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Note: These are just the topics that have been covered since Exam 2. The exams are
cumulative, so all the material that we have covered in this course can be included in the
Final. However, there will be a heavier emphasis on material covered since Exam 2 on
the final.
Anti-predator behavior:
Group defense
- Many eyes
- Selfish herd
- Dilution effects
- Tonic immobility
Home range
- How to measure
Natal dispersal
Breeding (secondary) dispersal
Site fidelity
Costs and benefits of dispersal, including:
- Inbreeding avoidance hypothesis
- Competition hypothesis
Inbreeding depression
Competition hypothesis
Public information
Sex-biased dispersal
- Why female-biased dispersal in birds and male-biased dispersal in mammals?
Migration and Navigation:
- Costs and benefits of migration, why do animals migrate?
- The evolution of migration
- Is migration a fixed genetic trait?
You should know definitions of the following, how the systems work, and some
examples of animals that use these systems:
- Navigation
- Orientation
- Sun compass
- Star compass
- Geomagnetic compass – Magnetic maps
- Bicoordinate navigation
Emlen funnel
Territoriality and Habitat Selection:
Home range
Costs and benefits of territoriality
When is territoriality beneficial, what distribution of resources favors territoriality?
Dear enemy phenomenon
Why do territorial owners often win territorial contests?
Resource-holding potential
Source and sink habitats
Habitat selection – under which conditions do animals settle in preferred vs. nonpreferred habitats?
Ideal free distribution model
- assumptions
- predictions
Conspecific attraction
Allee effect
Conspecific cueing
Game theory
Hawk-Dove model – including knowing how to interpret a matrix
Evolutionary stable strategy
Sequential assessment model
Reproduction and Sexual Selection:
Asexual reproduction
- costs and benefits
Sexual reproduction
- costs and benefits
Internal and external fertilization
Sexual reproduction
- costs and benefits
- Muller’s ratchet
Evolution of sex roles
Critique of sexual selection and same-sex sexual behavior in animals
How did anisogamy evolve?
Bateman’s hypothesis
Events promoting sexual dimorphism in parental investment
Operational sex ratio, including how to calculate it and interpret it
Sexual dimorphism and monomorphism
Sexual selection
- Intrasexual selection
- Intersexual selection
Primary sexual characteristics
Secondary sexual characteristics
Understand how the degree of sexual dimorphism is related to the intensity of sexual
selection in a species
Intrasexual selection
- Subterfuge
- Infanticide
- Direct competition
- Dominance hierarchies
- Alternative mating strategies
- Extra-pair young
- Sperm competition
o Mate guarding
o Copulatory plugs
o Anti-aphrodisiacs
o Advantages of first and second males
o Cryptic female choice
Intersexual selection
- Material benefits
- Nuptial gift
- Spermatophore
- Good parent theory
- Healthy mate theory
- Good genes theory
- Runaway selection theory ‘sexy sons’
Mating Systems:
Ecological influences on mating systems, the Emlen-Oring model
- which environmental conditions favor which mating systems
How is monogamy adaptive? When can monogamy enhance reproductive success?
- Mate assistance hypothesis
- Mate guarding hypothesis
- Female-enforced monogamy hypothesis
Social vs. genetic monogamy
Extra-pair copulations
- costs and benefits for males and females
- when is it a beneficial strategy?
– When is it a beneficial strategy?
– Why would females choose polygyny over monogamy?
o Polygyny threshold model
– Resource-defense polygyny
– Female-defense polygyny
– Lek polygyny
Under which conditions are leks favored?
– Hotshot hypothesis
– Hotspot hypothesis
– Female preference hypothesis
Parental Care:
Parental investment vs. Parental care
- when is each likely to evolve?
- Costs and benefits
K-selected species
R-selected species
Sexual conflict
- Variation in parental care/sex-biased parental care
- Robert Trivers
- Under which conditions do you get higher levels of paternal care?
o Paternal certainty
o Internal vs. External fertilization
o Oviparity vs. Viviparity
o Altricial vs. Precocial young
- Why is paternal care more common in fish?
WD Hamilton
Inclusive fitness
Direct fitness
Indirect fitness
Hamilton’s rule – know what the terms mean and how to interpret the equation
Coefficient of relatedness – know what this means and know the r value for common
relationships we’ve covered in class
Parent-offspring conflict
- Parental care trade-off
Sibling conflict
- Siblicide
o Obligate siblicide
o Facultative siblicide
o How can siblicide be adaptive for parents? For siblings?
o What are some common traits of siblicidal species?
Social Behavior:
The sociality continuum
- When is asociality favored?
- When is sociality likely to evolve?
Costs and benefits of sociality
Know definitions, examples of, and effects on direct reproductive success of the social
donor and the recipient of the following:
Reciprocity (Reciprocal altruism)
Selfish behavior
Spiteful behavior
The prisoner’s dilemma
- What usually happens in this situation?
- How can cooperation evolve? What conditions are required?
- Tit-for-tat
Indirect reciprocity
The importance of reputations
Altruism – how can it evolve?
Cooperative breeding
- How is it adaptive for helpers?
- Know why haplodiploidy is important for the evolution of eusociality
- Know how the coefficient of relatedness differs for common relationships between
diploid vs. haplodiplod species.