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Aftermath of the Civil War, 1865-76
_______________ Issues of ____________________
How to ____________________ southern states?
How to treat Ex-Confederate soldiers?
Civil Rights of African-Americans.
Make-up of New Southern State Governments
_______________ ____________________of Reconstruction
Northern politicians:
reconstruct Southern ____________________
insure rights of ____________________ ____________________
political base for ____________________ Party
____________________wanted a speedy recovery for the South:
crippled South would cripple nation.
A political realist--Unity = _____________________________________
Reconstruction Plans
President Lincoln’s Plan -- _____% Plan
 Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (December 8, 1863)
 Replace majority rule with “loyal rule”
 Didn’t consult Congress regarding plan.
 Pardon all but the highest ranking military and civilian ________________ officers.
 When 10% of the voting population in 1860 election takes oath of loyalty>establish &
recognize government
Congressional Reconstruction
 South should be more severely ____________________for bringing the war to the nation
South should be made to pay ____________________.
Did not want key _________________political/military leaders to lead post-war _________.
_______________ ____________________Bill (1864)
_____% plan= _____% of 1860 voters stake “iron clad” oath of allegiance (swearing they
never voluntarily aided rebellion).
____________________ Ex-Confederates from office
State constitutions repudiate ______________ __________& prohibit slavery.
____________________by Lincoln
_______________ Lincoln assassinated, ____________________
Ford's Theater, by ________________________________________
13 Amendment
 Ratified in Dec. __________
 Abolished slavery
_______________ Presidential Reconstruction
President _____________________________
Pro-union Southern ____________________ Democrat
D=Despised “old south”
White Supremacist
Agreed with Lincoln that states had never legally left the union.
President Johnson’s Plan (10% +)
 Offered amnesty upon simple oath to all except Confederate civil and military officers and
those with property over $20,000 (they must apply directly to Johnson)
 New constitutions> repudiate slavery, secession and state debts.
_______________ Named provisional governors to oversee elections for constitutional conventions.
Disenfranchised leading confederates
Pardoned planter aristocrats = they regained political dominance
o Republicans were outraged that confederate leaders were back in power (allowed
__________________________(GA), former Confederate vice-president to be
elected to Congress)
Growing Northern Alarm
 Many southern state constitutions fell short of_________________ requirements> denied
African Americans the right to vote
 Johnson granted ____________________ special pardons
_______________________kept out of schools
____________________: "freedman" written in where word "slave" had been
 Guaranteed stable labor supply now that blacks were emancipated
o Restore pre-emancipation system of race relations
Forced many blacks to become _______________________ (tenant farmers)
Former slaves kept out of schools.
_______________ Congress Breaks with the President
 Congress bars Southern __________________ delegates
Joint Committee on Reconstruction created.
February, 1866 : President vetoed Freedman’s Bureau bill.
March, 1866: Johnson vetoed 1866 Civil Rights Act
Congress passed both bills over Johnson’s vetoes.
____________________ (Congressional) Reconstruction
____ Amendment : ratified in July 1868
 Constitutional guarantee of rights of freed people
 Citizenship rights for African Americans
 Due process rights for all Americans
Southern states punished for denying right to __________ to black citizens!
_______________ The ____________ Bi-Election
 Referendum on Radical Reconstruction
Johnson made ill-conceived propaganda tour of country to push his plan.
Republicans won 3-1 majority in both houses and gained control of every northern state
_______________ Radical Reconstruction
 Southern States treated like _________________ land
Blacks had the vote and civil rights.
Punish the south for causing the civil war.
Freedman’s Bureau
14 Amendment
Former Confederate officials and officers _______________ from elective office
Confederate war debts repudiated
“Waving the __________________________________”
_____ Amendment--right to vote
Freedman’s Bureau (1865)
 Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and ________________ Lands
 Many former northern abolitionists risked their lives to help southern freedmen.
Called __________________________by white southern democrats
Reconstruction Acts of 1867
_________________ Reconstruction Act
 Restart reconstruction in 10 southern states that refused to ratify 14 amendment
 Divided them into 5 military districts
Command of the Army Act
 President must issue all Reconstruction orders through commander of the military
Tenure of Office Act
 President could not remove any officials (esp. Cabinet) without Senate’s consent.
 Question on Constitutionality of the Laws!
President Johnson’s Impeachment
 Johnson fired Edwin Stanton (Sec. of War) in February, 1868
 Johnson replaced generals in the field who were supporters of Radical Reconstruction
 House impeached him on Feb. 24 before drawing up charges by vote of 126 – 47!
The Senate Trial
 11 week trial
 Johnson acquitted = 35 to 19 (one vote short of required 2/3rds majority)
deciding vote cast by Republican ____________________ (KS), ruined his political career.
Civil Rights Act of ____________________
 Crime of any individual to deny full & equal use of ________ conveyances and public places
 Prohibited discrimination in jury selection
 Shortcoming—lacked a strong enforcement mechanism
 Ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court in 1886
 No new civil rights act was attempted for 80 years!
_______________ First African American ___________ & Representatives in the 41 & 42 Congress of United States
Senator Hirams ________________ of Mississippi
Representatives Benjamin Turner of Alabama, Robert DeLarge of South Carolina, Josiah
Walls of Florida, Jefferson Long of Georgia, Joseph Rainey and Robert B. Elliot of South
What was the truth about Black officials?
Core Voters were black _______________.
Were they politically unprepared?
Blacks could register and vote in states since __________.
_____________________ Acts of 1870 & 1871 (also known as the __________Act).
The Lost Cause----------Confederate Nobility & Chivalry
The Rise of ________________ (pro-business Democracts)
_____________________ (sought to oust Radical Coalition
Radical Coalition: Freedment, carpetbaggers, __________________ (southern
_______________ The “__________________ Empire of the South”:__________________
 The Failure of Federal Enforcement
whites who collaborated with northern reconstructionists)
_______________ The Abandonment of Reconstruction
_______________ Election of ____________
Republicans: _________________________, Governor of Ohio
Democrats: ____________________ (NY), a reform politician
Popular Vote: ___________ 4,300,000, _________ 4,034,000
Political Crisis of 1877
o 20 Electoral votes in dispute: OR, LA, FL, SC
o __________________ short one electoral vote
PoliPolitical Crisis: The Compromise of ____________________
 Electoral Commission determined victor
Hayes declared winner, nicknamed His Fraudulency or ____________________Hayes
Hayes would not seek 2 term
Military withdrew from south
_______________ Spend federal funds for internal improvements in South
Results: Poll taxes, literacy tests, and “___________________ clauses” deny Black vote.
 Benjamin “Pap” _________________
 Migration to Kansas
_______________ T. Washington, former slave
 Founder of Tuskegee Institute
 Became leading Black Spokesman
 Atlanta Compromise
 Abandon fight for political and social rights in order to receive financial support for
 Education, job skills, economic equality first
_______________________________________, 1896
“separate but equal” doctrine
Legalized segregation---upheld Black Codes & southern segregation
January 1: President Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that the majority of the
nation's slave population "henceforth shall be free."
December 8: President Lincoln announces the 10 Percent Plan
1865 Jan.-June
January 16: Sherman issues Special Field Order 15, 40 acres & a mule
January 31: The Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery throughout the Union, wins Congressional approval and
is sent to the states for ratification. By the end of February, 18 states will ratify the amendment.
March: Freedmen's Bureau
April: In Lincoln's last speech, he mentions black suffrage for soldiers and some others. The Civil War ends when
Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrenders to Union general Ulysses S. Grant. Six days later, President Lincoln is
assassinated, and his vice president, Southern Democrat Andrew Johnson, becomes president.
May: President Johnson announces his plan of Presidential Reconstruction.
1865 July – Dec.
August/September: President Johnson shows growing leniency toward the white Southdeclaring, "white men alone
must manage the South."
Fall: Southern states elect former Confederates to public office at the state and national levels, drag their feet in
ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment, and refuse to extend the vote to black men. Southern legislatures begin
drafting "Black Codes" to re-establish white supremacy.
December: President Johnson declares the reconstruction process complete. Outraged, Radical Republicans in
Congress refuse to recognize new governments in Southern states. More than sixty former Confederates arrive to
take their seats in Congress, & they are denied their seats.
The Union Army is quickly demobilized. From a troop strength of one million on May 1, only 152,000 Union soldiers
remain in the South by the end of 1865
March 2: Radical Reconstruction, divide the South into military districts and require the states to adopt new
constitutions, introduce black suffrage, and ratify the 14th Amendment.
July 31: President Andrew Johnson tells Ulysses S. Grant that he intends to fire Secretary of War Edwin Stanton,
Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act, Congress has weakened the president's control of the army through the
Command of the Army Act,
May 16: Andrew Johnson becomes the first president to be impeached by a House of Congress, but he avoids
conviction and retains his office by a single vote. He will not get the Democratic nomination in the upcoming
presidential election.
June/July: Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina & Alabama readmitted to Union.
July 28: The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is finally ratified.
September: Black elected officials are ousted from the Georgia state legislature;
November 3: Grant is elected president. Newly enfranchised black men in South cast 700,000 votes..
The Freedmen's Bureau tallies nearly 3,000 schools, serving over 150,000 students, in the South.
February 26: Congress passes the Fifteenth Amendment, It is sent to the states for ratification.
January/March: Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas are readmitted to the Union.
February 3: The 15th Amendment is ratified.
July 15: Georgia is the last former Confederate state to be readmitted to the Union.
May 22: Grant signs amnesty bill, only few hundred former Confederates excluded from political privileges.
March 1: Lame Duck Republican Congress passes the Civil Rights Bill of 1875, prohibiting segregation in public
facilities. The law will stand only until 1883, when the U.S. Supreme Court will strike it down.
March 4: Following disputed presidential contest Republicans agree to abandon Reconstruction policies in
exchange for the presidency. Reconstruction policies officially end.
July: In response to Lincoln's plan, Congress passes its own, the Wade-Davis Bill.
In Plessy v. Ferguson the Supreme court rules segregation is legal and establishes the “separate but equal” rule.