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Name: ___________________
Date: ___________
Unit 13 Integumentary System
Per: _____
1. ____ Receives, processes, & transmits information; coordinates all body systems
2. ____ Supports and protects body parts
3. ____ Destroys pathogens
4. ____ Responsible for exchange of O2, CO2
5. ____ Regulates homeostasis with chemicals known as hormones
a. Nervous System
6. ____ Produces movement
b. Endocrine System
7. ____ Is the system that includes the skin
c. Skeletal System
8. ____ Physical barrier against pathogens, injury, dehydration
d. Muscular System
9. ____ Breaks down food molecules
e. Integumentary System
10. ____ Largest organ in your body
f. Circulatory System
11. ____ Transports O2, CO2, nutrients, wastes
g. Respiratory System
12. ____ Produces gametes; site of embryo development in females
h. Immune System
13. ____ Washes blood; regulates blood volume
i. Digestive System
14. ____ Produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun
j. Urinary (excretory System
15. ____ Breaks down food molecules to absorbable monomers
k. Reproductive System
Skin Fill in the Blanks:
16. The outer most layer of the skin is called the _______________. It is composed of ___epithelial___
tissues. The outer layer of skin consists of _____________ cells filled with _____________. The
_________ layer contains cells that are actively going through _______________.
17. The ______________ layer of skin contains blood vessels, hair follicles, nerves and glands. It is also
made up of ___connective_ tissue.
18. The _____________ layer is composed of ___connective__ tissue, and stores fat.
Skin Matching:
19. ____ Structures that produce an oily secretion
20. ____ Tough waterproofing protein
21. ____ Layer of skin made up of dead & living tissue
22. ____ Structure in dermis where hair is produced
23. ____ Inner layer of skin
24. ____ A brown pigment; provides UV protection
25. ____ Underlying layer made up of fat cells
26. ____ 2nd degree burns cause damage to this layers
Give the type of burn being described (remember this is your discussion questions):
27. Damages the epidermis only _____________
28. The skin appears red, no blisters ____________
29. The most painful of all burns _____________
30. Destroys epidermis, damage dermis ____________
31. NOT caused by the sun _____________
32. Burn that cause blisters ________________
33. Damage to the epidermis & dermis ____________
37. What is the deadly type of skin cancer? What are the ways to tell
a. Oil gland
b. melanin
c. keratin
d. hypodermis
e. hair follicle
f. epidermis
g. dermis