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Two hormones are produced:
Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland has two lateral lobes and lies just below the
It produces three hormones:
Disorders of the Thyroid gland
o Hyperthyroidism - overactive thyroid gland, high metabolic rate
- An autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland characterized by excessive
production of thyroid hormone,
, protrusion of the eyeballs (
o Hashimoto disease - autoimmune disease that attack the thyroid cells, resulting in hypothyroidism
o Hypothyroidism (infantile) _
- abnormal growth in infants, resulting in mental
retardation, low body temp., and sluggishness.
o Hypothyroidism (adult)
- disease in adults characterized by dry skin, swollen
tissues, sluggishness, mental dullness
Parathyroid Glands
The parathyroid glands are on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland
There are typically
parathyroid glands
It secretes one hormone
Adrenal Glands
• The adrenal glands are closely associated with the kidneys
The gland sits like a cap on each kidney
Hormones are secreted from two different areas of the gland, the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla
Numerous hormones are secreted by the adrenal glands
o Adrenal Medulla secrete
o Adrenal Cortex secrete
The pancreas has two major types of secretory tissue
This is why it is a dual functioning organ as both an
gland and
Three hormones are secreted from the islet cells (Islets of Langerhan):
o Alpha cells secrete
o Beta cells secrete
o Delta cells secrete
Common disorder of the Pancreas
Diabetes mellitus - is a metabolic derangement that arises from the lack of insulin or inability of cells to
recognize it.
(insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes) - Beta cells have been destroy by the immune sysiem
and insulin is not produced.
(non-insulin-dependent or maturity-onset diabetes) - Beta cells produce insulin, but the bo ';
cells lose the ability to recognize it.
Other Endocrine Glands
Pineal Gland - secretes
and regulates
Thymus Gland
o Secretes
o Promotes development of certain lymphocytes (
o Important in role of immunity
Reproductive Organs
Ovaries produce
Testes produce
Placenta produces
Ch. 11 Notes (The Endocrine System)
> .
The endocrine system assists the nervous system with communication and control of the body
The cells, tissues, and organs are called
o They are
o They use the bloodstream
o They secrete
o There are also similar glands called
which affect neighboring cells and
glands which affect only the secreting cell itself.
Other glands that secrete substances are the
o They have
o They deliver their products directly to a specific site
General Characteristics of the Endocrine System
• The endocrine and nervous systems communicate using chemical signals
Neurons release neurotransmitters into a synapse affecting postsynaptic cells
Endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstream to specific target cell receptors
Hormone Action
Hormones are released into the
surrounding endocrine cells
• Primarily controlled by
_ mechanism
Hormones can be short-lived or may last for days
Hormone secretions are precisely regulated
Chemistry of Hormones
• Chemically, hormones are either:
Steroid or steroid-like hormones such as:
Non-steroid hormones such as:
• Prostaglandins - lipids synthesized from a fatty acid (
) in cell membranes
Are found in the vital organs, thymus gland, and reproductive organs
Act locally
Are very potent in small amounts
Are not stored in cells but synthesized just before release
Rapidly inactivate
Regulate cellular responses to hormones
Can activate or inhibit adenylate cyclase
Controls cAMP production
Alters a cells response to hormones
Has a wide variety of effects
Pituitary Gland
Lies at the base of the brain
• Consists o'f two distinct portions:
• Anterior pituitary (
• Posterior pituitary (
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Hypothalamic releasing hormones stimulate cells of anterior pituitary to release hormones
Nerve impulses from hypothalamus stimulate nerve endings in the posterior pituitary gland to release
Posterior Pituitary Hormones
• Structurally consists of nerve fibers and neuroglia v. glandular epithelial cells of the anterior pituitary gi".>' ;
The nerve fibers originate in the