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This course is taught in the third year and is compulsory for all students in the Physics and
Languages Lines.
There are three 40 min. periods weekly for the two tems and occasional Lab. sessions in
The textbook used is a translation of an English book, THE BIOLOGY FOR LIFE, by
Roberts, M.B.V. 403,7 pp. Nelson 1981. The students are also supplied with various
handouts as a supplement to the main text.
The course deals mainly with adaption and animal physiology with the main emphasis on
humans. The following subjects were covered: digestion, teeth, respiration, blood and
circulation, blood pressure, tissue fluids, ormotic regulation, kidneys and renal function,
nervous system, homeostasis, hormones, drugs, mental illness, heredity and genetics.
The lab work included a dissection of a heart and a lung, respiratory volumes and
measurements of blood pressure.
The students studied literature on drugs and drug abuse and held their own lectures on that