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A FEW GRAMMAR STARTER IDEAS I have aimed to include activities that generally do not require too much preparation – so not loads of fiddly laminated cards A starter should be something you can display and organise quickly, before or as pupils enter the room 1 y10 y11 Correct the following sentence(s) (5 sentences maximum) Mon maison et assey grand
J’ai deux frère s’appelle Max et Dan
Tous les jours je jouer au foot avec mon amis
Hier soir je regarder la tele.
Demain je aller on ville pour achete une chaussure
Variation: don’t correct but copy and add correction symbols: m/f = gender sp= spelling Vb= verb AA= adj agreement s/pl?= singular or plural? vbF= verb form vbT=verb tense 0=word missed out Base the mistakes on a recent piece of work that the class has done You could also concentrate on one grammar point Jon Meier January 2009 2 Y8 up Coded sentence Starting at the bold word , follow the route to work out the sentence. You can only go up, down, left or right golf au jouer mon père prèfère mais je joue foot au souvent Jon Meier January 2009 3 Y9 up Grammar is all about choices “Work these out” [Le/la] + maison
Je + [joue/joues]
Ma maison + [petit/ petite]
Mes + [parents/parent]
[Mon/ ma] + copain
Nous + [habite /habitons]
Mardi + [dernier/dernière]
Une voiture + [rouge/rouges]
Des livres + [bleus/bleu]
J’ai + [regarde / regardé]
At sixth form level, a frequent source of confusion is between adjectives and adverbs mal/ mauvais etc Lewis Hamilton aime les voitures vite/rapides il conduit très rapide/ vite c’est un bon/bien conducteur Il est mieux/ meilleur que mon père. Il conduit mieux/meilleur que ma mère son frère conduit mauvais/mal c’est un mauvais/mal conducteur Jon Meier January 2009 4 Y9 up Jigsaw pieces warning: cutting and laminating needed. “Find your partner” Je Nous Il Ils J’ai Je vais joue jouons joue jouent Tu joues Vous Jouez elle elles Joue Cut up into cards (there are 20 here). Give to pupils as they come in. Pupils have to find their pair. Then they could make up a sentence. For support you could cut each pair in half using different types of cut – straight, curved, wiggly, Jouent Joué J’aime Jouer jouer Je dois jouer Jon Meier January 2009 5 Categories any Display a set of about 20 words. Instruct pupils to divide the words into columns Possible categories: Masculine feminine Le la les Der die das Singular plural Noun verb adjective Infinitive past participle Present past Past present future set a time limit let them use dictionaries or glossaries for gender work the first to finish can make up sentences A more stretching variation is to give them the headed columns and they have to populate the columns without the support of any word bank. The winners are the ones with the most correct words Jon Meier January 2009 6 Y7 “Copy and add mon / ma / mes” / y8 ……. tante
……. soeur
……. frère
……. oncle
…… cousin
…….. cousins
……. copain
…….. copine
……… copains
……. Ami
…….. ami
Thinking skills – focus them on words beginning with vowels and remind them of the rule Variation: with support Thinking skills – ask them why 2 words in the list below have no gender indicator to help them ……. maison(f) …… stylo (m) …… livres …… règle (f) …… collège (m) ……… crayons Jon Meier January 2009 7 Y8 up A E Read the sentences, work out what each place is and work out the grammar rule. Les toilettes
La gare
L’hôtel de ville
Le supermarché
Le magasin de sport
La boulangerie
Le café
B C D F G La bibliothèque
H `a gauche
à droite
La boulangerie est en face de la bibliothèque
Le café est à droite de la boulangerie et en face de la gare
La boulangerie est à côté de l’hôtel de ville
L’hôtel de ville est entre les toilettes et la boulangerie
Les magasin de sport est en face des toilettes
Il y a un supermarché à côté du magasin de sport
La bibliothèque est à droite du supermarché Working out the rule for themselves is a good natural organic, wholesome way of approaching grammar Jon Meier January 2009 8 Gap fill / drag and drop Spot the distractor in each one Intéressant Ma ville est …….. Elle est assez ……..mais il y a trop de………... voitures grande intéressante restaurants Nous avons un ……., une …….. et beaucoup de ……… gare ennuyeux stade Et J’ ……..bien ……. ville parce qu’il y a ………. de magasins. ma aime beaucoup Faire On peut ….. au foot dans le …….et ………du sport dans le centre sportif. aider jouer parc sportif sport J’aime le …….car je suis très ……… et je vais souvent à la ………. piscine filles comiques De temps en temps on ……… au cinéma pour ……… des films; j’aime surtout comédies les films ……… voir va Break the gap fill down (rather than give them a long paragraph) Get the pupils to explain using the correct grammatical terms The give them the whole paragraph with gaps Jon Meier January 2009 9 10 Match the definition to the phrase Adverb Adjective 1st person singular 3rd person plural 1st person plural infinitive past participle fume fumé fumer petit fumons fument toujours Choose an infinitive as the title. E.g FAIRE Draw a staircase and add the personal pronouns on each step. Pupils ‘go up’ the staircase giving correct verb forms. They can prepare in pairs and do the task aloud when they are ready. Extension: add extra steps such as ‘past (je)’ , ‘future (il)’ ‘je dois… ‘ Extension 2: pupils have to provide a whole phrase Variations: ‘Round the clock’ Draw a clock face with the infinitive in the centre. Pronouns and other prompts go round the edge. Pupils aim to get round the clock in as short a time as possible Jon Meier January 2009 11 Mini­whiteboard knock out Stage 1: tell the pupils to write a noun with un /une. They should put this in the centre of the board Give them 10 secs max. They show their boards. Teacher checks. Only the correct ones remain standing Stage 2 remaining pupils write ‘I have’ or ‘we have’ above They show their answers after 10 secs. The correct ones remain standing. Stage 3 Tell them to add an adjective e.g. large, small, a colour Show after 10 secs. The correct ones remain standing Repeat stages 1,2, 3 with variations until only a few are left Jon Meier January 2009 12 Y10/ Possessives challenge 11 Challenge the pupils to translate the following into French. Tell them that no non­
French person in the history of the humanity has ever got all of these these right My
dad’s card
mum’s house
brother’s girlfriend
sister’s boyfriend
teacher’s clothes Variation: The phrases below always cause problems, especially in German With my friend
With my girlfriend
With my friends
With some friends
with a friend (male)
With a friend (female)
Stage 1: you could start by getting pupils to identify: Freund Freunde Freundin Freundinnen Stage 2: match Eng & Ger Stage 3: learn in pairs (discuss ways of learning) Stage 4: reproduce in German without support Jon Meier January 2009 13 Y8 Morpion Noughts and Crosses – pupils prepare in pairs and then play in teams, giving the correct form and spelling. The middle word has to be used in an infinitive phrase such as je vais faire du ski / j’aime faire du ski / je peux faire du ski Extension: give a phrase for each one JE TU IL NOUS VOUS FAIRE ILS 14 J’AI + ELLES ‘Sixes’ – great to play with dice, but not essential. Pupils choose one from each column to generate funny sentences. Pupils write their own down. They can then swap and read out each others. Another method: Pupil A reads their sentence. Pupil B (not necessarily a neighbour) translates and then reads his/her own. And then continue until someone breaks the chain by making a mistake. Mon prof de français
dans la cuisine
Mon copain
dans la salle à manger
Mon chien
dans la chambre
Ma grand-mère
dans le garage
Ma tante
dans le jardin
se lave
dans la salle de bains
Ma copine
A good way to revise the big 4 verbs at any level Faire Aller Avoir Être Of course it can also be used for –er, ­ir, ­re verbs Irregular past participles And much more Column 3 provides scope for other lexical groups such as places in a town parts of a school Shops Transport An extension activity would be to use the past or future tenses; or the ils/elles form Jon Meier January 2009 15 Y8 up Objets cachés When you’ve revised classroom objects. This is good for preposition practice Decide on 5 objects in the classroom which the pupils should know (e.g. le placard, l’étagère, l’ordinateur, la bouteille d’eau, la fenêtre, le poster) Write 5 clues about where they are (and what they’re like). Pupils have to work out what the objects are C’est au fond, à côté de la fenêtre
C’est devant, près de la porte
Elle est verte. C’est à côté de Jessica
C’est sur la table du professeur
C’est au-dessus du tableau blanc Then study the grammar, Pupils can generate their own or hide an object while a volunteer ‘victim’ is out of the room If you’re feeling brave, you can also do this as a scavenger hunt race using small objects e.g. La taille­crayon La calculatrice Le dictionnaire La bouteille La règle Jon Meier January 2009 17 Y10 up DE DOH! Identify different uses of de in the phrases 1­12 below a) containers and expressions of quantity b) ‘of’ – possessive + a proper name (person or country) c) after certain verbs d) before a possessive adjective e) before a plural noun f) before a vowel or ‘h’ g) before a masculine noun h) before a feminine noun 1) un kilo de pommes ……. (put the letter corresponding to the definition) 2) une bouteille de bière …. 3) la voiture de Ronaldo ….. 4) la pollution des villes 5) je joue de la guitare 6) le Tour de France 7) la maison de mon père 8) la maison du président 9) la voiture de ma mère 10) la porte de l’hôtel 11) un ami de mes parents 12) la vitrine du magasin Jon Meier January 2009 18 Y11 Short text grammar quest. Display a short text. Ask pupils to spot specific aspects. e.g. present tense verbs past participles Use jokes etc Tell the pupils not to worry about translation but briefly go through the meaning with them Un escargot dit à sa femme : - Oh, là, là, j'ai un terrible
mal de tête ce matin !
- Reste couché mon amour, je vais t'acheter de
l'aspirine à la pharmacie.
Deux jours plus tard, elle rentre et dit à son mari :
-C'est bête, en arrivant à la pharmacie je me suis
aperçu que j'avais oublié mon porte-monnaie à la
Use sites such as www.blagues.pour­ tell them it’s real French ! Jon Meier January 2009 19 y8 up German word order – human sentence chain a) Give a post­it / mini whiteboard to everyone b) Display the grid below c) Go through the meanings d) Number the pupils into groups 1­5 round the class. The pupils in group 1 each choose one expression from column one and write it on their post­it. Same for columns 2,3,4,5. e) Someone from group 2 comes to the front and reads/displays their word. Someone from group 3 joins them – it must be the correct ich or wir form. Then emphasise the fact that the next group must be the manner (how) expression. Then the final person provides the place expression. f) They are then joined by someone from group 1 who physically (but calmly) inverts the subject and verb. 1
Ab und
komme mit
kommen mit
You can also use this method to show that the adverbial time expression can go after the verb You can extend this to show how ‘weil’ and other conjunctions work. Use the method to show that words like ‘und, oder and aber’ do not affect word order 5
dem Bus
nach London
dem Zug
nach Deutschland
dem Auto
nach Watford
der Bahn
zum Mond
dem Flugzeug
in die Stadt
dem Raumschiff in die Schule
Jon Meier January 2009 20 Y9 up Irregular past participles – ce matin Zombie nightmare Tell them sometning strage has happened this morning, so it’s different from normal Display sentences and simply ask pupils to rewrite them in the past – they should try to be as imaginative as possible 1) Normalement au petit-déjeuner je bois une tasse de thé mais ce
2) Normalement
3) Normalement
4) Normalement
mais ce matin…
5) Normalement
6) Normalement
ce matin…
je fais mes devoirs dans ma chambre mais ce
je prends le train pour aller à l’école mais ce matin
je lis le Daily Express avant de quitter la maison;
je vois ma mère dans la cuisine mais ce matin …..
je mets mon pantalon noir pour venir au collège, mais
Use d’habitude instead of normalement Award marks for correct past participle and creativity/ humour! You can use this format for present/future sentences Present / imperfect Maintenant je regarde Casualty Quand j’étais jeune, je regardais Bob the Builder It’s also good for practising être verbs There are plenty of standard starter activites which involve simple gap fills, multi‐choice, or drag and drop tasks Use IWB highlighter tool to highlight certain grammar features e.g. feminine adjectives, être verbs You can also refer pupils to grammar sections of textbooks and ask them to find examples: e.g. 5 irregular past participles, 5 être verbs, 5 present tense time‐tags Jon Meier January 2009