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FCIM Assessment SC.912.E.6.1 1. What force ultimately drives plate motion in the theory of plate tectonics? A. the sun's energy B. ridge-push C. slab-pull D. unequal distribution of heat within Earth 2. The rigid crust and uppermost mantle forms the A. B. C. D. asthenosphere. continental crust oceanic crust. lithosphere. 3. What is thought to be the major mechanism involved in convective flow downwards into the mantle? A. slab-pull B. ridge-push C. mantle plumes D. transform faulting 4. The rift valley along a mid-oceanridge marks A. B. C. D. A boundary between two plates A region where subduction is occurring A region where a deep-sea trench is forming A boundary between oceanic and continental crust 5. Which of the following is not a hypothesis about the cause of plate movements? A. B. C. D. Terrane sliding Mantle convection Ridge push Slab pull