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Hormone - Progesterone Web-copy
The hormones estrogen and progesterone have a very close relationship.
Estrogen is a very stimulatory hormone and natural progesterone temers the
stimulatory effects of estrogen
Progesterone’s Use in Your Body
Progesterone is produced by the ovaries in women and testes in men. Progesterone is a precursor to
DHEA, Testosterone, Estrogen, Cortisol, and Testosterone. It is used to:
maintain uterine lining
regulates menstrual cycle & sustain a pregnancy
Protect against fibrocysts
Help use fat for energy
Facilitates thyroid hormone action
Normalizes blood clotting
Restores libido
Regulates blood sugar levels
Protects from endometrial cancer
Probable prevention of breast cancer
Stimulates bone building
Propagates growth of embryo
Precursor to corticosteroid production
Signs and Symptoms of Progesterone Deficiency
As women enter menopause their levels of progesterone and other sex hormones decrease. This
often leads to unwanted symptoms such as:
Hot flashes
Vaginal dryness and breast tenderness
Low libido
Depression, anxiety and emotional swings
Food cravings and weight gain
Bloating and cramps
Why you have a Progesterone Deficiency
During the menopause transition, estrogen levels reduce and progesterone production ceases
altogether, causing the above symptoms to occur.
Estrogen dominance can also occur when the tissue building properties of estrogen are nor
adequately countered by progesterone.
Forms of Progesterone
Natural progesterone is increasingly being used in lieu of synthetic progestin drugs. Like any
hormone – natural or synthetic – it’s bound to have more significant effects in some people than in
others, because of subtle biochemical differences. Fortunately, there is no risk involved in trying it as
long as it is used properly.
Why Take Progesterone in BiHT?
Supplementing progesterone mimics the hormonal cycles of a healthy young woman. Women who
are in or past menopause can benefit from natural progesterone suplimentation
Progesterone can:
Maintain a healthy pregnancy
Create ovulation in the menstrual cycle
Stimulate formation of new bone
Help to prevent breast cancer
Improve vascular tone (ability of blood vessels to stretch and contract with body)
Protect against causes of heart attack
Gently enhance mood
Maintain normal libido
Help thyroid hormone activity