Download Chapter 15 Review Learning Target 1 I can discuss Darwin`s

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Chapter 15 Review
Learning Target 1
I can discuss Darwin’s principle of survival of the fittest and what he meant by
natural selection.
What is natural selection? fittest organisms will be able to survive and reproduce,
passing on good genes
Can you provide an example? Galapagos finches and their beak size.
Does the theory of natural selection apply to humans? _yes, in Africa humans are
naturally selected for those who can survive malaria
Learning Target 2
I can contrast Lamarck’s ideas with Darwin’s ideas about changes over time.
What were Lamarck’s ideas? aquired traits get passed on to the next generation
Can you distinguish between Lamarck and Darwin’s ideas?
Evolution took a long time
evolution took one generation
The environment had something to do with the evolution of the population
The individual didn’t have effect
individual had effect on evolu.
Learning Target 3
I can explain the influences of other scientists and Darwin’s trip on the HMS
Beagle in formulating the idea of natural selection.
List some of the people who influenced Darwin on his journey. Cuvier, Hutton, Lyell,
Linnaeus, Malthus, Wallace, Lamarck
What did each do to influence Darwin? Malthus said that as the population increases,
so will demands for resources. Lamarck said that acquired traits were passed down to
the next generation.
Learning Target 4
I can provide examples of behaviors that have evolved through natural
List 3 behaviors that have evolved through natural selection. Bees dancing to show
the way to food, aggressiveness,
Learning Target 5
I can specifically describe the conditions required to be considered a species
(reproductive and geographic isolation)
What is reproductive isolation? Two species who can’t have offspring together
What is geographic isolation? When a physical barrier keeps two species separated
What do these 2 have to do with new species? Both lead to creating new species
What makes an elephant and a chicken two different species? Their structures are
different, their DNA is very similar, one is a bird, while the other, a mammal.
Learning Target 6
I can describe the basic types of selection, including disruptive, stabilizing,
and directional.
In your own words, describe what is going on in each of these types of selections.
Disruptive - selects for both extreme traits
Stabilizing - selects for the average individuals
Directional - selects for one trait
Learning Target 7
I can discuss evidence from the fields of geology, biochemistry, embryology,
comparative anatomy and physiology that share evolutionary relationships.
Define the following:
Geology - study of the earth
Biochemistry - study of the chemistry of life
Embryology - study of embryos (smallest form of an organism)
Anatomy and Physiology - study of the structure and function of living things
What evidence does each give to evolutionary relationships?
Geology - fossils
Biochemistry - DNA
Embryology – at the earliest development, organisms can look alike
Anatomy and Physiology - analogous, homologous and vestigial structures
Learning Target 8
I can distinguish between catastrophism, gradualism, and punctuated
Using your own words, what is the difference between gradualism and punctuated
equilibrium? Gradualism happens slowly over time. Punctuated equilibrium happens
in short bursts. Both have to do with evolution.
How could a catastrophe lead to scientists thinking punctuated equilibrium was the
more believable theory? If an area was changed somehow (flood, volcano) the
organisms would have to adapt or die.