, lithosphere, outer core.
24 Predicting - In the diagram below, a plate of oceanic crust is colliding with a plate of continental crust. What will
happen? Why?
25 Relating Cause And Effect- What do many geologists think is the driving force of plate tectonics? Explain.
26 Making Judgments - Scientists refer to plate tectonics as a theory. What is a theory?
 How is plate tectonics a theory?
 Why isn’t continental drift considered a theory?
Math Practice
27 Calculating A Rate - It takes 100,000 years for a plate to move about 14 kilometers. Calculate the rate of plate