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EVOLUTION – film worksheet
What is the KT boundary?
A clay layer estimated to be formed 65 million years ago (mya), when the dinosaurs vanished from the fossil record
How many times the worldwide nuclear arsenal is the estimated impact from the KT Asteroid?
10 x
How much of all life forms is thought to have vanished from the KT asteroid impact?
In what country is the Xalu (chicks aloo) Crater thought to be responsible for the KT extinction located?
Gulf of Mexico, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
How wide was the Xalu Crater?
112 miles
The KT asteroid was about the size of…
Mount Everest
What is another theory of the extinction of the dinosaurs?
Intense volcanoes poisoned the atmosphere, before the KT asteroid
What was the first name given to dinosaurs?
What was the name of the British anatomist around 1850 that termed the name ‘dinosaur’?
Richard Owen
What does ‘dinosaur’ mean?
Terrible lizard
Dinosaurs dominated life on earth for how many millions of years?
150 million years
What is Yellowstone is sitting atop?
An ancient volcano
What did Stanley Miller make by heating and electrocuting water in a closed flask with nitrogen and sulfur gases?
Life sustaining protein molecules
What gas was absent in Miller’s experiment?
Where is the Burgess Shale?
British Columbia
What is the name of the geologic era uncovered in the Burgess Shale?
Cambrian Era, 500 mya
How many new species are identified in the Burgess Shale?
170 species
Who was the botanist that started the taxonomic system of classification?
Carl Linnaeus
What is the binomial system of classification?
Genus and species
What was the name of the ship that Darwin sailed on?
HMS Beagle
What continent are the Galapagos Islands nearest?
South America
What was Darwin’s mechanism that made evolution work?
The process of natural selection
What is ‘deep time’?
Millions of years of life
That we are all related to everything else in nature is referred to as
The Tree of Life
What year did Darwin publish his book on the theory of evolution?
What was his book titled?
Origin of Species
What was Lucy, the fossils of an ancient 3 foot female hominid, named after?
The song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, by the Beatles
How old was Lucy estimated to be?
3.2 mya
What does bipedal mean?
Standing upright on 2 feet
Where was Mary Leaky working when she made her discovery?
What did she discover?
A pair of fossilized footprints of a bipedal hominid
What was the substrate for the footprints?
Ash rainwater from a volcanic eruption
What does Toumai mean?
Hope of Life
How old was the Toumai skull?
7 mya
What features are unique about the Toumai skull
Ape-like cranium with teeth more human-like
What are two features of Hominids?
Bipedal and the inability to be bored…