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Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________
Renaissance Test
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which of the following best describes a Renaissance painting?
a. A painting whose subjects have unemotional faces
b. A painting whose subject’s clothing is flat and one-dimensional
c. A painting containing proportions that are not realistic
d. A painting showing realistic-looking figures
2. Renaissance literature differed from medieval literature in that Renaissance literature
a. was written in Latin.
c. was written in the vernacular.
b. was written by university women.
d. focused on religion.
3. Why did Church officials begin to censor certain published works during the Renaissance?
a. So that more people would learn to read the Bible.
b. Because they wanted to show support for self-expression.
c. Because Renaissance thinkers needed guidance from the Church.
d. Because they wanted to put a stop to the growing criticism of the Church.
4. Which of the following was NOT one of the new subjects that emerged when secular learning became
a. Medicine
b. Law
5. Wealthy merchants and bankers helped to promote learning and the arts by
a. becoming patrons.
c. funding trading expeditions.
b. opening shops.
d. building larger churches.
6. Italy was a better place for commercial growth than other medieval European countries because
a. so many languages were spoken there.
b. the Catholic Church was headquartered in Italy.
c. of its geographical location.
d. Italians had a sophisticated monetary system.
7. The view that religion did not need to be at the center of human affairs was called
a. humanism.
c. classicism.
b. secularism.
d. individualism.
Name: ______________________
8. Which of the following was NOT a change brought about by Gutenberg’s printing press?
a. Books became less expensive to produce.
b. More people learned to read.
c. There was an increase in the number of books available.
d. More copies of the Bible were handwritten in monasteries.
9. Johann Gutenberg contributed to the spread of information by improving
a. the telegraph.
c. the process of movabale type.
b. the telephone.
d. the construction of railroads.
____ 10. Which of these was a key idea of the Renaissance?
a. the equality of all mankind
c. an interest in classical civilizations of
the supression of artistic innovation
Greece and Rome
emphasis on the next world rather than
man’s place in this one
____ 11. During the Renaissance, a strong belief in humanism emerged. “Humanism” means
a. that obedience to God was not as
c. that the teachings of the ancient
important as obiedence to the state.
that the power of the state was more
important than individual liberty.
Greeks had no place in Reaissance
that the individual has importance and
his achievements should be celebrated.
____ 12. I had the good fortune to secure the services of [hire] a fine, generous, young lad... [whose] family and
fortune are humble. But he has a force of character and a power of self-control; a mind that is keen and
flexible. He has a great deal of invention... and a heart that loves. He is already making new songs of his
own; and has a leaning toward poetry.-Francesco Petrarch, 1365 AD
Petrarch's letter MOST LIKELY reflects the ideals of
a. humanism
c. liberalism
b. imperialism
d. ostracism
____ 13. “A controversy has arisen about this: whether it is better to be loved than feared, or vice versa. My
view is that it is desirable to be both loved and feared; but it is difficult to achieve both and, if one of
them has to be lacking, it is much safer to be feared than loved.”Niccolo MachiavelliThe Prince, 1532
Which statement BEST explains the point of this passage from Machiavelli?
a. people should rise up against tyrannical c. democracy is the best form of national
b. leaders should be more in touch with
d. absolute power is the surest and most
the people
effective way to rule
Name: ______________________
____ 14. Unlike earlier scholars, Renaissance scholars
a. explored the importance of human
attempted to apply knowledge to
scientific problems.
ocused on applying religious teachings to
all issues.
believed that only the wealthiest had
the ability to learn.
____ 15. The spread of ideas during the Renaissance was MOST affected by
a. Luther's religious conversion.
c. the invention of the printing press.
b. the support of the Catholic Church.
d. people's curiosity about the universe.
____ 16.
John Calvin
Martin Luther
Leonardo da Vinci
____ 17. Which ruling family had the greatest impact on the Renaissance culture in Florence, Italy?
a. Alberti
c. Medici
b. Ferdinand
d. Pazzi
____ 18. · He was born in Florence, Italy in 1469.
· His best-known book describes the methods by which a ruling prince can
maintain control of his realm.
· His name has become synonymous with the use of cunning and deceitful
tactics in politics.
Which Renaissance figure is being described in these statements?
a. Medici
c. Leonard da Vinci
b. Soderini
d. Machiavelli
Name: ______________________
____ 19.
Painting is called the “Mona Lisa”
a. Raphael
b. da Vinci
____ 20.
The Mongol Empire, shown here, controlled nearly the entire path of the ancient trade route called
a. the Silk Road
c. the road to El Dorado
b. the Salt Route
d. the Path to Shangri La
____ 21. The sun is the center of the universe, according to the theory of _______________.
a. Johann Gutenberg
c. Niccolo Machiavelli
b. Leonardo da Vinci
d. Nicolaus Copernicus
____ 22. The scientist _____________ showed that grqavity keeps planets in their orbits around the sun.
a. Johann Gutenberg
c. Nicolaus Copernicus
b. Issac Newton
d. Leonardo da Vinci