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Name: _________________________
1. Circle the following
Helps Organism 1?
Helps Organism 2?
2. Define the following terms:
3. Give an example of the following terms:
Predation – one animal eats another
Ex: lions and zebras
Competition – animals struggle for a limited resource (can be within a species or
between species)
Ex: In certain fields, horses and cows compete for grass.
Cooperation – Two different organisms or populations help each other.
Ex: Zebra stand together in a herd to make it difficult for a lion to pick one out.
Mutualism – A relationship between organisms of different species in which both
Ex: Plants give honeybees nectar, honeybees pollinate plants
Commensalism- A relationship between organisms of different species in which one
benefits, and the other is unaffected
Ex: Barnacles get transportation and living space from a whale, but give nothing
back to the whale
Parasitism - A relationship between organisms of different species in which one
benefits, and the other is harmed
Ex: A tapeworm feeds on the food of a human, and causes them to lose nutrients
4. The niche of an organism is the place in which it lives, and the role that it plays in its
environment. Explain the niche of a honeybee in its environment:
The honeybee uses the nectar and pollen from several different types of flowers for food. The
pollen is carried from one flower to another and pollinates to help make additional plants.
Toads and birds are the main predators of bees. Bees often rely on trees and other plants to
provide protection for their hive. Although their honey is intended to feed their young, the hives
are also eaten by larger animals such as skunks, raccoons and bears.
5. The niche of an organism is the place in which it lives, and the role that it plays in its
environment. Explain what would happen to the environment if the honeybees all died:
Since honeybees pollinate the flowers they collect nectar from, all of those types of plants
would not be able to reproduce, and would die off. In turn, all primary consumers that feed on
these plants would decrease, and so on up the food chain. The toad and bird population
would decrease, which in turn would cause the predators of toads and birds to decrease. Trees
and plants that provide protection for hives would not be affected very much. Animals that eat
honey would also lose that food source, and may move to another area, find another food
source, or die.