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 MCB 3020 ­ Practice Test #4: Final Review Part 2 1. Which of the following is true about double stranded DNA? a. Phosphoanhydride bonds hold together the sugar­phosphate backbone b. Hydrogen bonds form between complementary bases from opposing strands of DNA c. A hydroxyl group on the 2’ carbon keeps water from interfering with the hydrogen bonds of the base pairs d. A and B e. All of the above 2. DNA strand:
5’­GCGATT­3’ Which of the following is the complementary RNA strand? a. 5’­CGCTAA­3’ b. 5’­AATCGC­3’ c. 5’­UUACGC­3’ d. 5’­AAUCGC­3’ e. 5’­CGCUAA­3’ 3. There are two samples of DNA, sample A and sample B, each with 10k bps. If sample A has a T​m​ of 80℃ and sample B has a T​m​ of 50℃, then which of the following is most likely true? a. at 50℃, sample B contains only single stranded DNA b. Sample B has more A/T base pairs than sample A c. Sample B has more G/C base pairs than sample A d. A and B e. A and C 4. Which of the following are potential vaccine sources: (select all that apply) a. Pathogenic products b. Attenuated strains of viruses c. Active strains of viruses d. Viral protein coats e. None of the above 5. If the LD​50​ of Bacteria A = 50 cells and the LD​50​ of Bacteria B = 15 cells, which of the following would most likely be true? a. Bacteria B is more lethal than Bacteria A b. Bacteria A is more lethal than Bacteria B c. It takes 50 cells of Bacteria A to kill 50 mice in a sample of 200 mice. d. A and C UCF Student Academic Resource Center
Stephanie A. MCB 3020 ­ Practice Test #4: Final Review Part 2 6.
e. B and C Which of the following is true about T H1 cells? a. They contain PRRs that interact with PAMPs b. TH1 cells release cytokine IL­6 c. TH1 cells activate B cells in order to produce antibodies d. All of the above e. None of the above APCs a. Contain MHC class I proteins b. Release cytokine IL­3 c. Present antigens with TCRs d. Use coreceptor CD 8 to interact with PAMPs e. None of the above Cytotoxic T cells a. contain TCRs with the co­receptor CD4 b. use perforins and granzymes to induce apoptosis in target cells c. can be activated by any infected cell with MHC class I protein d. all of the above e. none of the above Which of the following is an example of natural adaptive immunity? a. receiving a vaccine that stimulates the immune system to create antibodies b. getting an infection that initiates an adaptive immune response c. Mother transferring antibodies to her baby through breast milk d. all of the above e. none of the above 10. An Infection involves a. damage or injury to the host b. the presence of microorganisms c. microorganisms that are growing and reproducing d. B and C e. All of the above 11. During transcription a. The template strand of DNA is read in the 5’ to 3’ direction b. A complementary strand of tRNA is produced c. mRNA is used to create a polypeptide chain d. All of the above UCF Student Academic Resource Center
Stephanie A. MCB 3020 ­ Practice Test #4: Final Review Part 2 e. None of the above 12. During translation a. The template strand of DNA is read in the 3’ to 5’ direction b. Codons in mRNA are matched with anticodons of tRNA in the mitochondria c. Anticodons of amino acids are matched with codons of mRNA d. A and B e. A and C 13. Which of the following statements about ATP synthesis is true? a. In substrate level phosphorylation, a phosphate must be attached to an alcohol in order to make a high energy bond b. During fermentation, ATP is synthesized via both substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation c. Oxidative phosphorylation involves the generation of a proton motive force in order to create ATP d. A and B e. B and C 14. Which of the following is true about the following reaction Amino Acid + Amino Acid ⇒ Dipeptide + H2O a. The reaction is spontaneous in the forward direction b. The reaction is a step in the biosynthetic pathway of building a protein c. The following reaction provides the energy for the above reaction: ATP ⇒ AMP + PPi d. B and C e. None of the above 15. During translation a. the growing polypeptide chain is attached to the tRNA in the P site of the ribosome b. codon region of tRNA interacts with anticodon region of mRNA c. there are total of 3 different start codons d. during initiation the first tRNA hydrogen bonds with the start codon in the A site of the ribosome e. all of the above 16. Which of the following is true about bacteriophages? a. during the lytic cycle the host cell is lysed UCF Student Academic Resource Center
Stephanie A. MCB 3020 ­ Practice Test #4: Final Review Part 2 b. during the lysogenic cycle, the viral genetic information is integrated into the host’s genome c. The prophage can be induced to undergo a lytic cycle and lyse the cell d. all of the above e. none of the above 17. A retrovirus a. is composed of double stranded RNA b. has a reverse transcriptase enzyme that converts ssRNA into cDNA c. Integrates ssDNA into the host cell genome d. A and B e. B and C 18. Transduction involves a. viruses transferring genes between cells b. DNA binding to DNA binding proteins on a cell’s surface and entering the cell c. cells with integrated plasmids transferring F plasmid and chromosomal DNA to another cell d. A and B e. None of the above 19. Which of the following is a difference between a bacterial virus and an animal virus? a. Bacterial viruses have RNA and animal viruses have DNA b. Animal viruses have a protein coat and bacterial viruses do not c. The nucleic acids and protein coat of an animal virus enter the host, but only nucleic acids of a bacterial virus enter the host d. Bacterial viruses use lytic or lysogenic paths, while animal viruses use alternative paths e. All of the above 20. What kind of mutation results in a chain­terminating codon that stops translation before the polypeptide is finished? a. Missense b. Nonsense c. Silent d. Frameshift e. None of the above 1)​B​ 2) ​D​ 3) ​B​ 4)​ A, B, D ​5) ​A ​6) ​E​ 7) ​A​ 8) ​B​ 9) ​B​ 10) ​D 11)​ E​ 12) ​A​ 13) ​C​ 14) ​E​ 15) ​A​ 16) ​D​ 17) ​B​ 18) ​A​ 19) ​C​ 20) ​B UCF Student Academic Resource Center
Stephanie A.