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SCCS AP Biology
Summer 2016 Assignment
Welcome to AP Biology. This will be the toughest course you have ever taken, and
through it, God will use it to grow your knowledge of Him, of what He has made,
and of your abilities that He has given you. I pray that you are challenged and
excited by that prospect.
This summer, you will work through the first 3 chapters of your textbook. What
follows is a packet for you to complete as you read through the chapters. Answer
questions and draw diagrams as directed. If you use a source other than your
textbook to answer a question, list the source.
This completed packet is due the second day of school, Tuesday, August 16, 2016.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].
Happy studying!
1. The chapter opens with a description of the tuatara. What is a “living fossil”?
2. Many scientists believe ancestors of the tuatara lived how long ago?
3. We will encounter many examples of evolutionary theory in this course. It is
important that you consider who God is and what He has done. Many
scientists do not regard God, and have come to incorrect conclusions about
God and about the world we live in. How can we glorify God in our study of
the world around us?
4. Section 1.1: Define “biology”.
5. 1.1: List basic differences among these 5 groups of living things: bacteria,
protists, fungi, plants, and animals.
6. 1.1: List the levels of organization, from smallest (atom) to largest
(biosphere). For each level, list an example.
7. 1.1: Define “emergent properties”.
What are 5 SEPARATE properties of different parts of a car?
What are a car’s EMERGENT properties?
8. 1.1: List the 5 characteristics of living things, and give a specific example of
each characteristic.
9. Section 1.2: This section introduces the theory of evolution. Because living
things share many similarities, what do many scientists conclude?
10. 1.2: What does an evolutionary tree show?
11. 1.2: Define “taxonomy”.
12. 1.2: Define “systematics”.
13. 1.2: List the classification categories (taxa), from most general to most
14. 1.2: All living things are classified into one of 3 domains. What are the 3
Which 2 domains contain prokaryotes?
What are prokaryotes?
Eukarya contains all the eukaryotes. What sets eukaryotes apart from
What do Eukarya and Archaea have in common?
15. 1.2: What are the four major groups (kingdoms) within Domain Eukarya?
16. 1.2: An organism’s scientific name consists of how many words?
Look up and list the scientific names for the following organisms: goldfish,
olive tree, earthworm, domestic dog, dandelion
17. 1.2: Another big idea in evolutionary theory is “common descent with
a. Define “common descent”.
b. Define “with modification”.
18. 1.2: Evolutionists consider the process of natural selection as the driving
force for causing organisms to change over time. Describe “natural selection”
in your own words.
Explain why mutations are an important part of natural selection:
Notice the last few statements in Section 1.2. How does this contradict what
God tells us in His Word?
19. Section 1.3: Define “biosphere”.
How many species are represented in a population?
Are more than one species represented in a community?
How is a community different from an ecosystem?
20. 1.3: How does the path of of chemicals through the biosphere differ from
the flow of energy through the biosphere?
21. 1.3: List 4 components of biodiversity.
22. 1.3: Define “extinction”.
23. 1.3: Many scientists believe that there have been how many mass extinctions
in earth’s history?
Scientists arrive at this conclusion by looking at rock layers and other geological
24. Section 1.4: This sections outlines how we “do” science. This basic process
guides all the experimentation we will do in this course. The process is called
the “scientific method”. The steps don’t have to be done in a certain order,
but in any experiment, all the steps will be done at one point or another.
For each one of your senses, give an example of an observation you
could make, using that sense.
Define “inductive reasoning”:
Use inductive reasoning to make a conclusion about the following
observations: 1) It is 10:15am on the first day of school 2) There are no
people in the classroom, but the door has been left wide open
3) There is
water on the floor at the front of the classroom
4) There is the smell of
smoke lingering in the air in the classroom.
How is a “hypothesis” different from a “guess”?
Our first week of class, we will do an experiment in which you identify
test groups and the control group. For example, let’s say I’m testing the effect of
different wavelengths of light on a plant. My 3 test groups are plants grown in red
light, plants grown in green light, and plants grown in blue light. My control group
are plants grown in the dark. I find that plants grown in blue light grow taller than
plants grown in red or green light. What can I conclude if the control group plants
grow just as tall as the plants grown in blue light?
Define “data”.
25. 1.4: Read about the experiment that investigates the effectiveness of growing
pigeon pea plants as a natural fertilizer vs. the effectiveness of using man-made
a. How many test groups are there?
b. Describe the control group:
c. From the results graphed on p.15, what do you conclude?
1. Everything, including the air we breathe, and our own bodies, is made of
chemicals. In this chapter, you will study the chemistry of living things.
What two chemical elements make up water?
2. Section 2.1: Define “matter” and list its 3 states.
3. 2.1: Define a chemical “element” and state how many are found in nature.
4. 2.1: List the 6 most common elements in living things.
5. 2.1: Define “atom”.
6. 2.1: How many letters are in an atomic symbol?
7. 2.1: What 3 types of particles make up an atom?
8. 2.1: Define “electron shell”.
9. 2.1: How does “atomic number” differ from “mass number”?
10. 2.1: We use mass, because depending on where you are in the universe,
an object’s weight may change. Its mass will not. Give an example of this.
11. 2.1: Draw the symbol for oxygen, with mass number 16 and atomic
number 8.
12. 2.1: How do you determine the number of neutrons in an atom?
13. 2.1: Determine the number of neutrons for an oxygen atom, mass
number 16 and atomic number 8.
14. 2.1: How do isotopes of an element differ from each other?
15. 2.1: An atom’s electrons are organized into electron shells. What is the
energy level of electrons in shells that are distant from the nucleus of an
atom, compared to the energy level of electrons close to the nucleus?
16. 2.1: What does the “octet rule” state?
17. 2.1: What is a “valence shell”?
The drive for stability determines if an atom gives up or takes electrons from
other atoms.
18. Section 2.2: What is the difference between a molecule and a
Is every compound a molecule?
Is every molecule a compound?
19. 2.2: How many carbon atoms are in one molecule of glucose?
How many total atoms are in one molecule of glucose?
20. 2.2: What is the chemical symbol for sodium?
Sodium has 1 electron in its valence shell. Why would it tend to give up that
electron to another atom? (What is sodium left with, if it gives up that atom?)
21. 2.2: Chlorine has 7 electrons in its valence shell. Why would chlorine
tend to take an electron from another atom?
22. 2.2: If sodium gives up an electron, what is its charge? (+, -, or neutral)
If chlorine takes an electron, what is its charge?
23. 2.2: Why does sodium chloride form so easily when sodium is around
24. 2.2: What type of bond forms between sodium and chlorine?
25. 2.2: Covalent bonds form between atoms that BOTH need electrons in
order to fill their valence shells. Hence, they end up SHARING electrons
between them. For example, let’s say you have 4 pencils and I have 4
pencils. We both want to have 6 pencils. So, you agree to share two of
your pencils with me, and I agree to share two of my pencils with you.
How many pencils can I call “mine”?
How many pencils can you call “yours”?
Covalent bonding gives both atoms the electrons that they need to be
26. 2.2: “Polar” covalent bonds result when the sharing of electrons between
two atoms is unequal. What is the charge of an electron?
What type of charge is an electron attracted to?
So, if one of the atoms in a bond has more protons in its nucleus than the
other atom, the electrons will be more attracted to that atom than to the
other atom.
27. Section 2.3: Water makes up 60% of your body by volume, and it covers
over 70% of the earth. In this section, you will study this vital molecule.
What is the chemical formula of water?
28. 2.3: Draw a water molecule, showing the electrons that belong to each
atom in the molecule. (4 electrons are shared between 2 atoms)
29. 2.3: How big is the angle that is formed by the atoms in a water
30. 2.3: What is a “hydrogen bond”?
31. 2.3: Hydrogen bonds constantly form and break among water molecules
as they move around each other. Is a hydrogen bond as strong as an ionic
bond or a covalent bond?
32. 2.3: Since water molecules are attracted to each other, it is difficult to
separate them. What is the term for separating molecules in solid form far
enough apart so that they become liquid?
What is the term for separating molecules in liquid form far enough apart
so that they become a gas?
33. 2.3: What unit do we use to measure units of heat energy?
34. 2.3: What is the difference between a solute and a solvent?
35. 2.3: What happens when you mix hydrophilic molecules with water?
36. 2.3: happens when you mix hydrophobic molecules with water?
37. 2.3: What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion?
38. 2.3: Surface tension is the attraction of liquid water molecules to each
other at the surface of a body of water. Give an example of a
phenomenon that we observe, due to the surface tension of water.
39. 2.3: What is less dense: solid water or liquid water?
This is highly unusual. For almost every other material, liquid is more dense
than solid. How does the fact that ice floats benefit aquatic life?
40. Section 2.4 Water molecules break up to form OH- (hydroxide) ions and
H+(hydrogen) ions. Draw each of those ions, showing the electrons that
belong to each atom.
41. 2.4: An acid produces more H+ atoms than there normally are in pure
water, when it is mixed with water. Give an example of an acid.
42. 2.4: A base produces fewer H+ atoms than there normally are in pure
water, when it is mixed with water. Give an example of a base.
43. 2.4: The pH scale allows us to consider tiny fractions (one one-millionth,
or one one-trillionth), without using a bunch of zero’s. A pH number of
“x” translates to the fraction of 1 / (10 to the power of x). So as the pH
number gets bigger, what happens to the value of the fraction that it
44. 2.4: So, a pH of 2 means the concentration of H+ atoms in solution is
(1/102), or 0.01. What is the concentration of H+ atoms in a solution of
pH 6?
45. 2.4: A buffer system in a living organism is a chemical reaction that runs
in the forward or in the reverse direction, depending on what the body
needs. Write the carbonic acid/bicarbonate ion buffer system equation:
When the body needs MORE H+ ions, would the equation run to the left or
to the right?
When the body needs FEWER H+ ions, would the equation run to the left or
to the right?
1. Introduction: In this chapter, you will consider 4 types of large molecules
that are common to all living things. Bacteria, plants, animals, and humans
all have these molecules in their cells. But even though they are large,
complex molecules, they are all made of small building blocks.
From Chapter 2, what is the smallest piece of matter?
How many types of elements are found in nature?
2. Section 3.1: What elements are found in an “organic” molecule?
The molecule can have other elements as well, but it DEFINITELY must
have those two.
3. 3.1: What are the 4 types of biomolecules?
4. 3.1: List 3 characteristics of a carbon atom that make it such a great
building block.
A carbon atom is like one of those LEGO pieces that is super useful… it can form
many connections with many other types of LEGO pieces.
5. 3.1: What is a “Hydrocarbon”? Draw an example of one, and give its
6. 3.1: When put into water, hydrocarbons often form what kind of shape?
7. 3.1: How do double bonds compare to single bonds in strength?
In flexibility?
8. 3.1: Define “functional group”.
The key thing about a functional group is that it ALWAYS reacts the same way in
solution, so you can predict what the molecule will do when it is put in a watery
environment, such as a cell.
9. 3.1: Functional groups on molecules often cause the molecules to be
polar, so what happens when you mix the molecules with water?
10. 3.1: How is a polymer related to a monomer?
11. 3.1: Describe what occurs in a dehydration reaction (why is it called
12. 3.1: Hydrolysis is the opposite of a dehydration reaction. Describe what
occurs in hydrolysis.
13. 3.1: What does an enzyme do?
Your body has several thousand different types of enzymes, and each one of
them performs a very specific chemical reaction.
14. Section 3.2: In all carbohydrates, the number of carbon atoms matches
the number of oxygen atoms, and the number of hydrogen atoms is twice
the number of carbon atoms. So, the ratio of carbon:hydrogen:oxygen is
1:2:1. What does the word “carbohydrate” literally mean?
15. 3.2: What are the small building blocks of a carbohydrate called?
These are small molecules of sugars. There are many types of sugars.
16. 3.2: What are long chains of monosaccharides called?
17. 3.2: What does “monosaccharide” literally mean?
18. 3.2: What functional group is common in sugars?
19. 3.2: Since this functional group is polar, sugars are polar molecules. If
you mix sugars with water, what happens?
20. 3.2: The sugar that our cells use for fuel is glucose. How many carbon
atoms does glucose have?
Cells break the bonds of glucose and convert that energy into what
molecule during cellular respiration?
21. 3.2: How many carbon atoms do ribose and deoxyribose sugars contain?
22. 3.2: What two sugars make up sucrose?
Sucrose is table sugar.
23. 3.2: What two sugars make up lactose?
24. 3.2: Plants store carbohydrates in what form?
25. 3.2: Animals and people store glucose in what form?
26. 3.2: Study the structure of cellulose, which is indigestible, and glucose,
which is easily digested. What is the difference in structure?
27. Section 3.3 Lipids
Lipids are NOT polar, so what happens when you
mix these with water?
28. 3.3: The main storage molecule for energy is a triglyceride. Basically, its
parts are one glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acid molecules. Does glycerol
have hydroxide groups? (-OH groups)
Why isn’t a triglyceride a polar molecule?
29. 3.3: Triglycerides can be saturated or unsaturated. Structurally, what is
the difference between the two types?
30. 3.3: Which type is liquid at room temperature?
Which is solid?
31. 3.3: Steroids are giant molecules consisting of how many fused rings?
What molecule are all steroids derived from? (all start from this molecule)
32. 3.3: Finally, what type of lipid molecule consists of a fatty acid combined
with an alcohol molecule?
33. Section 3.4: Proteins are the most diverse group of molecules… they do
ALL kinds of jobs in the body! List the 5 main types of protein function
listed in your book:
34. 3.4: What is the name of the type of bond that holds the building blocks
of a protein together?
35. 3.4: Another name for a protein molecule is a “polypeptide”, which
literally means “many peptides”. Do all proteins consist of only one
polypeptide chain?
36. 3.4: Besides the right order of peptides, what is another aspect of protein
structure that must be done exactly right in order for the protein to be able
to function correctly?
37. 3.4: Write the general structure of one amino acid:
How many groups are bonded to the central carbon?
List the 3 groups that are the same in every amino acid:
What do we call the group that varies from amino acid to amino acid?
38. 3.4: Proteins are described in different ways. The most basic description
of a protein is its sequence of amino acids. What level of structure is this?
39. 3.4: Secondary structure describes how the protein is folded or coiled.
What do we call the coiled areas in a protein?
What do we call the folded areas of a protein?
40. 3.4: Look up 5 examples of proteins that are found in your body. List
the function of each of the 5 proteins.
41. 3.4: Tertiary structure of a protein is describing the entire 3-D shape of
the protein. What is the term for a protein that has been heated to such a
high temperature that it loses its shape?
42. 3.4: Quaternary structure of a protein is describing the different chains
that make up the protein. How many polypeptide chains are part of a
hemoglobin molecule?
43. 3.4: What is the function of “chaperone proteins” in the cell?
44. Section 3.5: Nucleic acids function to store and transmit genetic
information. They are huge molecules, but they are made of repeated
units. What are the two basic types of nucleic acids?
45. 3.5: What are the 3 types of RNA?
46. 3.5: We will see that ATP, the molecule used to provide the cell with
energy for chemical reactions, looks a lot like a nucleotide, which is a
building block for nucleic acids. What do the letters ATP stand for?
47. 3.5: Which 4 nucleotides are found in DNA?
48. 3.5: Which 4 nucleotides are found in RNA?
49. 3.5: In DNA, which base always pairs up with adenine?
In DNA, Which base always pairs up with guanine?
50. 3.5: Describe 3 differences in structure between DNA and RNA.
51. 3.5: Draw a basic diagram of ATP.
When a cell wants to release the energy stored in an ATP molecule, what
bond does the cell break?
Draw the molecules that remain after energy is released from an ATP
Well done. You have finished the SCCS AP Biology Summer Assignment.
Make sure to turn in this completed packet on the second day of school
(Tuesday, August 16). This year will bring more hard work, but also some
fun. I look forward to spending this year with you!
See you in class, Mrs. Brenner