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Modern World History ACP
2015 Final Exam Preparation Guide
Test Date
Thurs June 16, 2016
Green Block:
Tan Block:
Monday June 20, 2016
Blue Block: 8:00-10:15
You are expected to be in my classroom (409) by the start time of the exam as we will be using the
entire two hours and fifteen minutes. When you come into the classroom, you will not be able to
leave the room until the exam session has ended. This means, that you MUST use the restroom, go
to the nurse, call your mom, etc. before you come to class. Per order of the ADMINISTRATION I
will not be allowed to let you leave!
The WHS Administration states:
Under no circumstances should students leave the exam room until the bell rings.
*If you have accommodations, it is your responsibility to speak with me about accessing them!! I am more than willing
to schedule additional time and/or a computer for the essay as long as it is scheduled in advance of finals week (prior to
June 10th)*
You must come to the exam with:
● your textbook or money to pay for your textbook ($_______). You will not be given a final
course grade until you have paid for or returned your book. You will receive an Incomplete
as you haven’t completed the expectations of the course
● a #2 pencil for the objective portion of your exam
● a document that has ONLY your claim (1 sentence) & topic sentences (3 sentences) for your
essay. This will be turned in with the exam.
● marked up primary source for participation in the discussion portion of the exam.
Format of the Exam
Section One: Objective Portion 50%
● You will answer multiple-choice questions (60-70) as well as a series of questions based off
the reading of a document (5-7 questions).
Section Two: Oral Expression and Group Discussion 10%
● Prior to the exam you will be randomly assigned a primary source which you will prepare by:
○ Researching the context of when the document was written: essentially know what
was going on at the time, important events, people that it might have influenced or
been influenced by.
○ Determining the author’s main point: why was this document written? What is the
documents purpose? What is it saying?
■ Analyze the document’s significance in history (within curriculum or the
world today). Be able to evaluate how the document is part of a greater
narrative of modern world history.
○ During the exam you will be called to the hallway in groups of three-four to have a
discussion about your primary sources. You will share your source and what you
see as its significance. You will then work with your group to synthesize your
individual arguments for each source to construct a larger thesis about how your
sources cohere as evidence of a greater narrative of modern world history.
Section Three: Five-Paragraph Essay 40%
● You will write a five paragraph analytical essay that presents an original argument based on
one of the questions that you choose.
● You may prepare your central claim and three sub claim to use during the essay portion of
the exam. You may ONLY prepare the above. If you come to the exam with anything else
written on the paper, it will be considered cheating and will result in a zero!
● You must use two different time periods/eras/units in your essay. At least ONE section that
you discuss must be from the first semester and at least ONE must be from the second
semester. (see below for more details)
Essay questions to choose from:
● How and why do certain nations of the globe experience political, economic, or
military success while others seem to be forced to the periphery?
If power was defined by empires in the 19th century, then why was the nation-state
the dominant political model by the end of the 20th century?
Considering our studies over the course of the school year, what factor was most
significant in causing global conflict?
Essay requirements:
1. An introduction that sets the scene and puts your essay into context. The last sentence of
your introduction should be a clear, concise underlined central claim (thesis statement)
2. 3 analytical body paragraphs with
○ Sub claims that present a mini-claim that connects to your larger claim
○ transition sentences
○ specific evidence that supports your claims (an analytical body paragraph needs to
present evidence from each semester- and then the third paragraph can be from
either semester. Want to think carefully about order of sub claims so that the essay
is the most persuasive and easy to follow/understand)
■ First Semester:
19 th century & the Foundations of the Modern World
Nationalism and Imperialism
World War I
■ Second Semester:
Rise of Totalitarianism
World War II
Cold War
○ thoughtful reasoning for how your evidence supports your claims (analysis)
3. A concluding paragraph
Modern World History ACP
Final Study Guide-2016
Reminder: This is just a guide highlighting the major topics/themes from the year. ALL
material is fair game for the final!!
Development of New Ideas and Economic Systems
Effects of industrialization on the environment
and the workplace
Major thinkers of the time period
Adam Smith
Karl Marx & Frederick Engels
Major Economic Systems
Communism/Class Struggle
Political Spectrum & Ideologies
How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to
the development of new economic systems?
How did the IR impact the modern era? How
did the economic theories that emerged from the
changes of the early 19th century impact how
people interacted with each other?
How did the Industrial Revolution affect the
class system?
Who were the major political thinkers of the
19th century and what were their visions for
How were socialism and communism a reaction
to the societal changes stemming from the
Industrial Revolution?
Nationalism & Self-Determination
Congress of Vienna
● Conservative ideology established in
● Liberal reactions (Revolutions 1848)
Effects of Nationalism
● Unification of Germany
Bismarck/Wilhem I
● Japanese Nationalism
Meiji Restoration
Breakdown of European Empires
● Austria-Hungary
● Ottoman Empire
How did the political climate in Europe in the
19th century influence the development of
How and why were the principles of realpolitik
used by European leaders in the late nineteenth
How can nationalism be both constructive and
If, in the first half of the 19th century,
nationalism emerged as a means of liberal
emancipation, then how by the end of the 19th
century did it become a tool of political and
social control?
Define imperialism
Colonialism in Africa
o Scramble for Africa
British Imperialism in India
o Sepoy Rebellion & British Control
Imperialism in China
o Opium wars
o Spheres of Influences
Japan as an imperial power
o Korea
What were the motives for European New
How did imperialist countries conquer and rule
over foreign land?
Road to War and World War I
Analyze the importance of the underlying causes
of the war
● Economic and national rivalries
● Ethnic conflict
● Militarism
● Imperialism
● Alliance system
Explain how massive industrial production and
innovations in military technology affected
strategy, tactics, and the scale and duration of the
● Total War
Armenian Genocide
● Stalemate
● War of attrition
● Power and scale of mechanized war
● Poison gas, long range weaponry, trench
warfare, u-boats, etc.
● Key battles
All Quiet on the Western Front
Paris Peace Conference
● Wilson/Clemenceau/Lloyd George
Collapse of empires & development of new
Response to the war’s settlement
Treaty of Versailles
Treatment of Germany/War Guilt
Russian Revolution
What was the role of nationalism in WWI and in
its aftermath?
What impact did the war have on the future
course of the twentieth century?
What were the immediate and underlying causes
that led to the Great War?
What conditions existed in the major European
countries pre-WWI that led these countries to
What strategies and new technology did the
Central and Allied powers use?
What major factors led to the end of WWI?
How did the events of WWI contribute to the
Armenian Genocide?
What were the conflicting aims and aspirations
of those that attended the Paris Peace
Interwar Years
Identify reasons for the rise of fascism
● Italy
● Germany
Dissatisfaction with Versailles Treaty
Explain how Hitler and the Nazis
consolidated power, creating an
authoritarian state
“master race” and its consequence
● Rise of Japanese Militarism
● Soviet Union
Describe how Stalin disrupted and
transformed Soviet society
Stalin’s Totalitarian Rule
Collectivization and Five Year Plans
Propaganda and terror
Why were individuals willing to give up their free
will and voice in government for authoritarian
How did the vision of democracy for a post-war
world fail during the inter-war period?
World War II
Analyze the causes of WWII
● Appeasement
● Quest for empire
○ Italy, Germany and Japan
Explain the major turning points of the War and
describe the principle theaters of conflict (Pacific
and European)
WWII Settlements: Yalta and Potsdam
Atomic bomb
Holocaust and acts of resistance
What events led to the outbreak of WWII?
Which battles decisively turned the tide of WWII
toward the Allied Victory?
What accounts for the level of atrocity during
World War II?
How did the wartime peace conferences establish
peace after WWII and set the stage for the Cold
Cold War
What is the Cold War?
Tensions of the Cold War
Key dates, people, events of the country you were
responsible for learning about for our final
How did conflicting interests of the allied powers
of WWII lead to the Cold War?
How did the U.S. and Soviet Union use other
countries in their quest for ideological
dominance? What was the impact on these