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Let us go it is getting late.
I aced the interview, I should get the job.
Whether or not you believe me it is true, I did not lie to you.
You can correct run-on sentences in five ways:
with a period
with a comma and a coordinating conjunction: and, or, nor, for, so, but, or yet
with a semicolon
with a dash
with a subordinating conjunction to create a dependent clause: although, because, during, while, and
so on
The following is a run-on sentence corrected with each of the previous techniques:
The debate is over, now it is time to vote.
The debate is over. Now it is time to vote.
comma conjunction
The debate is over, and now it is time to vote.
The debate is over; now it is time to vote.
The debate is over—now it is time to vote.
subordinating conjunction
Since the debate is over, it is time to vote.
Rule #3: Respect sentence boundaries. Do not let two or more independent clauses run together.
Phrases and Modifiers
Sentences are often “filled out” by phrases and modifiers. Phrases are groups of words that do not have both
a subject and predicate; they might have either a subject or a verb, but not both, and sometimes neither. Modifiers are words and phrases that qualify or describe people, places, things, and actions. The most common
phrases are prepositional phrases, which consist of a preposition and a noun or pronoun (e.g., in the attic).
Modifiers include adjectives (e.g., slow, blue, excellent) and adverbs (e.g., cheerfully, suspiciously). In the following examples, the prepositional phrases are underlined and the modifiers are in bold:
He was very late for an important meeting with a new client.
He brazenly looked through her purse when she got up from the table to go to the ladies’ room.
As a general rule, words, phrases, or clauses that describe nouns and pronouns should be as close as possible
to the words they describe. The relaxing music, for example, is better (clearer, more concise, and more precise) than the music that is relaxing. In the first sentence, the modifier relaxing is right next to the word it modifies (music).
When modifiers are not next to the words they describe, you not only often use extra words, but you
also might end up with a misplaced or dangling modifier and a sentence that means something other than
what was intended. This is especially true of phrases and clauses that work as modifiers. Take a look at the
following sentence:
Whispering quietly, I heard the children stealing cookies from the cookie jar.
Who was whispering quietly? Because the modifier whispering quietly is next to I, the sentence says that
I was doing the whispering. But the context of the sentence indicates that it was the children who were doing
the whispering. Here are three corrected versions. In the first version, the modifier is moved to its proper place,
next to children. In the second and third versions, I is removed from the sentence to eliminate any confusion:
I heard the children whispering quietly as they stole cookies from the cookie jar.
The children, whispering quietly, stole cookies from the cookie jar.
Whispering quietly, the children stole cookies from the cookie jar as I listened.
Here’s another example:
Worn and tattered, Uncle Joe took down the flag.
It’s quite obvious that it was the flag, not Uncle Joe, that was worn and tattered. But because the modifier (worn and tattered) isn’t right next to what it modifies (the flag), the sentence actually says that Uncle
Joe was worn and tattered. Here are two corrected versions. The first simply puts the modifier in its proper
place. The second moves the modifier and puts it in a restrictive clause (a which clause) that clarifies what is
Uncle Joe took down the worn and tattered flag.
Uncle Joe took down the flag, which was worn and tattered.
Rule #4: Keep modifiers as close as possible to the words they modify.
Parts of Speech: A Brief Review
A word’s function and form is determined by its part of speech. The word calm, for example, can be either a
verb (calm down) or an adjective (a calm afternoon); it changes to calmly when it is an adverb (they discussed
the matter calmly). Be sure you know the different parts of speech and the job each part of speech performs
in a sentence. The following table offers a quick reference guide for the main parts of speech.
names a person, place, thing,
water, Byron, telephone, Main Street,
or concept
tub, virtue
takes the place of a noun so that
I, you, he, she, us, they, this, that,
noun does not have to be repeated
themselves, somebody, who, which
expresses an action, occurrence,
wait, seem, be, visit, renew
or state of being
helping verb
combines with other verbs (main
forms of be, do and have; can,
(also called auxiliary verb)
verbs) to create verb phrases that
could, may, might, must, shall,
help indicate tenses
should, will, would
modifies nouns and pronouns; can
green, round, old, surprising; that
also identify or quantify
(e.g., that elephant); several (e.g.,
several elephants)
modifies verbs, adjectives, other
dreamily, quickly, always, very, then
adverbs, or entire clauses
expresses the relationship in time
in, on, around, above, between,
or space between words in a sentence
underneath, beside, with, upon
Prepositions are extremely important; they help us understand how objects relate to each other in space and
time. Recognizing them can help you quickly check for subject-verb agreement and other grammar issues. The
following is a list of the most common prepositions. See pages 127–128 for notes about the most common
prepositional idioms.
Parts of Speech: A Brief Review
Parallel Structure
Parallel structure means that words and phrases in a sentence follow the same grammatical pattern. Whenever a sentence has a series of actions, a list of items, or a not only/but also construction, it should have parallel structure. Parallelism makes ideas easier to follow and expresses ideas more gracefully. Notice how
parallelism works in the following examples:
Not parallel: We came, we saw, and it was conquered by us. (The first two clauses use the active we past tense verb construction; the third uses a passive structure with a prepositional phrase.)
Parallel: We came, we saw, we conquered. (All three clauses start with we and use a past tense verb.)
Not parallel: Please be sure to throw out your trash, place your silverware in the bin, and your tray
should go on the counter. (Two verbs follow the to verb your noun pattern; the third puts the
noun first and then the verb.)
Parallel: Please be sure to throw out your trash, place your silverware in the pin, and put your tray on
the counter. (All three items follow the to verb your noun prepositional phrase pattern.)
The following are two more examples of sentences with correct parallel structure:
Hermione’s nervousness was exacerbated not only by the large crowd but also by the bright lights. (Each
phrase has a preposition, an adjective, and a noun.)
Their idea was not only the most original; it was also the most practical. (Each phrase uses the superlative form of an adjective [see page 126 for more information on superlatives].)
Rule #5: Use parallel structure for any series of actions or items or the not only/but also construction.
Grammar and Usage
Grammar and usage refer to the rules that govern the forms of words people use and the special combinations of words that create specific meanings. In this section, you will review the following areas of basic grammar and usage:
subject-verb agreement
consistent verb tense
pronoun cases
pronoun agreement
pronoun consistency
adjectives and adverbs
In English grammar, agreement means that sentence elements are balanced. Verbs, for example, should agree
in number with their subjects. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular; if the subject is plural,
the verb should be plural.
Robin want to meet us later. (singular subject, plural verb)
Robin wants to meet us later. (singular subject, singular verb)
He do whatever he want. (singular subject, plural verbs)
He does whatever he wants. (singular subject, singular verbs)
Of course, to make sure subjects and verbs agree, you need to be clear about who or what is the subject
of the sentence. This can be tricky in sentences with indefinite pronouns and in inverted sentences. Use the
following guidelines for proper subject-verb agreement:
Remember that subjects are never found in prepositional phrases, so the subject must be elsewhere in the
sentence. Sometimes the subject is the antecedent of a noun found in a prepositional phrase, as in the
following example:
Only one of the students was officially registered for the class.
The pronoun one is the subject of the sentence, not students, because students is part of the prepositional phrase of the students. The verb must therefore be singular (was).
If a compound, singular subject is connected by and, the verb must be plural.
Both Vanessa and Xui want to join the committee.
If a compound, singular subject is connected by or or nor, the verb must be singular.
Neither Vanessa nor Xiu wants to join the committee.
Verb Review
If English is your second language, a quick review of verb conjugation and usage rules might be in order. Turn
to Chapter 11 for an overview of verb forms, a list of irregular verbs, and a review of troublesome verbs such
as lay/lie.
If one plural and one singular subject are connected by or or nor, the verb agrees with the closest
Neither Vanessa nor the treasurers want to join the committee.
Neither the treasurers nor Vanessa wants to join the committee.
In an inverted sentence, the subject comes after the verb, so the first step is to clearly identify the subject. (Sentences that begin with there is and there are, for example, and questions are inverted sentences.) Once you correctly identify the subject, then you can make sure your verb agrees. The correct
subjects and verbs are underlined in the following examples:
Incorrect: There is plenty of reasons to go.
Correct: There are plenty of reasons to go.
Incorrect: Here is the results you have been waiting for.
Correct: Here are the results you have been waiting for.
Incorrect: What is the side effects of this medication?
Correct: What are the side effects of this medication?
Rule #6: Make sure verbs agree in number with their subjects.
Consistent Tense
One of the quickest ways to confuse readers, especially if you are telling a story or describing an event, is to
shift verb tenses. To help readers be clear about when actions occur, make sure verb tenses are consistent. If
you begin telling the story in the present tense, for example, stay in the present tense; do not mix tenses as
you write. Otherwise, you will leave your readers wondering whether actions are taking place in the present
or took place in the past:
She left the house and forgets her keys again.
She left the house and forgot her keys again.
When we work together, we got better results.
When we work together, we get better results.
When we worked together, we got better results.
Rule #7: Keep verb tenses consistent.
Pronouns, as noted earlier, replace nouns, so you don’t have to repeat names and objects over and over. There
are several different kinds of pronouns, and each kind of pronoun follows different rules.
Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things. They can be either singular (I) or plural (we); they can
be subjects (I) or objects (me). Pronouns reflect three points of view: first person (I, we), second person (you),
and third person (he, she, it, them).
first person
second person
third person
third person
third person
first person
second person
third person
Pronoun mistakes are often made when you use the subject form when you really need the object form.
Here are two guidelines to follow:
Always use the object pronoun in a prepositional phrase. Pronouns and nouns in prepositional
phrases are always objects:
He promised to bring a souvenir for Betty and me.
Please keep this between us.
Always use the subject pronoun in a than construction (comparison). When a pronoun follows than, it
is usually part of a clause that omits the verb to avoid redundancy:
I realize that Alonzo is more talented than I. [than I am]
Sandra is much more reliable than he. [than he is]
Rule #8: Use the correct subject or object form of personal pronouns. Determine whether a pronoun is
functioning as a subject or object in the sentence.
The possessive pronouns its, your, their, and whose are often confused with the contractions it’s (it is or it has),
you’re (you are), they’re (they are), and who’s (who is). Because writers use apostrophes to show possession in
nouns (Louise’s truck, the rug’s pattern), many people make the mistake of thinking that pronouns use apostrophes for possession, too. But possessive pronouns do not take apostrophes. When a pronoun has an apostrophe, it always shows contraction.
belonging to it
The dog chased its tail.
belonging to you
Your time is up.
belonging to them
Their words were comforting.
belonging to who
Whose tickets are these?
it is
It’s time to eat.
you are
You’re not going to believe your eyes.
they are
They’re getting their tickets now.
who is
Who’s got my tickets?
Rule #9: Use apostrophes with pronouns to show contraction only. Pronouns do not need apostrophes to
show possession.
The pronouns who, that, and which are also often confused. The following lists the general guidelines
for using these pronouns correctly:
Use who or whom when referring to people:
She is the one who should make that decision, not I.
Use that when referring to things:
This is the most important decision that she will make as director.
Use which when introducing clauses that are not essential to the information in the sentence (nonrestrictive), unless they refer to people. In that case, use who.
Contraction Confusion
It is easy to make a mistake with pronouns and contractions because apostrophes are used to show possession of nouns (Ralph’s car). With pronouns, however, possession does not require an apostrophe. If you get confused, think of a possessive pronoun that doesn’t get confused with contractions, such as my or our. These
do not have apostrophes; other possessive pronouns should not either.
Here is one way to remember to use that when referring to things: both words begin with the letters th.
Sam bought a suit to wear to his new job, which will begin on Monday.
Emily married Sonny, who has been in love with her since first grade.
Antoinette, who is a computer programmer, would be a good match for Daniel.
Rule #10: Use who for people, that for things, and which for nonessential clauses that do not refer to
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Just as subjects (both nouns and pronouns) must agree with their verbs, pronouns must also agree with their
antecedents—the words they replace. For example, consider the following sentence:
Children will often believe everything their parents tell them.
The word children is the antecedent and is replaced by their and them in the sentence. Because children
is plural, the pronouns must also be plural.
Indefinite pronouns can also be antecedents. Singular indefinite pronouns require singular pronouns:
Everyone has his or her own reasons for coming.
Neither of the physicists could explain what she saw.
Plural indefinite pronouns, on the other hand, require plural pronouns, just like they require plural
Both of them have finished their work.
Only a few are still in their original cases.
A Bad Habit
One of the most common mistakes people make when speaking and writing is an error of pronoun-antecedent
agreement. You may often say sentences such as the following:
Everyone will receive their scores within two weeks.
Most people make this mistake because it’s easier (shorter and faster) to say their—but it’s not correct. When
the antecedent is singular, the pronouns must be singular, too:
Everyone will receive his or her scores within two weeks.
The students will receive their scores within two weeks.
Finally, those pronouns that can be either singular or plural, depending upon the noun or pronoun to
which they refer, should take the pronoun that matches their referent. If the antecedent is singular, the pronoun and verb must also be singular. If the antecedent is plural, they must be plural:
All of the chocolate is gone. It was delicious!
All of the cookies are gone. They were delicious!
None of the information is accurate; it’s all out of date.
None of the facts are accurate; they are all out of date.
Rule #11: Make sure pronouns agree in number and person with their antecedents.
Pronoun Consistency
Just as you need to be consistent in verb tense, you should also be consistent in your pronoun point of view.
A passage that begins in the third-person plural should continue to use that third-person plural point of view.
Incorrect: We have tested our hypothesis and the team believes it is correct.
We have tested our hypothesis and we believe it is correct.
Incorrect: If you prepare carefully, one can expect to pass the exam.
If you prepare carefully, you can expect to pass the exam.
If one prepares carefully, one can expect to pass the exam.
Rule #12: Be consistent in pronoun point of view.