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COMM 1101
Professor McLeod
Fall 2016
Week 6: Lecture 3 of 3
Friday, September 30th, 2016
Lecture Topic: Theory of Reasoned Action and Social Judgment Theory Lecture Keywords: Theory of Reasoned Action, Behavioral Intentions, Social Judgment Theory, Ego Involvement, Latitude of Acceptance
Quiz 3 on Monday will cover all readings and class activities from September 23rd - September 30th (except rhetorical tradition)
We will cover Phenomenological tradition theories on Monday ○
Be sure to have completed the “Six America’s Quiz” assigned for last Friday Change in reading assigned for next Wednesday
We will be having a guest speaker ○
Under substituted readings on Blackboard
Important Correction
The cybernetic tradition focuses on how elements of a system are related to each other
In the case of the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, we consider a system containing our cognitions and our behaviors
Our desire for consistency motivates us to keep this system in balance
Dissonance occurs when the system is imbalanced
We make changes to restore balance to the system and to therefore reduce dissonance
When can persuasive messages change our behaviors?
Under what circumstances do we see change in our behavioral intentions? Theory of Reasoned Action
Our attitudes + social norms ●
Our attitudes influence our behaviors ○
We try to act consistently with our attitudes
This leads to behavioral intentions
How likely are they are to recycle?
Will they take that extra step to understand recycling? What is Cybernetic About TRA?
The cybernetic nature is reflected in the famous formula describing the theory
BI- behavioral intentions
Function of our attitudes
Behavior intention= attitude (weight 1=w1) + social norm (weight 2=w2)
Social Judgment Theory ●
How relevant is the issue to us? ●
Will I take the time to read that plastics recycling chart?
If the issue is relevant, we have ego involvement (“I’m worried about how global warming
will affect my family”)
Our past attitudes act as points of reference to help us judge messages (“I’m already convinced it’s a danger”)
Messages within our latitude of acceptance are more likely to convince us (“I’m going to
read that plastics chart!”)
Insert Graph ●
On a Bell curve to the left is the idea that “Climate change is not a problem” ; this occurs up
to the latitude of rejection
Then to the right is the latitude of non commitment - don’t have a strong prior attitude,
don’t care, etc. ●
To the right of the latitude of non commitment is the latitude of acceptance where we accept
that “Climate change is definitely a problem”
When we have high ego involvement - our latitude of rejection is higher (If you don’t agree
with me, you must disagree with me)
More support that climate change is more of a “danger to birds” than “danger to humans” ○
Interesting result but a closer look sees that it was only asked to those who are a part of
the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (aka Bird lovers)
The follow-up research to this...
Nationally representative sample
Parallel question wording: □
“Danger to (humans/birds), for example droughts and decreased food supply...”
Positive versus negative framing
“... benefit of reducing climate change is fewer droughts and better food supplies” □
No significant difference was found □
When you add people’s belief in climate change, you see a difference
Sociopsychological Tradition
Elaboration Likelihood Theory
Attribution Theory
Under what circumstances will people elaborately process a message?
How do assumptions about the causes for behavior affect reactions to persuasion attempts?
Social Judgment Theory
How are our responses to persuasive messages affected by our internal anchors and our
ego involvement?
Cybernetic Tradition
Cognitive Dissonance ○
What happens when people’s cognitions and behaviors are imbalanced?
Theory of Reasoned Action
How do people combine beliefs, attitudes and perceptions of social norms