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A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
Bio 10
Types (gradual adaptations to land)
– Byrophytes: Mosses, hornwart, liverwarts
• Development of cuticle to conserve water
– Ferns, lycophytes and horsetails
• Cuticle plus rudimentary vascular and root systems
– Seed plants: gymnosperms and angiosperms
• All above adaptations plus true leaves and roots
• No swimming sperm
Tissues and Function
– Cuticle: conserves water
– Meristems
• Apical: responsible for length (primary growth)
• Lateral (= vascular cambium)
– produces girth (secondary growth)
– Secondary xylem and phloem
– Vascular tissues
• Xylem: conducts water, lies toward center
• Phloem: conducts sugars, lies toward outside
• Leaf veins are extensions of vascular system, provide support in addition to conducting fluids
Characteristics: multicellular, motile, heterotrophic, sexual reproduction
Major groups (phyla) and body plans
– Sponges: no tissues, no organs
– Cnidarians ( jelly-fish, corals, anemones)
• Tissues, but no organs, incomplete digestive system
– Flatworms: organs, but incomplete gut
• Includes parasitic flukes with complex life cycles
– Roundworms: complete gut, but false body cavity (not lined with peritoneum)
– Segmented worms (annelids) earthworms, leaches, polycheates (closed circulatory system)
– Mollusks: soft bodied animals with mantle, foot, and shell (in most)
• Gastropods- snails and slugs
• Bivalves- clams, mussels, oysters
• Cephalopods- squids and octopuses- smartest and fastest (Closed circ. system)
– Arthropods: jointed legs, exoskeleton, open circulatory system
• Crustaceans- shrimp, crabs – breath through gills
• Arachnids – spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks
• Insects – most successful animal group
– High reproduction, diversity of lifestyles and habitats
– Echinoderms: seastars, urchins, etc
– Chordates: notochord, tail past anus, dorsal nerve chord, pharyngeal slits
• Vertebrates- increasingly adapted for land
– Amphibians: poorly developed lung, can breath through skin
– Reptiles: First amniotes (produce egg with hard shell), protective scales, feathers, efficient
lungs, kidneys, etc; fully adapted for terrestrial life.
– Mammals: hair, mammary glands, care for young, highly developed brain
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
Organ Systems
Know which animals have what…
– Cephalization: Distinctive head region in animals
– Segmentation: Body divided into distinctive regions
– Know function of digestive systems and who has complete vs incomplete
• For humans;
– know the functions of each organ (for the test and for your own good!)
– Know functions of circulatory system and what animals have; “open” vs “closed”
• For humans;
– Know components of blood
– Heart cycles; systole vs diastole
– Function of arteries vs veins and capillaries
Matching and Labeling
5 questions
Know the blood content
Be able to identify human digestive organs and give their function
Bio 10
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
Lecture Practice Exam: Physiology
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. A muscular digestive organ in which food is crushed into small bits is the
a. lumen.
b. gizzard.
c. crop.
d. stomach.
e. cloaca.
2. Which of the following is a bryophyte?
a. root systems
b. mosses
c. angiosperms
d. gymnosperms
e. shoot systems
3. Which class of mollusks includes the fastest and smartest invertebrates
a. chitons.
b. cephalopods.
c. gastropods.
d. bivalves.
e. snails.
4. Which of the following explain how water moves through a plant?
a. transpiration
b. the cohesion of water molecules.
c. the strength of hydrogen bonds holding water molecules together.
d. the replacement of lost water molecules.
e. all of these
5. Which of the following characteristics is NOT true of ALL animal groups?
a. multicellular
b. organ systems
c. heterotrophic
d. motile
e. sexual reproduction
6. Stem cells give rise to
a. red blood cells.
b. megakaryocytes.
c. platelettes
d. white blood cells
e. all of these
7. Which of the following are characteristic of mammals?
a. hair at some stage in life
b. mammary glands
c. vertebral column
d. highly developed brain
e. All of the above
Bio 10
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
8. Which of the following organisms are NOT cnidarians.
a. jellyfish
b. hydra
c. tunicates
d. corals
e. sea anemones
9. Which of the following is NOT a function of the digestive system?
a. Enzyme secretion.
b. Breaking up food.
c. Passing nutrients to body fluids.
d. Distributing nutrients to body tissues.
e. Absorption of water.
10. Which of the following possesses vascular tissue.
a. ferns
b. liverworts
c. mosses
d. hornworts
11. Which of the following are NOT echinoderms?
a. sea star
b. sea anemone
c. sea urchin
d. sea cucumber
12. Which of the following is NOT a function of veins?
a. blood volume reservoirs
b. contain valves
c. low wall resistance
d. transport oxygen
e. low blood pressure
13. A digestive tract is complete if it
a. possesses specialized regions for different digestive tasks.
b. produces acids and contains enzymes.
c. is a one-way tube with a mouth and an anus.
d. is surrounded by muscle.
e. all of these
14. Adaptations for flight in birds include all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. sound production
b. lightweight bones
c. feathers
d. efficient respiration
e. four-chambered heart
15. What is the primary role of a waxy cuticle?
a. retention of water.
b. conduction of fluids.
c. absorption of carbon dioxide.
d. just looks cute.
e. all of these
Bio 10
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
Bio 10
____ 16. Secondary xylem is formed in association with the
a. pith.
b. inner face of vascular cambium.
c. outer face of vascular cambium.
d. inner face of cork cambium.
e. outer face of cork cambium.
____ 17. Concerning the role of the pancreas in digestion,
a. no digestion occurs in the pancreas.
b. liver cells secrete bicarbonate, which helps neutralize highly acidic chyme.
c. gall bladder cells release enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and
nucleic acids in the small intestine.
d. exocrine tissue produces insulin and glucagon that help regulate the metabolism of sugar.
e. all of these
____ 18. Which of the following is in the group characterized by a mantle and a “foot”?
a. lobster
b. crayfish
c. octopus
d. sand dollar
e. insect
____ 19. Which of the following has a complete gut?
a. jellyfish
b. earthworms
c. flatworms
d. sponges
e. sea anemone
____ 20. Birds have a crop that is modified for
a. digestion of cellulose.
b. food storage.
c. mechanical breakdown of food.
d. digestion of fats.
e. storage and elimination of undigested food.
____ 21. Sphincters are
a. areas of the gastrointestinal tract where food is stored.
b. rings of circular muscles that subdivide the gut.
c. outpouchings of the gut that provide fluids for solubilizing food.
d. specialized glands that secrete digestive juices.
e. a double layer of muscles that envelop digestive organs such as the stomach or small
____ 22. Stem cells for blood cell formation are found in the
a. arteries.
b. bone marrow.
c. liver.
d. spleen.
e. pancreas.
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
____ 23. Which of the following adaptations has contributed to the success of the insects?
a. specialized sensory organs only
b. wings only
c. high reproductive capacity only
d. specialized sensory organs and wings
e. specialized sensory organs, wings, and high reproductive capacity
____ 24. Which of the following does not produce seeds?
a. corn
b. conifers
c. ferns
d. lilies
e. tomato
____ 25. The veins of leaves are primarily used for
a. support.
b. identification.
c. transport of water and nutrients.
d. detachment in the autumn.
e. regeneration.
____ 26. The lateral meristem in plants
a. results in the production of primary tissue.
b. causes an increase in the length of roots.
c. produces floral tissue.
d. gives rise to the epidermis.
e. increases the diameter of roots and stems.
____ 27. A sorus houses
a. a collection of rust-colored disease spots.
b. the fern gametophyte.
c. Liverwort eggs.
d. Liverwort sperm.
e. sporangia.
____ 28. Which of the following is a pseudocoelomate?
a. roundworms
b. cnidarians
c. flatworms
d. echinoderms
e. sponges
____ 29. What occurs during systole?
a. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped to the lungs.
b. The heart ventricles contract.
c. The atrioventricular valves suddenly open.
d. Oxygen-poor blood from all body regions except the lungs flows into the right atrium.
e. all of these
____ 30. Which of the following are major trends in animal evolution?
a. cephalization, the development of a definite head region.
b. the development of types of symmetry.
c. variation in coelomic cavities.
d. the development of segments.
e. all of these
Bio 10
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
____ 31. Lateral meristems
a. are groups of dividing cells.
b. are responsible for increases in the width of a stem or root.
c. are also called cambium.
d. produce secondary growth only.
e. all of these
____ 32. Which structure below would be found in ferns, but not mosses?
a. spores
b. cuticle
c. xylem
d. sporophytes
e. pollen
____ 33. Which of the following best describes the function of xylem?
a. conducts water downward in the plant
b. transports food upward in the plant
c. transports water and mineral ions throughout the plant
d. transfers materials from stem to leaf
e. supports the plant stem
____ 34. The tracheal system is the respiratory structure of which group below?
a. vertebrates.
b. insects.
c. humans.
d. protozoans.
e. mollusks.
____ 35. In an annual tree ring, the wood with large diameter, thin-walled cells is
a. produced during the rainy season.
b. the remnant of the bark produced the year before.
c. formed from crushed phloem cells.
d. produced in the summer.
e. less dense.
____ 36. Which of the following groups are flowering plants
a. algae.
b. fern allies.
c. ferns.
d. angiosperms.
e. gymnosperms.
____ 37. The “complex” life cycle of internal parasites such as schisostomes (flukes) involves
a. spreading only through oral contact
b. difficult teenage life stages
c. utilizing different hosts at each life stage
d. protection from digestive enzymes
e. complicated sensory detection
____ 38. Bile
a. has no effect on digestion.
b. helps in the digestion of fats.
c. helps in the digestion of carbohydrates.
d. helps in the digestion of proteins.
e. helps in the digestion of both carbohydrates and proteins.
Bio 10
A. Carranza
Physiology Study Guide
____ 39. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. The systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood.
b. Humans have an open circulatory system.
c. The function of the heart is to generate pressure to make the blood flow through the
circulatory system.
d. The rate of blood flow varies throughout the circulatory system.
e. The interstitial fluid is returned to the circulatory system in the lymphatic system.
____ 40. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. All vertebrates have a ventral tubular nervous system.
b. All vertebrates have a tail at some stage in their life cycle.
c. All vertebrates have a notochord at some stage in their life cycle.
d. All vertebrates have pharyngeal gill slits at some stage in their life cycle.
e. All vertebrates have a nerve cord at some stage in their life cycle.
Bio 10
A. Carranza
Lecture Practice Exam 2: Physiology
Answer Section
Physiology Study Guide
Bio 10