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K-What do I know?
W-What do I want to know?
What have I learned? (fill in later)
1. Describe the general functions of the integumentary system.
2. Describe the main structural features of the epidermis and explain their functional significance.
3. Explain what accounts for individual differences in skin, such as skin color.
4. Know the functions of the skin's accessory structures (hair, glands, nails.)
5. Describe how this system helps to regulate body temperature.
6. Discuss the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and the role of melanocytes.
7. Explain how the skin responds to injuries and repairs itself.
8. Summarize the aging process on the skin.
Pg. 121-VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Knowing the meanings of these terms will be helpful
READING OUTLINES and Key Questions:
Outline #1
p. 121-126
Describe the general functions of the Integument:
List the layers of the epidermis from deep to superficial
What factors interact to give skin its color or tone?
Why is skin cancer the most common form of cancer?
What important steroid is produced here?
How would you describe the dermis? What tissue types is it composed of?
How does the hypodermis differ from the dermis?
Coloring: Integument Organization
Outline #2
p. 127-133
Describe the following accessory structures: Hair and hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands (2 types)and
Describe the four steps of how the integument responds to injury:
How are burns different? Why can they be so life threatening? How are they treated?
Summarize the effects of the aging process on the
INTEGUMENT LAB: graded separately
Class notes/coloring
Case Study(if given)
Pearson on-line HW due: