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Name:______________________________________________________ Date:_______________ Period:_____
STUDY GUIDE #4: From DNA to Proteins
Match the words with their definitions (most words can be found in your book, but for others… use your notes!!)
DNA (1.1)
nucleotide (8.2)
double helix (8.2)
purines (8.2)
pyrimidines (8.2)
base-pairing rules (8.2)
(DNA) replication (8.3)
DNA polymerase (8.3)
RNA (8.4)
transcription (8.4)
translation (8.5)
RNA polymerase (8.4)
messenger RNA (mRNA) (8.4)
codon (8.5)
transfer RNA (tRNA) (8.4)
anticodon (8.5)
central dogma (8.4)
mutation (8.7)
set of three nucleotides in a tRNA molecules that binds to a complementary
mRNA codon during translation
rule that describes how nucleotides form bond in DNA; adenine (A) always
bonds with thymine (T) and guanine (G) always bonds with cytosine (C).
theory that states that, in cells, information only flows form DNA to RNA to
proteins (DNA  RNA  proteins)
sequence of three nucleotides that codes for one amino acid
molecule that stores genetic information in all organisms
enzyme that makes bonds between nucleotides, forming an identical strand of
DNA during replication
model that compares the structure of DNA molecule, in which two strands wind
around one another, to that of a twisted ladder.
form of RNA that carries genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm,
where it serves as a template for protein synthesis
____________________________9. change in the DNA sequence
____________________________10. monomer that forms DNA and has a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogencontaining base.
____________________________11. types of nucleotides that have a double ring structure
____________________________12. types of nucleotides that have a single ring structure
____________________________13. process by which DNA is copied
____________________________14. nucleic acid molecule that allows for the transmission of genetic information and
protein synthesis
____________________________15. enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of a complementary strand of RNA from
DNA template.
____________________________16. process of copying a nucleotide sequence of DNA to form a complementary
strand of mRNA
____________________________17. form of RNA that brings amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis
____________________________18. process by which mRNA is decoded and a protein is produced.
Short Answer:
1. Name ALL the people that made a scientific contribution with DNA (not just the discovery of the
2. What are the two stages of gene expression (protein synthesis) called?
Original DNA template
Single strand
 G A G
3. Make the new
 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
complementary DNA
4. Transcribe the
#3 DNA strand into
a mRNA molecule
 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Use the following chart to answer the questions that follow
The following string of amino acids forms part of a protein. Write one possible codon sequence (mRNA
message) that could code for these amino acids. The first one is done for you.
Met ------------- Val ------------- Asp ------------- Ala ------------- Phe ----------------Gly
____AUG___ - ___________ - ___________ - ___________ - ___________ - ___________
For each of the following codons, write the name of the corresponding amino acid on the line provided.
GAU: ________________
AUU: ________________
AGC: ________________