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Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
2nd Nine Weeks
Benchmark Study Guide
1. What source powers the water cycle? _______Sun__________________________
2. At what point does a liquid become water vapor? ____evaporation___________
3. In the morning, Shawn’s swimming pool is full. In the afternoon, the pool is an inch lower.
What MOST likely happened to the water? ______the water at the surface has moved to
a gaseous state through evaporation_____________________________________
4. Explain how clouds form: ______as water vapor rises in the atmosphere it begins to cool
then collects around dust particles and condenses into liquid droplets that form clouds __
5. Water in Earth's atmosphere comes mainly from? _oceans___________
6. How is water divided on earth’s surface?
___salt water______97%
__fresh frozen water__ 2%
____fresh water____ 1%
Of these percentages, how much is consumable by humans? ____0.5%______
7. Most freshwater on earth is located where?__icecaps_____ and ___glaciers______.
8. List the ocean’s landforms starting from the continent and moving into the deep ocean.
_____continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, abyssal plain, mid-ocean ridge,
rift valley, guyot, seamount, trench_________________________________
9. What causes waves? __wind moving across the surface of water transfers energy through
friction, this energy causes waves___________________________
10. Label the following parts of a wave: wavelength, wave height, crest, trough
11. What three characteristics about the wind can affect wave size?
a. __speed (force) of the wind______________________________________
b. __length of time the wind blows_______________________________
c. __distance over which the wind blows__________________________
12. What is the cause of surface currents? _wind which curves due to the corriolis effect __
13. What is the cause of deep ocean or density currents? ____differences in temperature__
and ___differences in salinity____________________
Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
14. Currents can be responsible for climate changes. How does this occur? ___air above
currents (warm or cold) moves with the current which can deliver cool/warm air to
different latitudes _________________________
15. What causes tides? _the gravitational pull of the moon and to a lesser extent the sun___
16. What is the time difference between a high tide and a low tide?_6 hr 15 min__
17. Explain neap and spring tides. Neap:__occurs during 1st or 3rd quarter when sun/moon
gravity pulls in different directions causing lower high than normal tides and higher than
normal low tides _____
Spring- _occurs during new/full moon when sun/moon gravity pulls together causing extra
high high tides and extra low low tides__________________
18. Explain how ocean trenches are formed. when oceanic crust on one tectonic plate subducts
(moves under) another tectonic plate a trench is formed_______
19. After a heavy rain storm, what process maintains the salinity balance of the world’s
oceans? ___EVAPORATION_____________________________
20. Name 3 ways to decrease salinity of our oceans. _precipitation______,
__runoff_______, and _melting glaciers__________.
21. Which oceanic landform can be seen above water? _volcanic island___________
22. What makes the ocean salty? small particles of rock (which contain minerals) are washed
into oceans where they dissolve___
23. Devices scientists use to map the ocean floor include ___SONAR___ and_satellite__.
24. How are these devices different? __ SONAR uses reflected sound waves to read the
ocean floor while satellite uses radar waves to read the surface of the ocean waters which
mimics the ocean floor _________________________________________
25. Identify the following ocean landforms:
g. guyot
b. continental slope
h. trench
i. abyssal plain
mid-ocean ridge
j. rift valley
k. continental rise
continental shelf
l. shoreline
Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
26. Label the five major oceans on the map above.
27. For a solar eclipse to occur, the moon must be in what phase? _New moon phase_____
28. For a lunar eclipse to occur, the moon must be in what phase? __Full moon phase___
29. Waning means shrinking, so when the moon is waning the sunlight part is __less visible _.
30. Waxing means growing, so when the moon is waxing the sunlight part is _more visible_.
31. Why do we have longer warmer days in the summer and shorter colder days in the winter?
____The Earth is tilted on its axis by 23.5° which makes the Earth receive direct and
indirect light from the Sun as we revolve around the Sun. When the northern hemisphere
is tilted towards the sun we receive more direct light and experience the warmer, longer
days of summer and when we are tilted away from the sun we receive indirect light from
the sun which causes days to be shorter and cooler_______________________
32. When it is summer in the southern hemisphere, what season will it be in the northern
hemisphere? _winter and when it is spring in the southern hemisphere it is fall in the
northern hemisphere__________
33. What tilt would the earth have to be if there were no seasons? Why? __If there were no
tilt ( 0°) then the planet would receive the same direct/indirect light all year and
therefore would not experience seasons______________________________
34. Sydney wants to know which type of water will make a plant grow the fastest. She places
three bean plants in three separate eight ounce cups. She places all three plants in the
same window in the front of her house. She pours two ounces of water from the tap in
plant A, two ounces of salt water from the nearby ocean in plant B, and two ounces of
distilled water in plant C. She measures her plants once a week to see how many
centimeters each has grown.
Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
--Identify the independent, dependent, and control variables in Sydney’s experiment.
Independent variable: 3 types of water (one thing changed on purpose)
Dependent variable: plant growth measured in cm
Control variables: same type of plant, same placement in window, same amount of water,
same soil, same container
Benchmark Study Guide Standards S6E2 and S6E3
S6E2.a Demonstrate the phases of the moon by showing the alignment of the earth, sun, and moon.
Position 1 __new moon___________________
Position 2 ___waxing crescent______________
Position 3 ____1st quarter _________________
Position 4 ____waxing gibbous______________
Position 5 ___full moon__________________
Position 6 ___waning gibbous______________
Directions: Use the diagram above to
name the phase found at each position.
Position 7 ___3rd quarter________________
Position 8 ____waning crescent_____________
___waning crescent____
_waxing crescent___
___3rd quarter_______
__new moon_________
S6E2.b Explain the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun during solar and lunar eclipses.
Name the
phase in each
picture to the
Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
Phase of moon shown ____new moon_______
Phase of moon shown __full moon_______
Eclipse shown ___solar eclipse_________
Eclipse shown __lunar eclipse_________
Explain the Waning moon _____after the full moon when we can see less of the illuminated side of the moon_________
Explain the Waxing moon __after new moon when we begin to see a portion of the illuminated side of the moon_______
S6E2c Relate the tilt of Earth to the distribution of sunlight throughout the year and its effect on climate
Direct sunlight
Season’s opposite in Northern and Southern hemisphere
How does the tilt of Earth affect
the amount of sunlight in each
When the Earth
is tilted towards the sun the
northern half (where we live)
receives direct (high density)
sunlight and we experience
summer. The summer solstice is
the longest day of the year.
When the Earth is tilted away
from the Sun the northern half
receives indirect (low density)
sunlight and we experience
winter. The winter solstice is the
shortest day of the year.
Between these season, when the
Earth is neither tilted towards
nor away from the Sun we
experience fall or spring seasons.
The fall and spring equinox
occurs when there is exactly 12
hours of light and 12 hours of
darkness (equal day and night).
Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
Identify the seasons in each
hemisphere at positions A, B, C
and D.
1. Evaporation occurs when liquid water turns into ____a gas (water vapor)______________
2. The _____Sun___ provides the energy needed to drive the water cycle.
3. Most of the water in the atmosphere comes from __________the oceans__________
4. _____Clouds__ form when water vapor ________condenses______ and collects on dust particles.
Name_____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Class __________
5. What happens to water in rain puddle? __the water evaporates (becomes water vapor) becoming a gas__________
6. Percentage of Earth’s surface covered with water ___71%__________
7. ____97_____% of the water on Earth is saltwater.
8. ____3____% of the water on Earth is freshwater.
9. ____2___% of freshwater is frozen in icecaps and glaciers
10. ___0.5____% of freshwater is consumable by humans
Water Source
Water on Earth
Percentage of
total amount of
water on Earth
Frozen Fresh Water
Liquid/Water vapor
Available for human