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Propaganda Project
Project Description
1. Identify four examples of propaganda (i.e., websites, online publications,
videos, commercials, newspapers, magazines, billboards, etc.) that you will
present to and analyze for the class.
One current political issue example: Find an ad, video, article, cartoon, or
statement about current political issues (either in the US or any other
country as long as example is in English or translated well). Must be
One commercial propaganda example: Choose a product that you bought
and find an ad/picture/commercial, etc. that helped (or could have
helped) persuade you to buy it.
One news propaganda example: Select a news article
(newspaper/magazine/website) or news video (internet/TV news
agencies) from print or internet media; it can be local, regional, national,
or global, and it must have been published in 2017.
One entertainment media example: Choose one example from a movie,
video game, music video, or TV/web show that you enjoy, watch or use.
(You may find this a difficult example to find and explain. You might ask
yourself: Self? How can a music video use propaganda? Advice: the
definition of propaganda is your friend.)
2. Each example must show two different main propaganda techniques (for
example: bandwagon, emotional appeal, etc). Do not repeat main
techniques. You can describe more than two techniques that your example
could illustrate, but you should select two main techniques that you will use for
each of your examples.
3. Each example must include the following:
A title that describes the category.
Below the title: the main techniques selected.
The image or video that you selected. Make sure to have a workable link to
the site or place you find the images, videos, etc.
*Note 1: If your example is in another language other than English, you
will need to translate the information that we need to know in order to
make sense of the example.
* Note 2: For the News Example, make sure to embed the video (if not
possible, link to it) and write a description of the general content. If it is
a news article, make sure to link to it.
In your presentation to the class, answer the following questions:
*Who created the propaganda? On whose behalf was the propaganda created?
*Who is the target audience? Be specific about who is the primary audience
and explain why you see it that way. There might be more than one target
*How does the example show the techniques selected? Explain clearly why you
see the techniques you chose using the language of the techniques themselves.
*What relevant information must we know to understand the propaganda? What
historical, cultural information must the reader know in order to make sense of
this propaganda? What is the relationship of the propagandist to society?
*What is the intended message? What is the idea or belief the propagandist
wants you to have? What does the propagandist want you to believe?
*Where did you find the propaganda?
*What is the propaganda example hiding or not saying?
*What are the effects on you/society of not questioning or fully being informed
about the message of the example and the intentions the propagandist has?
You will present your examples to the class. Presentations can be created
however you like: PPT, Prezi, Keynote, video, website, etc. The project is worth
50 points.