Download Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye: The Origin and Evolution of Life

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Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye: The Origin and Evolution of Life:
Video Questions Key
1. Iridium
2. Chixilub, underwater off the coast of Yucatan, Mexico.
3. He discovered organic compounds, (amino acids) many of which
are needed for living things.
4. Hydrothermal vents are places deep in the ocean where
superheated mineral rich water comes gushing out.
5. Chemosynthesis is when microbes are able to create energy by
feeding on chemicals in the environment. (They do not need the
sun directly and do not eat anything else.)
6. The Burgess shale fossils are awesome because they show the
soft parts of many ancient creatures. These are parts that
normally do not get preserved.
7. The Beagle was in the Galapagos about 36 days.
8. Darwin took 20 years to publish his book because he knew it
would be controversial and wanted to build up a mountain of
evidence to help support his argument.
9. Lucy is 3.2 million years old.
Mary Leaky found foot prints that indicated hominids
walking upright and just 2 legs as long ago as 3.6 MYA.
The Toumai skull fossil is 7.4 MYA