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Examine the map of the growth of the Roman Empire before, during, and
after the Punic Wars…
1. At the time Rome conquered Carthage, what other areas did Rome
gain control of?
2. Describe the general order in which the Roman Republic acquired
The Punic Wars:
What older empire was
Rome “bumping” into
around the
In what year was the city
of Carthage founded?
The city of Carthage was founded in
*Why did the Romans
dislike the city of
Carthage so much?
What gave Carthage an
advantage over Rome?
Carthage was a great _______ power, and the
Romans had never fought at _________.
Explain the strategy that
the Romans used to board
the Carthage ships.
Hannibal made a promise
to the people of
Carthage…What was this
Describe the path that
Hannibal had to take in
order to reach Rome.
What Roman general was
called upon to defeat the
armies of Hannibal?
To ________ the people of Rome.
The Roman general was name S_ _ _ _ _ , and
he had a large army that finally defeated
The Punic Wars:
The First Punic War
1. How are Rome
and Carthage
Rome and Carthage were alike in many ways. Both began as cities,
and both grew into empires. While Rome was busy conquering Italy,
Carthage gained control of Spain and islands in the Mediterranean Sea..
The First Punic War began in 264 BC, when Rome sent troops to
Sicily, an island claimed by Carthage. Sicily lies just off the southern tip of
Italy. The war ended more than 20 years later when Carthage agreed to turn
over Sicily to the Romans.
2. Why would Rome want
to go to war with
The Second Punic War
3. Who was
5. In what city
did Hannibal
finally get
A brilliant general from Carthage named Hannibal launched the
Second Punic War. In the spring of 218 BC, Hannibal left Spain with an
army of about 40,000 soldiers and about 40 war elephants. His plan was to
invade northern Italy, where he hoped to find the allies who would help him
conquer Rome. By fall, Hannibal’s army had reached the Alps, the high
mountain range that separates Italy from the rest of Europe. Hannibal reached
Italy with only a few elephants and about half his army. However, local
people who hated Roman rule had joined him along the way.
Hannibal’s army marched south through Italy, winning battle of
battle. The Romans’ worst defeat came at a fort called Cannae in southern
Italy. There, Hannibal’s cavalry surrendered the Roman army, killing more
than 45,000 men.
During this time, the Romans were building a navy. In 204 B.C, a
Roman general named Scipio sailed to Carthage with a large army. Only then
did Hannibal finally abandon Italy and return home. In 202 B/C, Hannibal’s
forces suffered a disastrous defeat at Zama, a town south of Carthage.
A year later, Carthage asked for peace. Rome agreed. But many
Romans remained suspicious of Carthage. For years after the war ended, a
senator named Cato the Elder ended every speech with these words:
“Carthage must be destroyed”.
4. Why do you think
Roman people joined
Hannibal and his armies?
6. Cato the Elder ended
every speech with:
“ ____________________
The Third Punic War
7. What did
Roman soldiers
do to destroy the
soil of Carthage?
The Third Punic War erupted in 149 B.C. This time, Roman leaders
vowed to end the power of Carthage forever. Roman troops burned the city to
the ground and sold its people into slavery. Legends say that the Romans
even plowed salt into the ground where Carthage had stood so that nothing
would ever grow there again.
The destruction of Carthage gave the Roman Republic control of the
western Mediterranean. Next, it sent its armies eastward toward Greece and
Southwest Asia. By about 133 B.C, the Romans ruled much of the
Mediterranean region.
8. How did Rome’s
victory over Carthage
affect the Roman