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Joints or articulations site where bones meet
Function: skeletal movement, hold skeleton
Together & protection
Movement vs. Strength: less joint movement
means greater joint strength
I. Classification: by structure & function
. A. Function classification
1. Synarthrosis: immoveable joint
2. Amphiarthrosis: slightly moveable
3. Diarthrosis: freely movable
3. B. Structure Classification – fibrous,
. Cartilagenous & synovial*
1. fibrous: No joint cavity, bones held tightly
together w/ fibrous CT and very little
a. sutures: (seams) interlocking jagged
Edges (jig saw puzzle)
b. Syndesmoses: connected by ligaments
If short little movement – ie: distal tibia
if long more movement – ie; ulna/radius
fig 8.1; page. 249 & fig. 7.27 pg. 230
fig 8.1; page. 249 & fig. 7.27 pg. 230 fibrous
Short fibrous tissue – Little movement
5. fig 8.1; page. 249 & fig. 7.27 pg. 230 fibrous
Syndesmosis long attachment – more movemement
c. Gomphosis: cone like peg fitting into a socket
1. Teeth - mandible & maxilla
2. held in w/ held in w/ periodontal ligament
fig. 8.1 c; pg. 249
fig. 8.1 c; pg. 249 fibrous
8. 2. Cartilaginous: No joint cavity, articulating
bones . are held tightly together by cartilage w/
little or . no movement
. a. Synchondrosis: where hyaline cartilage
connects the bone
i. ie:growth plate/epiphyseal plate (temporary)
ii. ie: True ribs connected to the sternum
b. Symphysis: broad flat disc of fibrocartilage
connects articulating bones
i. ie: vertebral disc
ii. ie disc between left/right pubic bones
Fig 8.2 a&b; pg. 250
iii. Menisci of knee Fig 8.8 a,b&e pg 262
9. Fig 8.2 a&b; pg. 250
10. C. SYNOVIAL JOINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Have a fluid filled cavity
. Six characteristics for synovial joints
1. Articular hyaline cartilage – cushions for
compresion and friction free articulations
2. Synovial cavity - filled w/ synovial fluid
3. Joint capsule – double layer
. a. external layer – tough, irregular CT
continuous w/ bone periosteum
. b. Inner layer – synovial membrane makes
synovial fluid
11. 4. Synovial fluid – fills the cavity
. a. like egg whites – very slippery
. b. soaks into articular cartilage & then back out
when under pressure taller am
5. Reinforcing (accessory) ligaments – 3 types
. a. capsular/intrinsic: thickened part of capsule
. b. extra capsular: distinct, separate & outside of
the capsule
. c. Intracapsular: inside capsule but separate
from capsule wall
6. Nerves & blood vessels
. a. pain receptors
. b. propreoceptive: monitor position & stretch
12. Figure 8.3 Synovial Joint Structure
pg. 251
13. Bursa: Flattened bags of synovial fluid to
separate & cushion ligaments, muscles, tendons,
bones or skin reducing friction
•Tendon sheaths: tube-like bursae that surround .
. a. Separate tendons when crowded
. b. Trigger finger
15. Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints
Every muscle is attached to, 2 or more, bones w/
a joint in between
• Origin is the attached bone that doesn’t move
• Insertion is the bone that does move
Movement occurs when muscles contract
bringing the insertion towards the origin
Movements are described in directional terms
relative to the plane they move in
16. I. Angular movements
A. Flexion: bending movement that decreases the
B. Extension: reverse of flexion; increases the
Usually in the sagital planeanterior/posterior
17, 18,19 Figure 8.5, b, c, d page 256 & 257
20. C. Abduction: Moving away from midline
D. Adduction: Moving towards midline
Figure 8.5 e
21 Figure 8.5 e
22. E. Circumduction: distal end moves in a
circular pattern w/ proximal end is motionless.
figure 8.5 e pg. 257
23. figure 8.5 e pg. 257
24 F. Rotation: Moving a bone along it’s own long
1. Hip & shoulder rotation – medial & lateral
. Rotation
Fig. 8.5 f page 257
26. II. Gliding movements
. A. When “flatish” surfaces slide back & forth
or side to side.
1. Wrist: Ulnar & Radial deviation
2. Ankles: Inversion & Eversion
3. vertebral column
27. Figures 8.5 a & 8.6 c
29. III. Special Movements A. Pronation/Supination: movements of radius
around the ulna – “don’t spill your soup”
30. Fig. 8.6 a pg. 258
31. B. Dorsiflexion & plantar flexion: up & down
. . movements foot @ ankle
32 fig. 8.6 b; pg. 258
33. C. Protraction & Retraction: Anterior &
posterior . . movement along transverse plane
– mandible
34. Fig. 8.6 d pg; 258
35. D. Elevation & Depression: Lifting a body
part superiorly & inferiorly
1. Mandible & shoulders
36 Fig. 8.6 d pg; 258
37. E. Opposition: Touch tip of thumb to tip of
any finger
38. Fig. 8.6 f
page; 258
Fig. 8.8; pg. 263
Fig. 8.8a; pg. 262
Fig. 8.9; pg. 264
42 Fig. 8.7 a; pg. 260
plane joints/gliding
Fig. 8.7 b; pg. 260 hinge joint
Fig. 8.7 c; pg. 260 pivot joint
Fig. 8.7 d; pg. 260 condyloid –oval
“process” & oval “fossa” – “ball & socket”
Fig.8.7e pg. 260 – Saddle joint –
concave & convex surface
Fig.8.7f pg. 260; pg.260 shoulder & hip
Fig. 8.10d; pg. 265 labrum,
fibrocartilage lip – shoulder & hip ball &
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