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Integument Myth or Fact
The skin is the largest organ in the human body.
You lose 2,000,000 dead skin cells every hour.
Your skin regenerates itself every 28 days.
Skin is a part of your immune system.
“You need to get thicker skin!” We all have the
same thickness of skin.
Tattoos go into the top layer of skin.
Humans are the only animals that blush.
People with lighter skin show signs of age more
People with dark skin get skin cancer less often.
Eating carrots can make your skin turn orange.
You should pop your pimples.
You can only go bald if your maternal
grandfather is bald.
Stress makes your hair turn gray.
Stress can make you go bald.
Shaving your facial, leg, & armpit hair makes it
grow back thicker
Cutting your hair makes it grow faster.
White spots on fingernails are caused by a
calcium deficiency.
Myth or Fact?