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Pharmacology in Sport
Stimulant Amphetamine use in high
intensity exercise athletes
Stimulants and Amphetamines
In the context of sport, stimulants are defined as:
“…a stimulating agent of the central nervous system (CNS),
affecting mood, alertness, locomotion and appetite, or
targeting the sympathetic nervous system causing particularly
cardiovascular actions.” 1
Stimulants can have medical pharmacological benefits, but in the
sporting arena, an unfair advantage can be attained through use.
A total of 62 stimulants (61 chemical entities) are listed in the World AntiDoping List, banned only in competition, with amphetamines and there
derivatives included. 1
Amphetamine action has both physiological and perceived
psychological effects on the athlete.
Points need to be concise in this genre of
communication. Avoid writing in whole
paragraphs, and definitely avoid direct
quotes. The two articles that were being
studied were not introduced – could use
them to introduce specific biology and
research related to your topic.
J.R., 2008. Br. J. of Pharm., 154: 606-622
Amphetamine Action
Amphetamines are
classified as indirect acting
sympathomimetic CNS
stimulants. 1
Inducing the release of
noradrenaline (NA) from
nerve terminals, which then
act on adrenoceptors. 1
NA is from the class
catecholamine, secreted by
the adrenal medulla in
response to short term
Catecholamine: a class of
neurotransmitters and
hormones synthesized from
the amino acid tyrosine. 2
(Lluka, 2012, Lecture series Module 2:Lecture 3)
blood flow to skeletal
of pupils
salivary gland secretion
of lung bronchi
heart rate
pancreas activity
by the liver
of glycogen to glucose
•Stimulates the adrenal medulla
Mimicking the bodies ‘Fight
or Flight’ response. 2
Again, this could have been wirtten more concisely. The dot points for
et al., 2009
physiological responses of NA is good and what is expected. The
diagram, while useful, was not referred to and explained. Could have
added an explanation of dopamine here as well.
Athlete use uncovered …
Psychological advantage vs Physiological advantage.
No link between socio-demographic characteristics or level
of education amongst users.
Increased incidence of combined amphetamine and illicit
drug use … such as steroids.
Implications for extended drug action in the exercised
Dosage levels … less is more.
References needed. Key argument of other
research article not listed. Some points are
quite broad (dosage levels and
psychological vs physiological) and could
have been specified further.
Weightlifters …Who is using?
Aim: To investigate the prevalence and associated factors
of amphetamine use in body builders. 3
843 male weightlifters between the age of 16-40years, from
randomly selected gymnasia, were interviewed between
November 2007 and January 2008. 3
Participants completed 45 minute structured questionnaires
Social and demographic characteristics
Sporting activity patterns
Substance abuse history3
This slide is written
concisely and easy
to follow.
Amphetamine use included amphetamines and
et al., 2012. Arch. Med. Sci., 8, 2: 362-367
Amphetamine … Increasing dopamine levels?
Aim: Examine the influence of chronic exercise on the striatal
dopamine (DA) outflow induced by both a low and high single
dose of amphetamine (AMPH). 4
Dopamine: neurotransmitter from the class catecholamine. 2
Male rats were randomly allocated to one of 6 groups:
With Chronic Exercise
Saline (0.9% NaCl solution)
5mg-1 AMPH
30mg-1 AMPH
Without Chronic Exercise
Saline (0.9% NaCl solution)
5mg-1 AMPH
30mg-1 AMPH
An intercerebral guide cannula was implanted, under and
anaesthetic, in all subjects 4 days pre-solution administration. 4
Dialysiate samples collected at 30 minute intervals for 6 hours
before and after the intraperitoneal solution administration. 4
The amphetamine used was d-amphetamine sulphate.
Good use of table
et al., 2008, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1139 : 222-231
Weightlifters … information out of the gymnasium
13.3% of the sample
group reported
amphetamine use. 3
Age not a factor in
determining risk of
use. 3
19.6% of
amphetamine users
concurrently using
steroids. 3
Good use of figure from
article. Excellent to see
you have highlighted
the relevant points on
the table to make it
Less is more!
5mg-1 AMPH
Training delayed the peak
extracellular DA effect. 4
DA levels were measurable
for a longer period (30 min)
in the group with exercise. 4
DA levels were not
significantly different
between the 2 groups. 4
Great use of figures from articles. For this slide, the title
(which has occurred before, is not really informative with
respect to the purpose of the slide – be more specific.
Saline (0.9% NaCl solution) &
30mg-1 AMPH
Groups with and without
chronic exercise is
significantly different
between treatments. 4
Saline groups were not
significantly different. 4
Differences between
30mg-1 AMPH groups, with
and without exercise, at
0.5 h and1.0 h. 4
The Mental Edge
Regardless for the reason of in-competition amphetamine
doping, stimulant drugs allow the athlete to gain a mental
and physical advantage.
Amphetamine use increases the incidence of athletes
simultaneously using additional illicit drugs, such as steroids.
Regular physical activity and lower doses of amphetamine
administration leads to extended and higher levels of
extracellular dopamine levels.
Due to the nature of amphetamine action, high intensity
exercises are at greater risk of athlete abuse.
This could have
been written more
concisely. The last
two point could have
been expanded
upon. What does
extracellular DA do?
Slide formatting issue
here – always use
your entire slide. This
sort of formatting is
really only
appropriate for the
title slide.
Impact on Society
The increased pressure for
athletes, at all levels of
competition, to consume
drugs to match those using.
The increase in society
acceptance of drug use.
No discriminating factors
between sociodemographic
characteristics or level of
education amongst users.