Download Chapter 5 Guided Reading (Integumentary System)

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Honors A&P
Integumentary System Guided Reading (pp. 116-132)
pp. 116-121
Integumentary Structure and Function
1) What four structures make up the integumentary system?
2) What is another word for skin?
3) Briefly describe the three major layers of the skin.
4) Describe the five functions of the integumentary system.
The Epidermis
5) Define the following terms.
thick skin:
thin skin:
6) List the five cell layers of the epidermis in order from the basement membrane to the
free surface.
7) True or False. The epidermis has a great number of blood vessels.
8) What is the benefit of the combination of the epidermal ridges and dermal papillae?
9) What are two benefits of fingerprints?
10)What are germinative cells?
11)What are melanocytes? What is their function?
12)What is keratin? What is its function? Where is it made?
13)Describe the structure of the stratum corneum.
14)Discuss the steps of the skin replacement cycle.
Drug Administration through the Skin
1) What must drugs be dissolved in to be able to cross the skin?
2) What is transdermal administration?
3) What are two disorders currently treated with transdermal drugs?
Skin Color
15)What two things are responsible for skin color?
16)Describe the two pigments found in the skin.
17)What are freckles? What causes them?
18)What is the result of too much ultraviolet radiation (prolonged exposure to the sun)?
19)How does melanin help prevent skin damage caused by UV radiation?
20)What causes the observed differences in skin color between races?
21)What is albinism? What does a person with albinism look like?
22)What changes in dermal circulation cause these skin colors?
a. very red:
b. pale:
c. blue:
23)What are three disorders that can cause cyanosis (bluish coloring of the skin)?
Vitamin D3
24)Some sunlight is beneficial because it allows the skin to make vitamin D3. What can a
deficiency in vitamin D3 lead to?
Skin Cancer
25)What is the most common skin cancer?
26)What is the difference between melanomas and carcinomas?
27)What are two ways to prevent skin cancer?
pp. 121-126
The Dermis
28)What are the two components of the dermis? What are their structures and functions?
29)What is the function of the blood and lymph vessels of the dermis?
30)What three things do the nerve fibers of the dermis control?
31)What four sensations do receptors in the skin provide?
The Subcutaneous Layer (Hypodermis)
32)What is the basic structure of the subcutaneous layer?
33)What are three functions of subcutaneous fat?
34)Why is the hypodermis a good area for an injection?
Accessory Structures
35)What are the four accessory structures?
36)Briefly describe the steps of the hair growth cycle.
37)What are the five functions of hair?
38)What are “goose bumps”?
39)What causes white hair?
Hair Loss
1) What is normal average hair loss?
2) What is abnormal hair loss?
3) What are three causes of a temporary increase in hair loss?
4) What causes male pattern baldness?
40)What are the two types of exocrine glands of the integument (scientific and common
41)What is sebum? What are the two functions of sebum?
42)What causes acne?
43)What are the two types of sweat glands? Where are they primarily located?
44)What causes body odor?
45)What is the function of perspiration?
46)What does perspiration contain?
47)Why must endurance athletes drink a lot of fluids?
48)What are two examples of modified sweat glands?
49)What is the function of fingernails?
pp. 126-132
Injury and Repair
50)What causes calluses?
51)What two factors can complicate skin repair?
52)Briefly describe the two types of wounds.
53)Outline the main events of the four stages of skin repair.
54)What is the structure of scar tissue?
55)What two things determine the severity of a burn?
Aging and the Integumentary System
56)Why do muscles and bones become weaker as someone ages?
57)Why does the skin sag or wrinkle?
58)Why are elderly people more likely to overheat?
59)What are two reasons skin infections are more common in the elderly?
Integration with Other Systems
60)What are the four effects of hormones on the integumentary system?