Download Imperialism Grid File - Northwest ISD Moodle

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With a partner (or solo), you are to create 3x3 grid on your paper. Within each box, you will find the following
information regarding imperialism. Each square represents 10 points for a total of 90 points. The final 10 points will be
pulled from an oral evaluation on Monday, February 22 for a total of 100 points.
AFRICA (1.5)
Imperial Relationships--Britain: South Africa / Britain: Egypt / France: West Africa / Belgium: The Congo
-Why did Europe enter into these places? Why hadn’t they gone there sooner?
-What was the economic, social and political impact of imperialism on Africa (list them separately).
-Evaluate whether imperialism did more to help or hurt people in Africa between 1800 and 1914. How?
-Explain how the abolition of the slave trade led to European imperialism in Africa
**Make sure you have included the significance of: Scramble for Africa, Shaka Zulu, Berlin Conference, & Boer War
ASIA (1.5)
-Analyze the economic, social and political impact of imperialism on Asia (list them separately).
-Why did Europe enter in to these places? Why hadn’t they gone there sooner?
-Define the role nationalism played in Asian interactions and explain how it led to European imperialism in Asia
-Did imperialism do more to help or hurt Asians, 1800-1920? How so?
**Japan: Meiji Restoration, Matthew Perry, Sino-Japanese War
**China: Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, Opium War, Treaty of Nanjing, Open Door Policy
Analyze the economic, social and political impacts of imperialism in India (list them separately).
-Why did Britain have a presence in India?
-Explain the role of the British East India Company in India.
-Sepoy Mutiny - explain how the Sepoy Mutiny led to European expansion into India.
-Explain U.S. involvement in the Cuban Independence Movement.
**Significance: Economic Imperialism in Hawaii, Manifest Destiny, U.S. presence in L. America (political and economic)
-Why were they in these places? What was the outcome?
-What were the attitudes of the British about the people they imperialized?
**Significance: Nationalism, White Man’s Burden, Industrial Revolution, Mechanized Technology
-Explain how nationalism led to the rise of Social Darwinism
-Explain forms of Western intervention in Latin America, Africa, OR Southeast Asia
-Explain the causes and consequences of the rise of nationalism in 19th-century Europe (list three for each)
BIG PICTURE QUESTIONS (provide 2-3 examples for each)
-How did nationalism impact individuals within their nations?
-How did Western Industrial powers gain global empires?
-What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism on Africa, South Asia and the Americas?
-How did imperialism affect the relationship between countries of Western Europe and Asia?
Create a metaphor, satirical cartoon, map, advertisement or other image that represents an imperial relationship from
the 1750-1900 period.