... September 20–24 (UT). Conditions during this period ranged from clear and dry (September 20 and 24) to light cirrus and clouds (September 21–23 ), and seeing was poor (e1>5) on September 20 and 23, but excellent (d100 ) on the remaining nights. Pairs of 15 s integrations were obtained for each objec ...
... September 20–24 (UT). Conditions during this period ranged from clear and dry (September 20 and 24) to light cirrus and clouds (September 21–23 ), and seeing was poor (e1>5) on September 20 and 23, but excellent (d100 ) on the remaining nights. Pairs of 15 s integrations were obtained for each objec ...
Development of a Software Package for the Reduction and Analysis
... project. This thesis would not have been successful without you. I want to thank Robert Cobain for collaborating with us, and letting us use his meteor data, without which this thesis would not be possible. I want to thank Geoff Coxhead and Martin Murphy for setting up and maintaining the meteor sta ...
... project. This thesis would not have been successful without you. I want to thank Robert Cobain for collaborating with us, and letting us use his meteor data, without which this thesis would not be possible. I want to thank Geoff Coxhead and Martin Murphy for setting up and maintaining the meteor sta ...
The XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey
... spurious galaxy or star identifications: only those stars or galaxies falling by chance close to an X-ray source whose real counterpart is weak (e.g weaker than the DSS limit) have the possibility of being considered the counterpart by mistake. Since the majority (∼90%) of the real counterparts are ...
... spurious galaxy or star identifications: only those stars or galaxies falling by chance close to an X-ray source whose real counterpart is weak (e.g weaker than the DSS limit) have the possibility of being considered the counterpart by mistake. Since the majority (∼90%) of the real counterparts are ...
Galaxy Assembly through Mergers
... to make me smile and a word to comfort me. Thank you for being my safe haven. My friends have been the backbone of my life, especially in the last few years. Ana and Pedro, my partners in crime, thank you for bearing with me in the most turbulent of times, never leaving my side. I thank you for the ...
... to make me smile and a word to comfort me. Thank you for being my safe haven. My friends have been the backbone of my life, especially in the last few years. Ana and Pedro, my partners in crime, thank you for bearing with me in the most turbulent of times, never leaving my side. I thank you for the ...
The Lupus clouds - European Southern Observatory
... quantities that depend on the square of the distance, such as the mass of clouds and cores or the luminosity of its member stars. Some of the most highly discrepant values refer to specific clouds, suggesting that some parts of the complex might be unrelated to the rest (Knude & Nielsen 2001). Howev ...
... quantities that depend on the square of the distance, such as the mass of clouds and cores or the luminosity of its member stars. Some of the most highly discrepant values refer to specific clouds, suggesting that some parts of the complex might be unrelated to the rest (Knude & Nielsen 2001). Howev ...
Niraj D. Welikala Thesis - D-Scholarship@Pitt
... the scale of individual pixels in galaxy images. Spectral energy distributions are constructed, sampling a wide range of properties such as age, star formation rate (SFR), dust obscuration and metallicity. By summing the SFRs in the pixels, I show that, as found in other studies, the distribution of ...
... the scale of individual pixels in galaxy images. Spectral energy distributions are constructed, sampling a wide range of properties such as age, star formation rate (SFR), dust obscuration and metallicity. By summing the SFRs in the pixels, I show that, as found in other studies, the distribution of ...
An Atlas of Stellar Spectra
... measures. The observer himself is not always conscious of all the bases for his conclusion. The operation of spectral classification is similar. The observer must use good judgment as to the definiteness with which the identification can be made from the features available; but good judgment is nece ...
... measures. The observer himself is not always conscious of all the bases for his conclusion. The operation of spectral classification is similar. The observer must use good judgment as to the definiteness with which the identification can be made from the features available; but good judgment is nece ...
The correlation between galaxy morphology and star
... to ∼ 2-orbit depth within all five CANDELS fields. In this study, we use the 4-epoch ( about 2 orbits) CANDELS F160W(H-band) imaging that covers about 115 square arc minutes (∼ 2/3 of the whole GOODS-S) including the GOODS-S deep region, plus the ERS (Windhorst et al. 2011). This survey has a 5σ lim ...
... to ∼ 2-orbit depth within all five CANDELS fields. In this study, we use the 4-epoch ( about 2 orbits) CANDELS F160W(H-band) imaging that covers about 115 square arc minutes (∼ 2/3 of the whole GOODS-S) including the GOODS-S deep region, plus the ERS (Windhorst et al. 2011). This survey has a 5σ lim ...
Hubble 2006: Science Year in Review
... Cold War, being in many respects a copy of a KH-11 reconnaissance satellite. Hubble is just one of roughly a dozen large telescopes of similar design that have been lofted into orbit—but Hubble was designed to look up, not down. The heart of Hubble is its 2.4-m mirror. While small by the standards o ...
... Cold War, being in many respects a copy of a KH-11 reconnaissance satellite. Hubble is just one of roughly a dozen large telescopes of similar design that have been lofted into orbit—but Hubble was designed to look up, not down. The heart of Hubble is its 2.4-m mirror. While small by the standards o ...
On the characterisation of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era
... from them. You both are the best teachers any student can ask for. Thank you Francesca for all of your support and patience, aspiring guidance and immense knowledge. You always made time to help and advise me. I have been a pleasure for me to work with you. Also, I really appreciate you being so sen ...
... from them. You both are the best teachers any student can ask for. Thank you Francesca for all of your support and patience, aspiring guidance and immense knowledge. You always made time to help and advise me. I have been a pleasure for me to work with you. Also, I really appreciate you being so sen ...
my dissertation (PhD. Thesis) - Argelander
... stages of galaxies looked like long (several Gigayear) ago. However these objects are very far away, and thus appear very small and faint, so that observational constrictions blur the picture severely. Thusfar only minor evolutionary changes have been found by looking into the distant past (see e.g. ...
... stages of galaxies looked like long (several Gigayear) ago. However these objects are very far away, and thus appear very small and faint, so that observational constrictions blur the picture severely. Thusfar only minor evolutionary changes have been found by looking into the distant past (see e.g. ...
constellations - Richmond and Glen Allen Weather
... 2. The least desirable time to observe the constellations is when the moon, brighter than a quarter phase, is visible in the sky during your time of observation. A full moon will prevent you from seeing sixth, fifth and fourth magnitude stars. Even third magnitude stars in the direction of the moon ...
... 2. The least desirable time to observe the constellations is when the moon, brighter than a quarter phase, is visible in the sky during your time of observation. A full moon will prevent you from seeing sixth, fifth and fourth magnitude stars. Even third magnitude stars in the direction of the moon ...
Astronomy Astrophysics
... number of member stars Nmem . Each star was ranked according to the number of times it survived after all runs (survival frequency), and only the Nmem highest ranked stars were taken as cluster members. For the present cases we obtained survival frequencies higher than 85%. More details about t ...
... number of member stars Nmem . Each star was ranked according to the number of times it survived after all runs (survival frequency), and only the Nmem highest ranked stars were taken as cluster members. For the present cases we obtained survival frequencies higher than 85%. More details about t ...
Abstract The Star Formation History of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
... poorly constrained. These objects tend to be rather blue, contradicting the initial impression that they may simply be faded remnants of higher surface brightness galaxies whose star formation has finished. Other scenarios span a broad range: a young mean age, less dust, a lower metallicity, perhaps ...
... poorly constrained. These objects tend to be rather blue, contradicting the initial impression that they may simply be faded remnants of higher surface brightness galaxies whose star formation has finished. Other scenarios span a broad range: a young mean age, less dust, a lower metallicity, perhaps ...
Colour-magnitude diagrams of the post
... Abstract. We present photometry of the globular clusters NGC 6256 in V , I, NGC 6717, NGC 6256 in V , I, and NGC 6717 in B, V , obtaining cluster parameters. NGC 6256 has a post core-collapse structure, while such feature is suspected for NGC 6717. Both clusters are projected on the bulge. From the ...
... Abstract. We present photometry of the globular clusters NGC 6256 in V , I, NGC 6717, NGC 6256 in V , I, and NGC 6717 in B, V , obtaining cluster parameters. NGC 6256 has a post core-collapse structure, while such feature is suspected for NGC 6717. Both clusters are projected on the bulge. From the ...
365 days of SKYWATCHING
... If you are new to astronomy, perhaps one of the most difficult and daunting parts about beginning is learning all those stars. Relax! It’s a lot easier than you think. Just like moving to a new city, everything will seem unfamiliar at first, but with a little help from some maps, you’ll soon be finding ...
... If you are new to astronomy, perhaps one of the most difficult and daunting parts about beginning is learning all those stars. Relax! It’s a lot easier than you think. Just like moving to a new city, everything will seem unfamiliar at first, but with a little help from some maps, you’ll soon be finding ...
Earth Centered Universe Pro V6.0
... use one copy of the Software on one computer for use by any one person at a time. You are additionally permitted to install and use the Software on a second computer, provided this second computer is owned by the licensee or used exclusively by the licensee (for example, a notebook computer used in ...
... use one copy of the Software on one computer for use by any one person at a time. You are additionally permitted to install and use the Software on a second computer, provided this second computer is owned by the licensee or used exclusively by the licensee (for example, a notebook computer used in ...
Probing nuclear activity versus star formation at z ∼ 0.8 using near
... Barmby et al. (2006) in the X-rays, using Chandra data from Nandra et al. (2005) and XMM–Newton data from Waskett et al. (2004). Barmby et al. (2006) considered only the 152 X-ray sources lying within the boundaries of the Spitzer observations with a limiting full-band flux (0.5–10 keV) of 2 × 10−15 ...
... Barmby et al. (2006) in the X-rays, using Chandra data from Nandra et al. (2005) and XMM–Newton data from Waskett et al. (2004). Barmby et al. (2006) considered only the 152 X-ray sources lying within the boundaries of the Spitzer observations with a limiting full-band flux (0.5–10 keV) of 2 × 10−15 ...
environmental effects on galaxy evolution in nearby clusters
... for comparative studies. By combining for the first time GALEX UV observations with optical, near and far infrared data, the evolutionary history of cluster galaxies is studied. The main goals of this thesis are: (a) The study of the dependence of the UV emission of galaxies from their morphological ...
... for comparative studies. By combining for the first time GALEX UV observations with optical, near and far infrared data, the evolutionary history of cluster galaxies is studied. The main goals of this thesis are: (a) The study of the dependence of the UV emission of galaxies from their morphological ...
Strongly suggested reading: The Milky Way`s stellar disk
... coupled with the stars’ photospheric element abundances and constraints on their ages. We know that in principle this enormous wealth of information about the stellar body of our Galaxy holds a key to recognizing and understanding some of the mechanisms that create and evolve disk galaxies. And it h ...
... coupled with the stars’ photospheric element abundances and constraints on their ages. We know that in principle this enormous wealth of information about the stellar body of our Galaxy holds a key to recognizing and understanding some of the mechanisms that create and evolve disk galaxies. And it h ...
Brightest Stars : Discovering the Universe Through the Sky`s Most
... star’s environment of season and constellations, of earth and the sky. Each profile also offers the lore and legends connected with the star, for these are a measure of what the human race as a whole has found interesting and individual about the star. A key part of each profile, of course, is also ...
... star’s environment of season and constellations, of earth and the sky. Each profile also offers the lore and legends connected with the star, for these are a measure of what the human race as a whole has found interesting and individual about the star. A key part of each profile, of course, is also ...
... that LGRBs track an exponential light distribution. In addition to the tension between the results of previous studies, and the relatively small samples used in these studies, it is important to note other potential challenges. First, the aforementioned studies were based on LGRB samples collected f ...
... that LGRBs track an exponential light distribution. In addition to the tension between the results of previous studies, and the relatively small samples used in these studies, it is important to note other potential challenges. First, the aforementioned studies were based on LGRB samples collected f ...
Revising the census of low luminosity AGN
The most metal-poor galaxies
... why we have adopted throughout this review the working hypothesis that galaxies with metallicity below 1/10 Z⊙ will be considered as very metal deficient. Therefore galaxies like the Magellanic clouds will not be our main interest in this paper. Moreover, such a limit means that this review will be ...
... why we have adopted throughout this review the working hypothesis that galaxies with metallicity below 1/10 Z⊙ will be considered as very metal deficient. Therefore galaxies like the Magellanic clouds will not be our main interest in this paper. Moreover, such a limit means that this review will be ...
Galaxies - hwchemistry
... distant galaxy, astronomers rush to observe it. – Studies show that type Ia supernovae—caused by the collapse of a white dwarf—all reach about the same absolute magnitude at maximum. – By searching for Cepheids and other distance indicators in nearby galaxies where type Ia supernovae have occurred, ...
... distant galaxy, astronomers rush to observe it. – Studies show that type Ia supernovae—caused by the collapse of a white dwarf—all reach about the same absolute magnitude at maximum. – By searching for Cepheids and other distance indicators in nearby galaxies where type Ia supernovae have occurred, ...
Malmquist bias
The Malmquist bias is an effect in observational astronomy which leads to the preferential detection of intrinsically bright objects. It was first described in 1922 by Swedish astronomer Gunnar Malmquist (1893–1982), who then greatly elaborated upon this work in 1925. In statistics, this bias is referred to as a selection bias and affects the survey results in a brightness limited survey, where stars below a certain apparent brightness are not included. Since observed stars and galaxies appear dimmer when farther away, the brightness that is measured will fall off with distance until their brightness falls below the observational threshold. Objects which are more luminous, or intrinsically brighter, can be observed at a greater distance, creating a false trend of increasing intrinsic brightness, and other related quantities, with distance. This effect has led to many spurious claims in the field of astronomy. Properly correcting for these effects has become an area of great focus.