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Friday January 08, 2016
Perry High School
Notebook page: 10
Mr. Pomerantz__________________________________________________________________Page 1 of 2
Short answer: Give a complete sentence that best answers each question.
1.Refer to the illustration above.
a. What biological process is shown?
How many cells are present before the first division?
How many cells are present after the second division?
What do the small lines within the cells represent?
2.Consider the separation of homologues chromosomes.
a. Define “homologous chromosomes”.
In what stage of meiosis does the separation of homologues chromosomes occur?
Illustrate this occurrence by drawing a cell with two pairs of homologous chromosomes.
Explain or illustrate the difference between chromosomes and chromatids
Friday January 08, 2016
Perry High School
Notebook page: 10
Mr. Pomerantz__________________________________________________________________Page 2 of 2
3. Describe the difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of meiosis. Use the terms “chromosomes” and
“chromatids” in your explanation.
4. Consider crossing-over.
a. Describe or illustrate what occurs when crossing-over takes place.
What is the purpose of crossing-over?
In what stage of meiosis does crossing-over take place?
Do chromosomes have to be homologous for crossing-over to occur?
Using the information you have learned about cell reproduction, create answers to the questions below using a cell with a
diploid number of 4 chromosomes. For each question draw a clear cell diagram, complete with the proper number of
chromosomes. Number 5 is completed as an example.
5. Create a diagram of a cell at the beginning of mitosis.
6. Create a diagram of a cell at the end of meiosis I.
7. Create a diagram of a cell at the end of meiosis II
8. Create a diagram of a cell at the end of mitosis.
9. What term is used to describe the exchange of segments of DNA between the members of a homologous pair of
10. In what stage of meiosis do identical chromatids separate?