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The Integumentary
(In teg yoo MEN tuh ree)
Skin, Tissues, and You
The Integumentary system is the body’s outer
covering. It has the task of physically separating
the body from the external environment. This is
the first key to homeostasis.
Homeostasis: The internal stability or “steady
state” maintained by your body. We maintain a
body temperature of 98.6ºF (37ºC)
The Integumentary system isn’t perfect. Cuts and
other injuries break the barrier of the system and
allow microorganisms to enter the body. Also,
extensive exposure to the sun can cause damage
to the tissue. Other harmful agents can damage
the system as well.
The Skin and Tissue
Your body contains
250 different types of
Groups of similar cells
with common function
are called tissues.
Tissues protect the
body, connect body
parts together, some
lift and move the
body, some transmit
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial tissue: sheets of closely packed cells that cover the
entire surface of your body and form the lining of your internal
organs, many different types all serve the general function of
protecting the tissues and organs they cover
In your respiratory system,
1st type; line your windpipe and its major branches, cells
secrete mucus which traps dust, pollen. etc. cilia sweep them
up to throat to be swallowed,
2nd type; lines narrower airways cells have smooth surface
allows air to flow quickly into the lungs
3rd type; only one cell thick lines microscopic air sacs within
lungs transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen between blood
and air you breath one cell thick to minimize distance gases
have to travel
The largest and most familiar organ of the integumentary system and is
only about 2 millimeters thick (the thickness of two CD’s)
The skin consists of three layers; Epidermis: the outermost layer of skin is
made up of dead epithelial cells that continually flake and fall off new
cells pushing up from lower layers constantly replace those lost. Constant
renewal is necessary because your skin would be scratched and damaged
w/o it
Not all epidermis cells are dead; the bottom region of the epidermis
contains living cells that produce melanin, a pigmented protein that gives
skin color
Dermis: the skin layer that lies beneath and supports the epidermis is
made up of fibrous connective tissue, gives skin strength and elasticity.
Also contains hair follicles, oil and sweat glands, muscles, nerves, and
blood vessels
Hypodermis: the deepest layer of skin, contains a kind of connective tissue
called adipose tissue, includes fat storing cells and blood vessels
Chemical Exchange
With the Surroundings
Hair and Nails
Hair and nails are part of the integumentary
Hair covers almost all of your body and is
composed of a protein called keratin and is
formed in pockets called hair follicles deep in
the dermis layer
Follicle cells produce and deposit keratin at
the base of each hair shaft, causing hair to
Fingernails and toenails are also made of
keratin also grown as they are pushed
outward by living cells beneath
Hair helps in homeostasis, protects head
from harmful UV radiation, provides a layer
of insulation from the changing outside
Eyebrows and eyelashes prevent dirt and
small particles from entering your eyes
Skin Care
Types of skin care have been used since 3000 B.C.E
In Egypt, Cleopatra said to have bathed in donkey’s milk
to keep her skin smooth and supple
Active ingredients;
Alcohol: disinfecting and firming
Amino Acids: important building material for
peptides and proteins, some have moisturizing
properties others essential for formation of keratin
Biotin: vitamin H, has moisturizing and soothing
properties which are intensified by citric acid, help
with synthesis of keratin and improves brittle nails
Menthol: cooling, soothes itching, slightly
disinfectant and stimulates micro-circulation
Salicylic Acid: found in willow bark, usually
synthesized has anti-inflammatory and
antibacterial properties. Often used for acne
Witch Hazel: astringent and soothing properties, is
mildly anti-inflammatory
Skin Magnified