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GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
GCSE Physical Education - Revision 1.2.1 - 1.2.5
In this booklet you will revise the information from topics 1.2.1 - 1.2.5 and apply this to
Cristiano Ronaldo.
In the red boxes you will relate what you know to Cristiano Ronaldo with SPORTING EXAMPLES
In the blue boxes you will answer real exam questions from past papers. These will show you the type of
question you could be asked in the exam.
The yellow boxes will show you what you need to know. This information is from the exam board and they
cannot ask you anything else.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Tick each box off as you complete the booklet and understand the bullet points.
Unit 1.2.1 - Physical activity and your healthy mind and body.
The different somatotypes and the effect these have on performance.
The factors effecting optimum weight and how this may affect performance.
The terms anorexic, obese, overfat, overweight and underweight and how they
may impact on achieving a sustained involvement in physical activity.
The effects of smoking and alcohol on health and physical activity.
Performance enhancing drugs and the effects they may have on health and physical
The risks associated with participation in physical activity and how to reduce these risks with a
risk assessment.
Unit 1.2.2 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system.
The immediate and short term effects of participation in exercise and physical
activity on the cardiovascular system.
The effects of regular participation in exercise and physical activity on the cardiovascular system.
The effect of rest on the cardiovascular system.
The effect of diet on the cardiovascular system.
The effect of recreational drugs on the cardiovascular system.
Unit 1.2.3 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your respiratory system.
The immediate and short term effects of participation in exercise and physical
activity on the respiratory system.
The effects of regular participation in exercise and physical activity on the respiratory system.
The effect of recreational drugs on the respiratory system.
Unit 1.2.4 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your muscular system.
The major muscle groups that benefit from physical activity.
The role of the muscles in movement.
The immediate and short term effects of participation in exercise and physical
activity on the muscular system.
The effects of regular participation in exercise and physical activity on the muscular system.
The effect of rest on the muscular system.
The effect of diet on the muscular system.
The effect of performance enhancing drugs on the muscular system.
Unit 1.2.5 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system.
The functions of the skeletal system (movement etc.)
The range of movement at hinge and ball and socket joints.
The effects of regular participation in exercise and physical activity on the skeletal system.
The importance of weight bearing exercise to prevent osteoporosis.
The potential for injuries such as fractures and their treatment using RICE.
The effect of diet on the skeletal system.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Unit 1.2.1 - Physical activity and your healthy mind and body
1.2.1 Sub Category 1/6 - Somatotypes
Students must be able to: Describe the different body types and explain the effect each can have on
participation and performance.
Next to the correct photos write in the correct somatotype, their characteristics and sports
which they would be suited too:
Sports suited
Sports suited
Sports suited
Which somatotype is Ronaldo and how does this make him suited to his sport? (Give a specific
sporting example)
Describe a characteristic of a mesomorph that makes it the ideal body type for 100m sprinters (2)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.1 Sub Category 2/6 - Optimum Weight
Students must be able to: Outline why, and how, expected and optimum weight varies according to
the five factors and explain how this may affect participation and performance in physical activity.
Optimum weight is defined as ‘The best or most desirable weight that a player performs at’.
What are the five factors affecting optimum weight?
A long distance runners and a rugby player’s optimum weights would
be different for their sport. Why is their optimum weight suited to their
sports (2)
In horse riding, a jockey would have a low optimum weight. Why could this be seen as an advantage
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.1 Sub Category 3/6 - Weight Related Conditions
Students must be able to: Explain the weight related terms and explain how they may impact on
achieving a sustained involvement in physical activity.
What are the five weight related conditions? Bullet point how performance would be
Effect on sports performance:
During the summer when the season has finished Ronaldo enjoys a pizza and doesn’t exercise as
much. If he was to continue this for a long period of time he would become obese. How would
being obese affect his performance?
Which of the following three conditions is considered to be the most dangerous to our health? (1)
Why is it unlikely that an elite performer will have this condition? (1)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.1 Sub Category 4/6 - The Effects of Smoking and Alcohol on Health and Physical
Students must be able to: Explain the effects of smoking and alcohol on general health and on
physical activity.
Effect of general health:
Effect on sports performance:
Cristiano Ronaldo chooses not to smoke, how would it affect his performance if he did choose to
smoke? (Give a specific example)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.1 Sub Category 5/6 - Performance Enhancing Drugs
Students must be able to: Know the different categories of drugs and the effects they may have on
health, wellbeing and physical performance and why some performers might risk using them.
Why do sports people take drugs?
Fill out the table with the 6 types of performance enhancing drugs, their health effects and
effects upon performance with examples of who may use them.
Enhancing Drug
Health Effects
Effect on Performance
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Enhancing Drug
Health Effects
Effect on Performance
Name a performance enhancing drug Cristiano Ronaldo may be tempted to take to benefit his
performance in his sport? How would this affect his performance?
Which of the six drugs is being referred to in statements a-c below:
a. Long distance runners are more likely to use this drug than sprinters (1)
b. Weight lifters may use this class of drug to mask the pain of a torn muscle (1)
c. Archers may use this class of drug because of its calming effect to improve their accuracy (1)
d. All of these drugs have potentially harmful side effects, discus why despite this athletes may still
take them (1)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.1 Sub Category 6/6 - The Risks Associated with Participation in Physical Activity
Students must be able to: Identify the risks associated with participation in physical activities and
explain how to reduce these risks to maintain better wellbeing.
List the seven ways in which injury can be prevented and give a sporting example of how
doing so will prevent injury/avoid putting the participant at risk.
Preventative Measure
Sporting Example
Discus one way risk preventative measure that Ronaldo or those associated with Ronaldo (coaches
etc.) would take and explain how this helps to prevent injury? Make your answer specific.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Different measures are put in place to reduce the risk of injury in physical activity.
Give three different types of example to demonstrate how risk of injury is reduced in an activity of
your choice. (3)
Your activity:
Risk reduced by:
Complete the following table by:
a. Matching the items of safety equipment to a relevant activity (5)
b. Explaining why the items are needed in this activity (5)
Use a different activity for each answer.
Item of safety equipment
Shin Pads
Activity where it is used
Why it is needed for that activity
Gum Shield
Padding Around Posts
Landing Mats
Buoyancy Aids
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Unit 1.2.2 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system
1.2.2 Sub Category 1/4 - Key Terms and the Details
What are the two main functions of the heart?
What are the definitions to these key terms?
Heart Rate -
Stroke Volume -
Cardiac Output -
How do we calculate cardiac output?
H_________ R_______
S________ V_________ = C_________ O_________
What is blood pressure?
What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?
During exercise Katie’s cardiac output increases, compared to when she is at rest.
(i) What is meant by the term cardiac output? (1)
(ii) The increase in cardiac output might be due to an increase in heart rate. What else is responsible
for the increase in cardiac output? (1)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.2 Sub Category 2/4 - The Immediate/Short Term Effects of Exercise on the
Cardiovascular System
Students must be able to: Understand the immediate and short term effects of participation in
exercise and physical activity on the cardiovascular system.
Complete the table to show what happens to the following terms immediately/in the short
term during exercise. Apply the effect to a sporting example if you can.
Heart Rate
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure
Ronaldo wants to know what happens to his cardiovascular system when he starts to exercise.
Choose one of the effects and describe what will happen and apply this to sporting examples.
A normal blood pressure reading would be 120/80. The 120 represents systolic blood pressure. Name
the other blood pressure represented in this reading (1)
Explain the immediate effect of exercise on blood pressure (2)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.2 Sub Category 3/4 - The Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Cardiovascular System
Students must be able to: Understand the effects of regular participation and the long term effects
of participation in exercise and physical activity on the cardiovascular system.
Complete the table with the long term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system.
Think about the terms we have looked at already and what you think will happen to these.
Apply the effect to a sporting example if you can.
Explanation and Sporting Example
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
What would Ronaldo’s heart rate look like on a graph before (resting), during and after exercise?
Choose one of the long term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system. Explain how it will
affect Ronaldo’s performance with a relevant sporting example.
An important part of Adam’s training will be to improve the efficiency of his heart.
What effect will this have on Adam’s resting heart rate? (1)
What effect will this have on Adam’s stroke volume? (1)
Which long term effect will cause the heart to change in size? (1)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.2 Sub Category 4/4 - The Effects of Lifestyle on the Cardiovascular System
Students must be able to: Understand the effects of rest, diet and recreational drugs on the
cardiovascular system.
The Effects of Rest:
Rest is essential for recovery and allows the body to adapt. Describe why rest is important.
Ronaldo can sometimes play three games in one week. Why is it important for his cardiovascular
system that he rests between games?
The Effects of Diet:
The Effects of Diet:
Cholesterol is a fatty substance carried in the blood by lipoproteins. Lipoproteins come in
two forms:
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
Good cholesterol
Helps to remove bad cholesterol from the
Found in fruit and veg and whole grains
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
Bad cholesterol
Leads to a build-up of plaque in the arteries
This leads to blockages to blood flow
meaning the heart has to work harder
Blood pressure increases
Found in fatty foods such as burgers
High cholesterol is when the body has more cholesterol in the body than it needs, this leads
to fatty build ups in the arteries and can cause heart attacks and high blood pressure.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
The Effects of Recreational Drugs:
Effects of the Cardiovascular System
Although not illegal, smoking can have dangerous side effects on the body.
In the table:
Name the two body systems that can be seriously damaged by cigarette smoke (2)
State a health risk associated with smoking for each of these systems (2)
Body system damaged by smoking
Health risk associated with smoking for this system
Apart from the obvious health risks why are sports performers advised not to smoke? (1)
How would drinking alcohol affect Ronaldo’s blood pressure?
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Unit 1.2.3 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your respiratory system
1.2.3 Sub Category 1/4 - Key Terms and the Details
What are the two main functions of the respiratory system?
What are the correct terms to describe breathing in and breathing out?
What are the definitions to these key terms?
Tidal Volume -
Vital Capacity -
Which one of the following correctly completes the statement below about vital capacity? (1)
Vital capacity is the maximum amount of:
A blood that can circulate around the body during exercise.
B physical activity we can complete aerobically.
C air we can breathe out after breathing in fully.
D weight we can lift in one go, our one rep max.
Figure 2 shows a representation of the lungs during inspiration and expiration.
Which of the diagrams, A or B, represents inspiration? (1)
Give two reasons why you have selected this diagram (2)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.3 Sub Category 2/4 - The Immediate/Short Term Effects of Exercise on the Respiratory
Students must be able to: Understand the immediate and short term effects of participation in
exercise and physical activity on the respiratory system.
Complete the table to show the immediate effects of exercise on the respiratory system.
Explain each one and describe how it applies to the sportsperson in action.
Explanation and Sporting Example
Oxygen debt can occur as a result of exercise.
a. State whether oxygen debt occurs as a result of aerobic or anaerobic respiration. (1)
b. When is oxygen debt ‘paid back’? (1)
c. Give an example of when the following performers would experience oxygen debt in their activity.
i. A runner in a 1500 metres race (1)
ii. A player in a game of tennis (1)
iii. A boxer in a boxing match (1)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
As soon as Ronaldo starts a football match his breathing rate and depth of breathing increases. Why
does his respiratory system respond this way when beginning exercise?
1.2.3 Sub Category 3/4 - The Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Respiratory System
Students must be able to: Understand the effects of regular participation and the long term effects
of participation in exercise and physical activity on the respiratory system.
Complete the table with the long term effects of exercise on the respiratory system. Think
about the terms we have looked at already and what you think will happen to these. Explain
how the effect will affect performance to help understanding.
Explanation and Sporting Example
Emma trains regularly to increase her fitness. State two ways in which the respiratory system is
affected by regular training.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.3 Sub Category 4/4 - The Effects of Recreational Drugs on the Respiratory System
Students must be able to: Understand the effects of recreational drugs on the respiratory system.
How does smoking affect the respiratory system?
Why are the alveoli important to sports people?
At his latest medical Ronaldo’s doctor mentioned something about the alveoli. What are alveoli and
why is it beneficial for Ronaldo to have plenty of them?
Which one of the following statements accurately explains an effect of smoking on the respiratory
system? (1)
A Cigarette smoke increases the amount of oxygen carried in the blood by haemoglobin
B Sprinters who smoke notice a greater effect on their performance than endurance athletes who
C If a performer is a heavy smoker it will slow their recovery whatever their event
D Oxygen supply to the body is not affected by smoking
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Unit 1.2.4 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your muscular system
1.2.4 Sub Category 1/5 - The Role of the Muscular System during Physical Activity
Students must be able to: Explain the role of the muscular system during physical activity, including
naming the major muscle groups benefiting from physical activity, describing antagonistic pairs and
the types of muscular contraction.
Name the 11 major muscles on the diagram below.
Complete the statements below by identifying which muscles are contracting to allow the gymnast to
achieve the described actions.
(a) Keeping the arm straight at the elbow (1)
(b) Keeping the leg straight at the knee (1)
(c) Moving the arms away from the mid-line of the body (1)
(d) Pointing the toes (1)
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
How do muscles work as an antagonistic pair?
Describe how Ronaldo’s hamstring and quadriceps work as an
antagonistic pair to kick the football. Use the words below
Hamstring Quadriceps
Describe what happens during each of these contractions.
Sporting Example
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Which one of the following is the correct statement about muscle action and antagonistic muscle
pairs? (1)
A When a muscle contracts it pushes a bone, for example, the biceps and triceps
B Movement is brought about through antagonistic pairs, for example, the pectorals and abdominals
C Muscles are arranged in pairs, for example, the hamstrings and quadriceps
D When one muscle contracts the other relaxes to bring about movement, for example, the trapezius
and latissimus dorsi
Which of the following statements describes an isotonic muscle contraction? (1)
A Muscle contraction with no physical movement
B A constant state of tension in the muscle even when ‘at rest’
C Muscle contraction resulting in movement
D When a muscle relaxes to allow another muscle to contract
1.2.4 Sub Category 2/5 - The Immediate/Short Term Effects of Exercise on the Muscular
Students must be able to: Explain the immediate and short term effects of participation in exercise
and physical activity on the muscular system.
Complete the table on the short term effects of exercise on the muscular system, give a
brief description for each effect.
Immediate Effect
Lactic acid builds up
Minor tears of the
muscle fibres
Increase in muscle
Increase in fuel demands
Redistribution of blood
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Describe why minor muscle tears can be a good thing and how this would help Ronaldo in a game,
giving a specific example.
1.2.4 Sub Category 3/5 - The Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Muscular System
Students must be able to: Explain the long term effects of participation in exercise and physical
activity on the muscular system.
Complete the table on the long term effects of exercise on the muscular system, give a brief
description for each effect.
Long Term Effect
Hyper trophy
(Muscles become bigger)
Muscles become
Stronger ligaments,
tendons and connective
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.4 Sub Category 4/5 - Injuries associated with the Muscular System
Students must be able to: Explain the injuries associated with the muscular system (atrophy and
muscle strain) and their treatment using common techniques.
Describe the following injuries:
How can injuries be prevented?
How should soft tissue injuries be treated?
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
What should Ronaldo do to prevent pulling a muscle (strain)? How does this help to prevent muscle
Which one of the following correctly describes a reason for muscle atrophy? (1)
A Inability to continue training
B Regular participation in weight training
C Too much protein in the diet
D A build up of lactic acid
Describe how a muscular injury should be dealt with (2)
1.2.4 Sub Category 5/5 - The Effects of Lifestyle on the Muscular System
Students must be able to: Understand the effects of rest, diet and performance enhancing drugs on
the muscular system.
Why is rest important for the muscular system?
Why is diet important for the muscular system (which nutrient in particular)?
During preseason Ronaldo is looking to build muscle in his legs so he can apply more power to his
free kicks. What type of foods should he eat to help him rebuild and repair muscle tissue?
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
There are a number of drugs which aid muscular development and strength. Which
performance enhancing drug is the most commonly used to build muscle?
Complete the table on the effects and side effects of this performance enhancing drug.
Side Effects
Discuss the use of steroids to enhance performance in athletic events (6).
Using the effects above discuss how using anabolic steroids could benefit performance in
athletic events (shot put, 100m sprint, high jump etc).Write three developed statements each
discussing a different effect.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Unit 1.2.5 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system
1.2.5 Sub Category 1/5 - The Role of the Skeletal System during Physical Activity
Students must be able to: Explain the role of the skeletal system during physical activity, including
naming the functions of the skeletal system and the ranges of movement possible at hinge and ball
and socket joints.
Below is a table featuring the three functions of the skeleton, describe how this helps the
sports person.
Description and how this helps the sports person
Describe one of the functions of the skeleton in relation to Ronaldo and his sport football. Try to
think how the skeleton provides him with movement, support and protection in a game.
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
Examples of this joint
Movements possible at this joint
(flexion etc.)
Hinge Joints
Ball and Socket
Complete the following statements about hinge joints.
a. The range of movement possible at a hinge joint is (1)
……………………………. to …………………………….
b. Give an example of a hinge joint in the body (1)
c. Give a sporting action where this range of movement is used at this joint (1)
d. Give a sporting example of a movement possible at a ball and socket joint (1)
Look at the picture of Ronaldo. Which movements are happening at the following joints?
Ronaldo’s left shoulder:
Ronaldo’s right knee:
Ronaldo’s left knee:
Ronaldo’s left hip:
Ronaldo’s right hip:
Ronaldo’s left elbow:
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.5 Sub Category 2/5 - The Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Skeletal System
Students must be able to: Explain the long term effects of participation in exercise and physical
activity on the skeletal system.
Describe the two long term effects of exercise on the skeletal system and then discuss how
they would affect the sportsperson:
Long Term Effect
Description and Sporting Example
Increased Bone Density
Increased Strength of
Ligaments and Tendons
How would increased strength of the ligaments and tendons benefit Ronaldo in the following
A sliding tackle:
A headed shot at goal:
A shot from a free kick:
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.5 Sub Category 3/5 - The Importance of Weight Bearing Exercise on the Skeletal
Students must be able to: Explain the importance of weight bearing exercise to prevent
What is osteoporosis?
How can it be prevented?
Give examples of exercises which would not delay the onset of osteoporosis:
Ronaldo has been in touch with ex-team mate Ryan Giggs, since he’s retired he’s worried about
developing osteoporosis. What is this and what can Ryan do to prevent it?
1.2.5 Sub Category 4/5 - The Effects of Diet on the Skeletal System
Students must be able to: Understand the effects of diet on the skeletal system.
Diet is essential for a strong, healthy skeletal system.
Which vitamins and minerals are needed for strong bones?
Description/Where do we get it from
GCSE PE Revision 1.2.1-1.2.5
1.2.5 Sub Category 5/5 - Injuries associated with the Skeletal System
Students must be able to: Explain the injuries associated with the skeletal system such as fractures
and joint injuries.
Describe the 4 types of fracture:
Type of Fracture 1:
Closed/Greenstick Fracture
Type of Fracture 2: Compound
Type of Fracture 3: Simple
Type of Fracture 4: Stress Fracture
Describe the following joint injuries:
Joint Injury
Tennis Elbow
Brief Description
Torn Cartilage
Give two examples of when you feel a stress fracture may occur (2)
How could a sprain occur in the knee or ankle? (2)