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Download Electromagnetic Waves In this lecture Waves Speed of
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In this lecture Introduction Photons Electromagnetic spectrum WaveWave-particle duality Matter & Energy Electromagnetic Waves Waves Speed of Electromagnetic Waves Mechanical Waves • Transmission via a medium • Velocity of wave governed by mechanical properties of medium Mechanical waves • Transport energy by mechanical displacement of particles in a medium Electromagnetic waves • Electromagnetic Waves Transport energy form through empty space – • Requires no medium to transmit • Velocity is constant How is the energy transferred? Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic Waves • A singlesingle-frequency EM wave exhibits a sinusoidal variation of electric and magnetic fields in space • Magnetic variation is perpendicular to electric field • EM waves transport energy through λ space Electric Field Magnetic Field • Energy is stored in the propagating electric and magnetic fields 1 Photons Electromagnetic Spectrum • A photon is the smallest quantity of • Frequency Range: 10 – 1024 Hz • Wavelength Range: 106 – 10-16 m • Can be pictured as a small bundle of • Three regions relevant to medical ANY type of electromagnetic radiation energy travelling through space at the speed of light Electromagnetic Spectrum Frequency (Hz) Wavelength (m) 1010 1024 10-16 108 1022 10-14 X-ray Imaging 106 1020 10-12 104 1018 10-10 Visual Imaging UV 102 1016 10-8 10 1014 1μm 10-6 Visible Light IR 10-2 1012 10-4 10-4 1010 10-6 108 MR Imaging Frequency, Wavelength & Energy Gamma rays X-rays 1cm 10-2 μ-wave Radio 10-8 106 10-10 104 0 1m 10 102 1km 104 10-12 102 106 • Photons are quanta of radiation, which – Particles • Electromagnetic Radiation is characterised by frequency and wavelength • Radio: measured via oscillations of electrons in conductors – Quoted in Hz • Visible light: Early experiments describe light as a wave – Quoted in meters • X-rays produced using electric potential Wave Particle Duality have energy 1. X-radiation 2. Visible 3. Radiofrequency Measurement of EM Radiation Energy (eV) eV) 1nm imaging – Quoted in keV Wave Particle Duality • Photons interact with matter most easily when the matter is approximately the same size as the photon wavelength • What is the size of particles in matter? – Waves 2 Wave Like Behaviour of EM Radiation Wave Particle Duality • Photons from different regions of the spectrum are fundamentally the same • Difference in frequency results differences in the way photons interact with matter • Visible photons behave more like waves • X-ray photons act more like particles Point Source Interference fringes Interference • This effect can also be observed for mechanical waves Wave Like Behaviour of EM Radiation Point Source Interference fringes 3 Particle Behaviour or EM Radiation • X-rays are identified by their energy (1 – 50MeV) • Wavelength range: 10-10 – 10-12m • Usually smaller than objects! • Therefore usually behave as particles Example: Planck’s Quantum Theory • X-ray photons are characterised by energy • Planck developed relationship between energy and frequency E = hf • h is Planck’ Planck’s constant 6.63 X 10-34 Js-1 What happens if current through bulb is reduced until only ONE photon is emitted at a time? What is the frequency of a 100keV x-ray photon? What happens if current through bulb is reduced until only ONE photon is emitted at a time? What happens if current through bulb is reduced until only ONE photon is emitted at a time? 4 What happens if current through bulb is reduced until only ONE photon is emitted at a time? Matter & Energy Classical Physics • Matter can neither be created nor destroyed – Conservation of matter • Energy can neither created nor destroyed – Conservation of energy Matter & Energy Example • Planck & Einstein extended classical theories PET scanner When positronpositron-electron annihilation occurs what are the energies of the two photons produced? • Matter can be transformed into Energy and vice versa E = mc 2 Summary What are electromagnetic waves Photons Electromagnetic spectrum WaveWave-particle duality Matter & Energy Practice Questions PAM2011: Lecture 11 Problem Sheet 1. What is the energy in Joules of a 50keV x-ray photon? 2. What is the frequency of a 50keV x-ray photon? 3. What is the wavelength of a 50keV x-ray photon? 4. What is the mass equivalence of a 50keV X-ray photon? 5. Calculate the energy of a 400nm photon? 5