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Constructive and Destructive Standards Vertical
Alignment – 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, High School
Grade Level
S2E3. Students will
observe and record changes
in their surroundings and
infer the causes of the
a. Recognize effects that
occur in a specific area
caused by weather, plants,
animals, and/or people.
S3E1. Students will
investigate the physical
attributes of rocks and soils.
d. Determine how water and
wind can change rocks and
soil over time using
observation and research.
S5E1. Students will identify
surface features of the Earth
caused by constructive and
destructive processes.
a. Identify surface
features caused by
constructive process.
Deposition (Deltas,
sand dunes, etc.)
b. Identify and find
examples of surface
features caused by
destructive processes.
Erosion (water-rivers
and oceans, wind)
Weather is the same as climate. /
Weather is the condition of the
atmosphere at a particular time and
place; climate is the average weather
of a place over a period of years.
Rocks do not change. / Rocks are
formed in a cycle and change
according to conditions of the
The Earth has always looked
exactly the way it looks now and it
always will. / Earth started with
one supercontinent, Pangaea.
Through plate tectonics the land has
moved to where it is now, and it
continues to move.
Volcanoes are found only in
Hawaii. / Volcanoes are found in
many places around the world, but
most are concentrated in the Pacific
area known as The Ring of Fire.
Earthquakes only happen in
California. / Earthquakes can
happen anywhere two plates are
next to each other.
Impact of organisms
6E5. Students will
investigate the scientific
view of how the earth’s
surface is formed.
c. Describe processes that
change rocks and the surface
of the earth.
d. Recognize that
lithospheric plates
constantly move and cause
major geological events on
the earth’s surface.
e. Explain the effects of
physical processes (plate
tectonics, erosion,
deposition, volcanic
eruption, gravity) on
geological features including
oceans (composition,
currents and tides
SES2. Students will
understand how plate
tectonics create certain
geologic features, materials,
and hazards.
a. Distinguish among types
of plate tectonic settings
produced by plates
diverging, converging,
and sliding past each
The world map is unchanging; or a
major change - such as California
separating from North America could happen within my lifetime.
/ Moving plates cause major
changes in a world map over tens of
millions of years.
The mantle is molten everywhere;
volcanoes happen whenever the
crust is thin enough for magma to
break through. / The mantle is
solid but capable of flow (like hot
asphalt or fudge). Only under special
conditions (at hot spots and along
plate boundaries) does the mantle or
crust melt to make magma, which
may then rise to the surface to make
a volcanic eruption.
Earthquakes are random spasms
in the earth which suddenly create
major crustal features. /
Earthquakes represent sudden
breaks in crust continuously stressed
by plate movement. Gradually over
time, the same movements result in
major crustal features.
b. Relate certain geologic
hazards to specific plate
tectonic settings.