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PHYmA ELSEVIER Physica A 247 (1997) 108-120 Diameters of rotationally and vibrationally excited diatomic molecules Y u r i y E. G o r b a c h e v a, F r a n c i s c o J. G o r d i l l o - V ~ i z q u e z J o s e p h A. K u n c c,, b, 1, a Theoretical Department, A.F.Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg 194021, Russia b Departamento de Fisica Atdmica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, 41080 Sevilla, Apdo. Correos 1065, Spain c Department of Aerospace Engineering and Physics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1191, USA Received 18 March 1997 Abstract Analytical expressions for kinetic diameters of rotationally and vibrationally excited diatomic molecules are derived using the Hamilton-Jacoby theory and the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule. The diameters are obtained assuming the rotating Morse and Tietz-Hua oscillators as dynamical models of the molecules. PACS: 05.20.Dd; 33.20.Vq 1. Introduction Studies of kinetic properties of low-temperature (below a few thousands degrees) gases are often based on the assumption that the gas particles have finite size. The molecular 'size' is then characterized by the so-called 'molecular diameter', and the sum of the molecular diameters of two colliding particles, the 'collision diameter', is frequently used in studies of transfer of energy and linear momentum between the particles in the gases. The model of binary collision as an interaction of two finite-size molecules has been quite succesful in studies of transport properties (Boltzmann integrals, viscosity, conductivity, etc.) of low-temperature gases in various devices and in Monte-Carlo simulations of low-energy (subsonic) flows [1,2]. Many physical aspects of the model have * Corresponding author. Fax: +1 213 740 7774; e-mail:[email protected]. l Present address: Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1191, USA 0378-4371/97/$17.00 Copyright (~ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII S0378-4371 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 3 8 9 - 0 YE. Gorbachev et al. I Physica A 247 (1997) 108-120 109 been studied extensively, and mathematical descriptions of various low-temperature processes based on the model have been developed. Therefore, the finite-size model of atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collisions would also be of great advantage in studies of transport phenomena in high-temperature gases (common in plasma processing, light sources, supersonic and hypersonic flows, etc.) if accurate molecular diameters in such gases were easily available. However, determination of the molecular diameters in high-temperature gas is much more difficult than determination of the diameters in low-temperature gas. In the latter case, the rotational-vibrational energies of most of the gas molecules are small and the corresponding typical molecular diameters can be given as simple functions of the molecular bond lengths (the equilibrium internuclear distance) [3,4]. In high-temperature gas, the situation is more complicated because the degree of rotational-vibrational excitation of most of the gas molecules is significant. The rotational-vibrational energy of the molecules increases with gas temperature and so are the molecular diameters. Since the molecular scattering cross sections are (roughly) proportional to square of the collisional diameters, the rotational-vibrational excitation of molecules has a significant effect on the kinetic properties of high-temperature gases. In this work, we study molecular diameters of rotationally and vibrationally excited diatomic molecules assuming that the molecules are either the rotating Morse oscillators or the rotating Tietz-Hua oscillators (see Ref. [5] which is called hereatter as Paper I). We derive several analytical expressions (of different accuracies) for the diameters as functions of molecular vibrational (v) and rotational (J) quantum numbers. 2. Intramolecular potentials We assume in what follows that diatomic molecules are rotating anharmonic oscillators strecthed by the molecular centrifugal force. The internuclear potential of the rotationally unexcited molecules is assumed to be either the Morse potential UM(R) = D [1 - e-#(R-R')] 2 , (1) or the Tietz-Hua potential 1 - e -bh(R-Re) ] 2 UrH(R) = D [ 1 - - c ~ ) J ' (2) bh = fl(1 - ch), (3) where D is the well-depth of the potential, Re is the molecular bond length, R is the internuclear distance, fl is the Morse constant and Ch is an optimization parameter obtained from ab initio and RKR (Rydberg-Klein-Rees) intramolecular potentials. (The rotating Morse and Tietz-Hua oscillators are discussed in detail in Paper I.) The reason for choosing the Tietz-Hua potential in this work is its remarkably good agreement (within a broad range of the internuclear distance) with the RKR calculations (Ref. [6] and 110 Y.E. Gorbachev et at,.IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 references therein) and ab initio calculations (Ref. [7] and references therein); see also discussions in Refs. [5,8,9]. According to these works, the Tietz-Hua potential is more realistic than the Morse potential, especially in the molecules with moderate and high values of the rotational and vibrational quantum numbers. (As discussed in Paper I, the Tietz-Hua potential is one of the very best model potentials available in literature.) The rotational (centrifugal) part of the molecular internuclear potential is taken as Uj(R)- L2 2//R 2 , (4) where # is the reduced mass and L is the angular momentum of the rotating molecule. Thus, the effective internuclear potential of the diatomic molecules under consideration is (5) Vef(R) = U j ( R ) + U v ( R ) , where Uv(R) is given, depending on the assumed oscillator model, by either UM or UTH. The vibrational constants of the Morse oscillator are = , (6) and h/~ 2 O,)eXe -- 87Z2C]2 , (7) where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, fDe and fOeXe are in cm -1 and the rest of the quantities are in units of the c.g.s, system. In the present work, we calculate fl from the relationship given by Eq. (6) (see discussion in Paper I) and the constants (De, OgeXe and D (see Table 1) are the 'best' available in literature. 3. The mean internuclear distance in the excited molecules Porter et al. derived [10], using the Hamilton-Jacoby theory and the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule, the time dependence of the radial internuclear distance of a rotating oscillator [7]. We apply below their approach, in order to determine the molecular diameters, to the rotating Tietz-Hua oscillator and to the rotating Morse oscillator. 3.1. The rotating Tietz-Hua oscillator The Hamiltonian of the rotating Tietz-Hua oscillator with angular momentum L is n- (phR)2 L2 -- 2--7- + ~ 2 [ l_e_bh(R_Re ) ]2 + D l1 : - - c ~ , ) J ' whore phR = #(dR/dt) is the linear momentum of the oscillator radial motion. (8) Y.E. Gorbachevet al. IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 111 The equilibrium internuclear distance R, of a diatomic molecule in the Jth rotational state can be obtained from the obvious relationship dVef(R) _ O, dR (9) where L2 Vef(R) = 21d~---i + UrH(R). (10) After introducing a new variable C:- b2L2 (ll) 21xD' the derivative (Eq. (9)) becomes dVef(R) [1 -e-y-eye ] yeCj dR = (1--c--he_Y.ey---~)3 (1--Ch)--eY*e - -if=0,y. (12) y. = bhR. (13) where and Ye = bhRe , and where values of the parameter bh for a number of diatomic molecules can be found in Paper I. Eq. (12) can be solved through asymptotic analysis in terms of the small parameter Ch (see Paper I). The resulting solution is Y, = Ye + BhCj + Dh C2 , (14) where Bh -- (1 - Ch)2 y3e 3 2 3 B2 + 3BhCh(1 -- Ch) and Dh= ~B h - Ye y3 (15) In order to apply the semiclassical quantization, we introduce a new variable, ~h(R) = e x p [ - b h ( R - R.)], and use the following series expansion of 1/(bhR) 2 about Ch. = 1: 1 1 2 (bhR)----~ = (bhR,)-----~ + ~ ( ~ , h 1( - 1) (bhR,) 3 3) 1 - b~, (~h, _ 1)2 + . . . . (16) Substituting this expansion into Eq. (8) and solving the equation for p~ at constant value of the rotational-vibrational energy Ev.rj ~ = H gives p~ = ±(2~t) 1/2 [Ev.Tff--L2(ArH + BrH~h, -- CrH(~h,)2) -D (\ 1 h h 2 U2 h] ~--ch~h.¢~------,) ] ' (17) 112 Y.E. Gorbachev et al. I Physica A 247 (1997) 108-120 where ~h, = e-bh(R, -R~) , (18) L2=h2[J(J+I)-A2], (19) At14 = E 3 ] (20) Cr/-/, (21) 1 + bhR,(bhR, - 3) bhR, Crl4 , BrI-I = 2 bhR. ) 1 + bh-~, Z 3 C r ~ I - 2#bhR3 1- , (22) and A is the quantum number for the axial component of the molecular electronic angular momentum. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule is I f p Rh d R = N v = ~-~n ( v~+ ) h, (23) where, as before, v is the vibrational quantum number. Taking the positive root of Eq. (17) and changing variable R to ~h, gives N~ -- (2//) 1/2 f h h K~,j(¢.) d~. , 7zbh J (24) where I'&j( ~h) {[Ev,~ - LZ(Am.~_BTH~h h h 2 - D ( 1 - . , :h~he*,~2"[j 1/2 - CTH(~h)2)](I --Ch~.¢e,) ~h,(1 - ch~h~he,) (25) and Ch,< and ~h,> are roots of the equation ph = 0. After rearranging the terms in Eq. (17), the equation p~ = 0 can be written as the following fourth-order polynomial: f l ( ~ , ) = ath(~h) 4 + bth(~h) 3 + Cth(~h,) 2 + dth~ h + eth = 0, (26) with ath = 2 h Ch( ~e, )2CTHL2 , bth = BrI-IL 2Ch(~e,) 2 h 2+ (27) 2Ch~he,CTHL2 (28) Y.E. Gorbachev et al. I Physica A 247 (1997) 108-120 Cth : 111 C 2h ( ~ eh, ) 2 (E~,j 113 ATHL 2) "k- 2Bll.lL2ch~he, 4- CTHL 2 _ (~h ,. e* J~2D (29) ~-- 2BrHL2Ch~he, + C r n L2 -- (~e,)h 2D , dth = 2~eh,D- - BrHL 2 __ 2 C h ~ eh, ( E v , j -- ATH L2) ~ 2~eh,D - BTH L2 , (30) and (31) ArHL 2 - D , eth = E TM - where the simplification of the coefficients Cth and dth resulted from the fact that eh is, in general, much smaller than one. Expanding fl(~h.) in power series about ~h = 1 and retaining only the terms which are linear or quadratic in ~h leads to fl(~h.) --~ f2(~h.) = (01(~h) 2 q - (02~h q- (03, (32) where (01 = 6ath + 3bth + cth, (02 = --8ath -- 3bth + dth, (03 = 3ath + bth + eth . (33) After some algebra, we obtain the following vibrational-rotational energies of diatomic molecules represented by the rotating Tietz-Hua oscillators: E~r~J = D + L Z B j B ~ - (FoXl - F[' - F~"L 2 - F ~ t t L 4 ) 2 , (34) where the functions B j , B'J, Fo, F[', F~" and F~" are given in Paper I. The expression for the radial orbit of the Tietz-Hua oscillator is (see Eq. (57) and Refs. [5,6,10]): Rth((0t h ) = R , + b ; 1 [6th + In(1 - eth COS(0th)], (35) where the angle variable (0th changes from 0 to re, 6th=--ln(--2(03~ \ , (36) (02 f and eth= 1 4(03(01 "~ 1/2 -~ j (37) The mean internuclear distance of the oscillator can be obtained from the orbit (Eq. (35)) by averaging the internuclear distance Rth over the orbit period T, 1/ T (Rv,J)th = -f 1/ 2n Rth(t)d t = ~ 0 =R.+b~-I Rth((0th) d(0th 0 6th+ln 2 ' Y.E. Gorbachev et al. IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 114 where t is time. Thus, the relative increase of the mean internuclear distance caused by molecular rotational-vibrational excitation can be given as (Rv,l)th - Re Pth -- ~th + ln[(1 + V/1 - e2h)/2] + y , -- Ye (39) -Re Ye (Rv,J)th must be a real and positive number. This requires that 2q~3/tP2~<0. When 2q~3/q~2 = 0, (Rv,J)th ---+oo since then 6th ~ oo, and the molecule becomes an unstable diatomic system. According to Eq. (33), q)3 = 3ath + bth + eth : E~ - D - L2BjB~ (40) = 0. When 2q~3/q~2 = 0, Eqs. (34) and (40) lead to the following second-order equation: (41) ~Xlx 2 + ~X2X1 + ~3 = 0 , where Xl = v + 0.5, and ~i = - v ~ o l , . 2 = F0 - v ~ o 0 , ,it 4 o~3 = -(v/-D + F~"L 2 + F 3 L ). (42) Solution of Eq. (41) leads to the v - J contour for the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers at which, according to the Tietz-Hua model, diatomic molecule dissociates. The corresponding value of v at a given J is the integer closest to the smaller value of the following expression: l)th : - ~ 2 + x/~22 - 4~1~3 1 2al 2 (43) 3.2. The rotatin9 Morse oscillator In this case the effective internuclear potential is Vef(R)- - L2 -+ D [1 -e-/~(R-R')] 2 . 2p.R 2 (44) In order to apply the semiclassical quantization to the rotating Morse oscillator, we use the expansion given by Eq. (16) (with ch = 0) about ~.m = 1 (~m = exp[-fl(R R.)]). After some algebra one obtains Nv=~(v-bl) = ~ f1p R d Rm : 7V~(2~__Cm__X/Z--~m ) (45) where are = E M v,J - D - AML 2 , bm ----2D¢~'. - BML 2 , Cm = -- D ¢( em* ) 2 -~- CM L2 (46) (47) (48) Y.E. Gorbachev et al. IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 (49) ~m = e - # ( R . - R , ) ,[ 3( e~ AM-2~ ~ 1-~-2. 8M--.~R3 1 115 (50) 1-~2- * 2~R, ' (51) , (52) and cM - 2U/~R----~, 1 - where E ~ is the vibrational-rotational energy of the rotating Morse oscillator. The energy E ~ is obtained from solution of Eq. (45) with respect to a,.. The solution is am= - (--~N, v 2 b~m~--~m)2 ' (53) which together with Eq. (46) gives EvM,j = D + tZ2AMJ(J + [~h(v+ l/2) 1) 2DeU'-u*-hZBMJ(J + l) ] 2 2[De2(U,-U.)_ - - ~ + ~]U2 ' -~1-~ (54) where Ue=flRe u.=flR.=ue+BthCd+OthC2, and (55) with , 1 Bh-~-U--~ and 3 V~= 2(B~) 2 - 3 (B~)2 Ue . (56) The expression for the radial orbit of the Morse oscillator is Rm(~P,n)= R, +/~-1 [6m + In( 1 - ~mcos~pm)], (57) where 6m=-ln(-2am~ (58) \bin)' and ~m = 1 4amCm ~ 1/2 b2,, / . (59) Subsequently, the mean internuclear distance of the rotating Morse oscillator can be obtained in the way similar to that leading to the relationship given by Eq. (38), +, ,60, 116 Y.E. Gorbachev et al. IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 80 ~ " ". c~,(x'~, ) . 2o \\ lO % I \ I 100 200 300 4()0 Rotational quantum number s0o Fig. 1. The v--J contours showing the values of the vibrational quantum number v and the rotational quantum number J at which molecules C12(XIE+), N2(XIE +) and NO(X2IIr) dissociate: solid lines (Eq. (43) (the rotating Tietz-Hua oscillator)), dashed lines (Eq. (63) - (the rotating Morse oscillator)). or Pm= (RvJ)M -- Re ' Re = Om + ln[(1 + V/1 - e2)/2] + u. - ue Ue (61) Within the framework of the Morse oscillator model, the condition for molecular dissociation is am = 0, or, according to Eq. (46), (62) E M j -- D - A M L 2 = 0 . The relationships Eqs. (54) and (62) give the v - J contour for the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers at which diatomic molecule dissociates. The corresponding value of v at a given J is the greatest integer number smaller than 21r . ,. "0/2 Vm = - ~ (t~t'm) 1 (63) ~ . Examples of contours (Eqs. (43) and (63)) for the C12(XIE+), N2(X1E +) and NO(X2IXr) molecules (which represent a broad range of molecular spectroscopic constants) are shown in Fig. 1. The maximum values of the rotational quantum numbers Jmax of diatomic molecules can be found from the v - J contours similar to those shown in Fig. 1, or from solution of the following set of equations: V~f(R) = d V ed fR( R ) = 0 and , Vef(R ) -- d 2 V e f ( R ) __ O, dR 2 (64) Y.E. Gorbachev et al. I Physica A 247 (1997) 108-120 117 which leads to U'(R) = L2 ~ 3L2 tr'(R)= -3L 2 U " ( R ) - ]./R 4 and (65) where U'(R) and U"(R) are the first and the second derivative, respectively, of the vibrational parts of the corresponding (Tietz-Hua or Morse) potentials with respect to R. Thus, in order to obtain Jmax one has to solve the equation 3L2 3 ~r"(R) + - ~ = U"(R) + -~U'(R) = O. (66) K Numerical solution of Eq. (66) gives Rmax, the internuclear distance corresponding to J = J,no~. For the rotating Morse oscillator, this distance can also be found from the following semi-empirical expression: flRmax ~- fiR e -'[-2 In 2 -- 1 + (67) fie e q- 2 In 2 -- 1/2 " (The accuracy of the approximation (Eq, (67)) is better, for all diatomic molecules, than 4%.) Taking the above into account, Jmax can be obtained from Eq. (65) as the greatest integer number smaller than 1/ Jmax : ~ -1"}- i / I"F- (68) The quantum numbers Jmax obtained from Eq. (68) (the exact values) and those from the contours (Eqs. (43,63)) (the approximate values) are slightly different due to use of the expansion given by Eq. (16) in derivation of the relationship given by Eq. (43). The values of ,/max shown in Table 1 are those obtained from Eq. (68). Table 1 The molecular spectroscopic constants used in the present calculations: ¢Oe (the vibrational constant, in cm-1); rOeXe (the anharmonicity constant, in era-l); Re (the molecular bond length, in .~.); Vmax (the maximum value of the molecular vibrational quantum number): vth,~ax(Eq. (43)) and ~ (Eq. (63)); Jmax (the maximum value of the molecular rotational quantum number): both Jthax and Jr,~ax are obtained from Eq. (68) Molecule goe O)eXe Re vtmhax ~max gthax g~mx CI2(X 1~ + ) N2(X l ~+ ) NO(X 2IIr) 559.7 2358.6 1904.2 2.67 14.32 14.07 1.987 1.097 1.151 62 66 56 72 68 55 400 266 223 392 265 224 118 Y.E. Gorbachev et aLI Physica A 247 (1997) 108-120 4. Diameters of the excited molecules The mean kinetic diameter (din) of a diatomic molecule in the electronic ground state and excited to vth vibrational and Jth rotational level can be given as [3,4] (dm) "~ (Rv,j) + 2.25, (69) where (dm) and ( R u ) are in .~. (In the case of electronically excited molecules, the relationship given by Eq. (69) should be treated as a crude estimate.) 5. Results and discussion Typical v- and J-dependence of functions Pth and Pm for several diatomic molecules are shown in Figs. 2-4. Clearly, the rotational-vibrational excitation of diatomic molecules has a significant impact on the molecular diameters. The diameters increase with increase of the molecular quantum numbers v and J, and the dependence of the diameters on the vibrational quantum number is stronger than on the rotational quantum number. Also, the molecular diameters predicted by the Tietz-Hua model are, in general, larger than those obtained from the Morse model. As discussed in Paper I, the Tietz-Hua potential is much more realistic model of intramolecular potential in diatomic molecules than the Morse potential when molecular rotational and vibrational quantum numbers are not small. Therefore, the diameters of rotationally and vibrationally excited diatomic molecules predicted by the model of the 3.5 i 2.51-/ i / / , , 60 lJ 5o , v=lO i~ // o , 1O0 , I , 200 300 Rotational quantum number 4 500 Fig. 2. Dependenceof the ratios pth(solid lines - Eq. (39)) and Pm (dashedlines - Eq. (61)) on vibrational and rotationalquantum numbers of the CI2(XI~+) molecule. Y.E. Gorbachev et al. IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 119 3.5 I j 80 / Y 2 1.s o" 0 / • -- -- / ' " ,' 50 , / r X"L.,' .-" /I 30 /,' 1,' l// s50 -7 1 O0 /' 11 //v=,ot -'7-150 , 200 Rotational quantum number , 250 / 300 Fig. 3. Dependence of the ratios pth(solid lines - Eq. (39)) and Pm (dashed lines -Eq. (61)) on vibrational and rotational quantum numbers of the NO(X2IIr) molecule. 2.5 50 il ;, k-p,/ ,0:1 :/ X'~I ~° :1 ;'/ ~ 1 ,'/ ,'/ a.1.5 , .../ ,,'/ ~,1 0.5 I 50 I I i 1O0 150 200 Rotational quantum number 250 300 Fig. 4. Dependence of the ratios Pth(solid lines - Eq. (39)) and Pm (dashed lines - Eq. (61)) on vibrational and rotational quantum numbers of the N2(X ] E+ ) molecule. 120 Y.E. Gorbachev et al. IPhysica A 247 (1997) 108-120 rotating Tietz-Hua oscillator are more realistic than the diameters obtained from the model of the rotating Morse oscillator. Acknowledgements We thank Alex Dalgarno and Evgueni E. Nikitin for valuable comments. This work was supported by a Soros Foundation Grant, by a grant from the Intemational Institute for lnterphase Interactions, by the Air Force Office for Scientific Research Grant F-49620-93-1-0373 and Contract 23019B, and by the Phillips Laboratory, Air Force Material Command, USAF, through the use of the MHPCC under Grant F-29601-93-2-0001. One of us, FJGV, thanks the Spanish CICYT for financial support while a postdoctoral researcher at USC. References [1] J.O. Hirschfelder, C.F. Curtis, R.B. Bird, Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids, Wiley, NewYork, 1964. [2] G.A. 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