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Study Island
Copyright © 2014 Edmentum - All rights reserved.
Generation Date: 01/08/2014
Generated By: Jennifer Penczarski
Title: Eday 8th Science
1. Earthquakes are sudden motions that occur along breaks in the crust called _______.
A. volcanoes
B. mantles
C. cores
D. faults
2. As a rubber band is stretched, it acquires _______ potential energy.
A. chemical
B. gravitational
C. elastic
D. magnetic
3. What will likely happen to a species that cannot adapt to changing environmental conditions?
A. It will seek help from other organisms.
B. It will make its own environment.
C. It will thrive in any new condition.
D. It will become extinct.
4. When two objects are _______, friction is a force that _______ the motion of the objects.
A. not touching; operates against
B. not touching; enables
C. touching; enables
D. touching; operates against
5. Look at the Punnett square below.
What is the genotype of the flower in the bottom right corner?
A. blue flowers
B. white flowers
C. bb
D. Bb
The diagram above shows a vertical section of a hillside. Which of the formations in the hillside is the
A. igneous formation
B. limestone formation
C. shale formation
D. sandstone formation
7. Robbie is trying to learn as much as he can about a rock that he found. This particular rock contains
some fossils. What can Robbie learn from the fossils?
A. the relative age of the rock
B. whether or not the rock can float
C. whether the rock is a compound or an element
D. the mass of the rock
8. Which of the following correctly shows layers of the Earth in order from outside to inside?
A. Crust
Upper Mantle
B. Upper Mantle
C. Crust
Lower Mantle
Upper Mantle
D. Outer Core
Lower Mantle
Inner Core
Inner Core
Inner Core
Lower Mantle
Outer Core
Outer Core
Outer Core
Upper Mantle
Inner Core
Lower Mantle
9. Which of the following statements is true about evolution and diversity among organisms?
Only unicellular or simple multicellular organisms can evolve and become more diverse.
Individual organisms can evolve to have new traits over time, but those traits will not be
B. transferred to their offspring.
Only a change in a species' environment can cause the evolution of that species.
Both genetic variation and environmental factors can cause evolution and diversity of organisms.
10. Fossils similar to marine life found in the oceans today have been found in rocks on top of mountains.
How can this be explained?
A. The marine life can live on land or sea.
B. Marine organisms were once able to breathe air.
C. The rocks in which the fossils were found were formed under an ocean.
D. Marine organisms have evolved from land organisms.
Organism Group
Number of Species Number of Species
in 1910
in 2010
The table above compares the types and numbers of species in an ecosystem at two different points in time.
Based on this data,
even though biodiversity was different, the ecosystem was equally stable at both times.
the ecosystem was not stable at either time due to the absence of mammal species.
the ecosystem was more stable in 2010 due to less biodiversity at that time.
the ecosystem was more stable in 1910 due to more biodiversity at that time.
12. Greg is trying to push a box of books across the floor of his room. The box of books doesn't move
because the forces on the box are ____________. When his little brother walks in and starts pushing with
him, the box begins to slide across the floor. His brother's pushing, combined with his, makes the forces on
the box ______________.
A. not acting on the box; moving
B. unbalanced; balanced
C. balanced; unbalanced
D. shifting; still
13. Through the process of mitosis, a parent cell having 46 chromosomes ultimately produces daughter
cells that both have _______ chromosomes.
Through the process of meiosis, a parent cell having 46 chromosomes ultimately produces daughter cells
that all have _______ chromosomes.
A. 23; 46
B. 46; 92
C. 92; 46
D. 46; 23
In a certain plant, the gene for tall height (T) is dominant over the gene for short height (t). The Punnett
square shows the results of a cross between a pure tall plant and a pure short plant. What percentage of the
offspring would be tall plants?
A. 75%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%
15. Some valleys are formed by the movement of large bodies of ice. The ice changes the Earth's surface by
cutting into the earth, moving soil and sand, and pushing rocks and boulders as they slide along.
These large bodies of ice are called _______.
A. canyons
B. earthquakes
C. glaciers
D. mountains
16. The movement of Earth's tectonic plates is related to
A. phases of the Earth's Moon.
B. movements of materials in the mantle.
C. cycles of sunspots.
D. seasonal changes in weather systems.
17. Suppose a mother hamster has identical twins. One twin is fed grain and seeds, the other is fed
processed hamster food. Over time, the hamster twins begin to look different. What most likely caused the
difference in the characteristics that they show?
A. controlled breeding
B. inheriting different traits
C. natural selection
D. environmental differences
18. Between 1856 and 1863, Gregor Mendel conducted extensive experiments on thousands of pea plants.
His discoveries were among the first in the field of
A. geology.
B. astronomy.
C. ecology.
D. genetics.
19. Which of the following is true about the locations of earthquakes, volcanoes, and tectonic plate
Earthquakes are commonly located near plate boundaries, but volcanoes are not.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are both commonly located near plate boundaries.
Neither earthquakes nor volcanoes are located near plate boundaries.
Volcanoes are commonly located near plate boundaries, but earthquakes are not.
20. Which process is shown in the diagram below?
A. fertilization
B. respiration
C. metamorphosis
D. regulation
21. At noon on Saturday, Rob pulled a carton of ice cream from his 30°F freezer and set it on his kitchen
table where the temperature was 75°F. He put a thermometer into the ice cream and and observed the
change in temperature. Every time the temperature of the ice cream rose 3 degrees, he wrote down the time.
Which of the following questions was Rob MOST LIKELY trying to investigate?
How fast does ice cream go from freezer-temperature to room-temperature?
How long can I sit and watch ice cream melt?
How much ice cream melts every 10 minutes?
Is ice cream heavier when it is frozen or when it is melted?
22. Which of the following processes requires the production of gametes through meiosis?
A. sexual reproduction
B. photosynthesis
C. cellular respiration
D. asexual reproduction
23. Which of the following is a force that acts at a distance?
A. magnetism
B. static electricity
C. gravity
D. all of these
Image courtesy of Galileo Project, JPL, and NASA
The image above was taken by the Galileo spacecraft as it visited the asteroid belt on its way to Jupiter.
Shown in the image are two rocky-iron bodies. The large object on the left is an asteroid named Ida. The
object on the right, which measures only about 1 mile across, is named Dactyl.
Dactyl is a tiny moon that orbits the asteroid Ida. Dactyl orbits Ida due to
small differences in the objects' rocky-iron compositions.
the mutual gravitational attraction between the two objects.
the magnetic force field that defines the asteroid belt.
electrical energy transferred between the two objects.
25. The weathering of a tall mountain down into a low-lying hill is an example of a landform being
changed through a _______ process. The buildup of sand dunes by the deposition of sediment is an
example of landforms being created through a _______ process.
A. destructive; constructive
B. constructive; constructive
C. constructive; destructive
D. destructive; destructive
26. The offspring of a plant that reproduces asexually will
A. share all of the parent's characteristics.
B. be incapable of producing flowers.
C. develop fruit even if the parent did not.
D. fail to grow and develop normally.
27. A controlled scientific investigation determines the effect of a(n) _______ variable in an experiment.
A. dependent
B. independent
C. constant
D. fixed
28. Which of the following describes asexual reproduction?
A. The offspring is never identical to its parents.
B. The genes of different offspring can be very diverse.
C. All of the genes of the offspring comes from a single parent.
Half of the genes of the offspring come from one parent, and the other half comes from the other
29. Evidence related to which of the following earlier ideas led to the modern theory of plate tectonics?
A. the Big Bang theory and natural selection
B. biological evolution and the Big Bang theory
C. continental drift and seafloor spreading
D. seafloor spreading and atomic theory
Image modified from NASA/GSFC VAL
The image above shows a view of South Asia from space. Over millions of years, the Indian subcontinent,
which is part of the Indian tectonic plate, has been interacting with the Eurasian tectonic plate. This
interaction has produced both the uplifted Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya Mountains on the Eurasian
plate. Which of the following best describes this interaction?
The Indian subcontinent has been pushing into the Eurasian plate.
The Indian subcontinent has been moving in circles around the Eurasian Plate.
The Indian subcontinent and the Eurasian plate have been pulling away from each other.
The Indian subcontinent has been pulling away from the Eurasian plate.
31. Which of the following is an example of potential energy?
light energy
electromagnetic energy
energy due to the arrangement of atoms within substances
energy in a stretched rubber band
energy an object has due to its height
A. V only
B. II, III, and V only
C. I and IV only
D. III, IV, and V only
The scientist shown in the picture above
should be wearing a darker colored lab coat.
should be using both hands to operate the liquid dropper.
should not be using the liquid dropper indoors.
should be wearing protective gloves and safety goggles.
33. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good index fossil?
A. The organism lived only during a short part of Earth's history.
B. The organism was restricted to only one location on Earth.
C. Only one specimen of the fossil is found in a given rock layer.
D. The fossil closely resembles many other types of fossils.
34. Length measurement in the International System (SI) is expressed in
A. feet.
B. liters.
C. meters.
D. degrees Celsius.
Hair Color
Eye Color
Widow's Peak
Attached Attached
The table above summarizes traits for two parents and their child. The patterns evident in this data
demonstrate that
genetic information is passed only from fathers to offspring.
genetic information is passed from neither mothers nor fathers to offspring.
genetic information is passed from both parents to offspring.
genetic information is passed only from mothers to offspring.
36. Both of Pat's parents have brown eyes, but Pat has blue eyes. How is this possible?
A. Blue eyes are a recessive trait.
B. Pat has a genetic mutation.
C. Brown eyes are a recessive trait.
D. Two brown-eyed genes always create a blue-eyed gene.
37. Which scenario will result in offspring that have the greatest genetic diversity?
A bacterium divides every 20 minutes leading to exponential growth in its population.
A female salmon lays eggs that are fertilized by a male salmon and hatch into new fish.
A piece of a sea sponge breaks off, attaches in a new location, and grows into a new organism.
A single-celled amoeba splits into two separate cells, resulting in a new organism.
38. Two objects are placed near each other.
What affects how much gravitational force the objects will exert on each other?
the objects' surface areas and the distance between them
the objects' masses and their surface areas
the objects' shapes and colors
the objects' masses and the distance between them
39. Which of the following can accumulate over successive generations to contribute to biological
changes in organisms' structures
changes in the functions of organisms' body parts
changes in organisms' behaviors
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II only
D. I and III only
What force MOST LIKELY had the greatest effect in creating this sea arch?
A. wave erosion
B. sun exposure
C. rain erosion
D. human digging