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Celestial Objects
What are celestial objects?
Celestial objects are any objects outside
or above Earth’s atmosphere.
Origin and Age of the Universe
Universe-- anything that exists in any place
Big Bang TheoryTheory- the universe started as a
small area of concentrated matter and energy
that exploded 10 to 17 billion years ago and
has been expanding ever since
Evidence for the Big Bang
Background radiationradiation- energy
(microwaves) from the explosion found in
all parts of the universe
Evidence for the Big Bang
b. Doppler effecteffect- the wavelength
shifting of electromagnetic energy
caused by the motion between the
energy source and the observer
(Earth and the star)
Doppler Effect
Light Spectrum
Evidence for the Big Bang
a) red shiftshift- shift toward longer red
wavelengths of energy showing that an
object is moving AWAY from Earth
1) the farther away the galaxy, the
greater the red shift
2) almost all galaxies show a red shiftshiftproof that the universe is expanding
(Edwin Hubble was the first to realize this!)
Evidence for the Big Bang
b) blue shiftshift- shift toward shorter blue
wavelengths of energy showing that an
object is moving TOWARD Earth
Evidence for the Big Bang
Some objects are BlueBlue-shifted on one
side, RedRed-shifted on the other
Indicates the object is ROTATING
Doppler Effect
Structure of the Universe
Galaxies-collections of billions of stars
Galaxiesand various amounts of gas and dust held
together by gravity
There are over 100 billion stars in a galaxy
and there are over 100 billion galaxies.
Classified by shape: elliptical, irregular , spiral
Milky Way Galaxy
Galaxy-- our spiral shaped galaxy
with over 200 billion stars
Star Sizes
Scale drawing of the relative sizes of
planets and moons in the solar system
Distances in Space
Astronomical Unit:
Unit: 149,597,870.691 km; the
average distance from the Earth to the Sun. At
100 miles per hour (160 kph)
kph) it would take over
100 years to go 1 AU.
Year: 9.46053 x 1012 km
(5,880,000,000,000 miles = 63,239 AU); the
distance traveled by light in a year
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