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Passive and Active Transport Quiz/Test
1. The movement of substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration or down its concentration gradient is known as what?
a. Diffusion
2. In this system water molecules in cell 4 are most likely to move into which cell?
a. Cell 2
3. Which cell is most likely to gain both water molecules and solute molecules as the
system approaches equilibrium?
a. Cell 1
4. Which direction are the solute molecules in this system most likely to diffuse?
a. From 2 to 1 and from 4 to 3
5. Sugar molecules can enter the cell through what process?
a. Facilitated diffusion
6. Give an example of a type of transport that does not require energy.
a. Passive, diffusion, osmosis, ion channels, facilitated diffusion
7. Give an example a type of transport that requires energy.
a. Active, sodium potassium pump, exocytosis, endocytosis, receptor protein
8. What is the movement of water across the membrane called?
a. Osmosis
9. What direction does sodium-potassium pump usually pump sodium and
a. 3 sodium ions out and 2 potassium ions in the cell
10. Removing materials from the cell by vesicles fusing with the membrane is called?
a. exocytosis
11. What will happen cell is placed in a hypertonic solution?
a. It will shrink because water leaves the cell
12. When the cell engulfs a solid this is know as cell eating or what?
a. Phagocytosis
13. When the cell engulfs a liquid this is known as cell drinking or what?
a. Pinocytosis’
14. What is the source of energy for active transport?
a. ATP
15. What type of proteins act like selective passageways in the cell membrane?
a. channel proteins
16. Both active transport and facilitated diffusion use what?
a. carrier proteins
17. If a cell is placed in a solution and the cell swells what type of solution is it?
a. hypotonic
18. If a cell is placed in a solution and the cell shrinks what type of solution is it?
a. hypertonic
19. What type of solution causes the cell to remain the same size?
a. isotonic
20. What is one way a receptor protein can cause the cell to respond?
a. change of membrane permeability, make a second messenger, act as an
21. In diffusion substances move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration until what is reached?
a. equilibrium
22. The cell membrane is known as
because it only lets some
substances into the cell.
a. selectively permeable