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Lesson Plan (Spanish)
Session One: (2x30mins slots with 2xgroups of 3-4 boys)
Get to know the pupils and understand how they learn
Establish their current level of Spanish
To build relationships
To try out different ways of engaging them
To have some fun
Desired Learning Outcomes:
Topic vocabulary
Enjoyment of language learning
Introduction: Explain purpose of these classes and answer any questions students may have
Introduce myself (Spanish)
Introduction of selves by questions/answers (Spanish)
Activity One:
Topic: personal descriptions
Activity Two:
Describing celebrities: students each choose one celebrity from a selection of
pictures given to them. They have 3 minutes to think in their heads about how to
answer the three questions at the bottom of each picture.
Word match: students match flashcards (English to Spanish) as a group
Dictionaries can be used to find vocab related to the exercise which is not already
Eyes/hair and addition of new vocabulary - moustache and beard
Reinforcing learning
Students talk about their own hair/eye colour
Students were not completely clear about meanings of some basic questions/how
to answer them. Different verb endings for different uses caused some confusion eg.
Quantos anos tienes would give the answer ‘tienes doce anos’.
Students recalled vocabulary for hair/eye colour and added to their existing
vocabulary using a dictionary for words not known in the match up exercise.
Tried to conduct lesson in Spanish – successful for the most part but I did get some
funny looks at the beginning!
Regarding the flashcards, I think that matching pictures to Spanish, rather than
English to Spanish would be more stimulating and would focus more on thinking in
Students were enthusiastic to work with me and were grateful of help and
individual attention.
Use of ‘tu turno’ and ‘ahora preguntale’ which I will incorporate into lessons as
routine. I will encourage students to talk to their peers in Spanish also, and expect
that this will happen gradually.
Future objective: resolve issues with ‘tener’. Grammar and verbs in particular are a
vital foundation for language learning so this is something that I will address in my
Raising boys’ achievement in Spanish
Students (aged 12-13) are in their first year of studying Spanish and have already covered
simple topics such as numbers, colours, introductions, and are currently learning to describe
themselves and others’ character and appearance. I will work with small groups of boys and
will encourage participation and improvement of understanding/speaking skills. My role as
an Undergraduate Ambassador is to provide learning opportunities and allows individual
contact time with students to aid their social and personal development. Activities will be
enjoyable but relevant to the curriculum and language learning. The level of target language in
the teaching classroom is high and I will follow this example where suitable and as much as
possible in order to maximise progress. Routine will form an important basis for lessons, with
classroom vocabulary and instructions which I will extend regularly.
My students have lower ability than others in the same class. So, engagement and motivation
is particularly important to attempt to bring them up to a similar level to that of their peers.
However, within my group there are also mixed abilities and I must cater for individual needs;
challenging the brighter and supporting the weaker. Continuous reinforcement of vocabulary
and grammar through enjoyable and engaging activities is essential. I will each week revise
simple questions and once satisfied with progress, vary them and introduce further topics to
make them more challenging. I wish for the teacher – pupil relationship to be strong as this
facilitates learning.
The basis of a 30minute lesson –
Shared objectives
Practice routines (throughout)
An engaging first activity
Second, reinforcement activity
Effective explanations/instructions/transitions
A clean end point and assessment of progress
Good behaviour and work will be rewarded with ‘vivos’ (school points system).
All about me!
What is your name? ¿Cómo te llamas?
How are you? ¿Cómo estás?
Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres?
Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives?
How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿De qué color son mis ojos?
¿De qué color es mi pelo?
¿Quién soy?
¿De qué color son mis ojos?
¿De qué color es mi pelo?
¿Quién soy?
¿De qué color son mis ojos?
¿De qué color es mi pelo?
¿Quién soy?
Straight hair
Curly hair
Wavy hair
Short hair
Long hair
I have blue eyes
I have brown eyes
Tengo el pelo
corto y rubio
¿De qué color son
tus ojos?
¿De qué color es
tu pelo?
I have short,
blonde hair
What colour are
your eyes?
What colour is
your hair?
I have long, brown
I have red hair
El pelo liso
El pelo rizado
El pelo ondulado
El pelo corto
El pelo largo
Tengo los ojos
Tengo los ojos
Tengo el pelo
largo y moreno
Tengo el pelo rojo
Una barba
Un bigote