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NAME: ___________________________________________________
You will need to go to the following website in order to complete this assignment:
Mission 1: Orientation at O.R.B.
A. In the Enemy Agents challenge, you meet up with six different
infectious agents. Name them.
B.Which type of infectious agent are a tapeworm, a roundworm, and a
A. In the Koch’s Concepts challenge, why is it necessary to wash the
orange before infecting it with the fungus?
B. Who worked out the four-step procedure scientists use to determine if a
specific germ causes a particular disease?
A. In the Germ Blaster challenge, which types of infectious agents can be
killed by antibiotics?
B. Which pathogen has no treatment?
A. In the Infect-O-Rama challenge, what are the ways in which viruses can
be spread?
B. Which two modes of transmission are common to five of the infectious
A. In the Body Defender challenge, what two body parts make up the first
line of defense against pathogens?
B. What is the name of the proteins made by B cells that can bind
(connect) to a specific pathogen?
MedMyst Mission 1 Quiz
1. The scientist who created a set of rules to link a disease to a specific germ was
(A) John Snow
(B) Robert Koch
(C) Joseph Lister
(D) Louis Pasteur
2. Anthrax, botulism, tuberculosis and typhoid are caused by
(A) fungi
(B) viruses
(C) bacteria
(D) prions
3. An infectious agent can also be called
(A) an antibiotic
(B) a pathogen
(C) a vaccine
(D) an anti-fungal drug
4. Antibiotics are primarily used to treat diseases caused by
(A) viruses
(B) helminths
(C) prions
(D) bacteria
5. Koch’s postulates are used to
(A) prepare a vaccine
(C) determine if a particular germ is a virus
(B) determine if a particular germ causes a certain disease
(D) prepare an antibiotic
6. Prions, viruses, and fungi are three of six kinds of
(A) infectious agents
(B) antibiotics
(C) vaccines
(D) antibodies
7. Which of the following is NOT an infectious agent
(A) protozoan
(B) prion
(C) bacterium
(D) antibody
8.Microorganisms that are capable of causing disease are called
(A) lymph
(B) phagocytes
(C) pathogens
(D) antibodies
9.Tapeworm, roundworm, and hookworm are examples of
(A) bacteria
(B) fungi
(C) helminths
(D) prions
10._____________ can reduce the spread of viruses, such as the ones that cause flu and colds
(A) Antibiotics (B) frequent hand washing
(C) anthelmintic drugs
(D) anti-fungal drugs
11. Another name for a germ is
(A) an anti-fungal drug
(B) a pathogen
(C) an antibiotic
(D) a vaccine
12. Helminths are
(A) fish
(B) insects
(C) worms
(D) arachnids
13. Prions are spread by only one mode of transmission; that is…
(A) water
(B) contact (hand)
(C) food
(D) air
14. What was the cause of the blue disease on the oranges?
(A) fungus
(B) gases
(C) bacteria
(D) evil spirits
MISSION LOG 2: Peril in Prorkaryon
In the Arora II spacecraft, you learn of an outbreak of disease in
Prokaryon. What type of disease is it?
In the CyNN news article, a news crawler appears at the bottom of the
story. It tells of a fringe group who are demanding the closure of the
refugee camp. What is the name of this fringe group?
Before arriving in Prokaryon, Eureka helps you review the Germ Theory first
proposed by Louis Pasteur. What is this theory?
Eureka also shows you information on Joseph Lister, a surgeon who believed
in the Germ Theory and therefore insisted that doctors do what?
In reviewing the infectious agents, you learn there are six types.
Name four of these.
In the animation of bacteria, you learn that they are categorized according to
shape--rod, sphere, or spiral. What are the three different shapes called?
Upon arriving in Prokaryon, Sirius shows you a graph of diarrhea cases.
How does the graph indicate an epidemic is occurring?
In the lab, Beta shows you what the wiggling menace looks like. What is the
name of the wiggling menace?
After looking at the fecal slides, Beta shows you an animation on cholera.
Describe the type of stool found in cases of cholera.
In what body part does V. cholera colonize or grow?
What is the treatment for cholera?
After determining that the two possible sources of contamination are tomatoes
and water, Eureka is reminded of a mysterious cholera epidemic in which
maps were used to pinpoint a water pump as the source of contamination. Who
was the physician who solved this mystery?
In order to verify the source of the contamination, a case control study is
performed. In this study, a comparison is made between those who got sick
with cholera and what other group of people?
What ends up being the source of contamination? The tomatoes or the
lake water?
At the end, Beta and Sirius say that the epidemic can be stopped if the
refugees do what two things?
MedMyst Mission 2 Quiz
1. When health professionals compare people who get sick with people who do not get sick to figure out why,
this type of study is called
(A) topographical study
(B) case control study (C) DNA analysis
(D) environmental study
2. When there is an increase in the number of cases of a disease in a particular region, it is called
(A) a toxic level overdose
(B) a spirilla
(C) an epidemic
(D) an infectious disease
3. A simple treatment for cholera is
(A) oral rehydration solution
(B) using a topical ointment
(C) taking laxatives
4. If there is an epidemic, public health professionals conduct in-depth interviews of patients
(A) to design molecular models
(C) to get the scoop before the newspapers
(B) to generate a hypothesis about the cause of the disease
(D) to produce astrological charts
5. Cholera is caused by
(A) Heliobacter pylori
(B) Heliobacter cholera
(C) Vibrio cholera
(D) Vibrio pylori
6. Circle the picture below that illustrates a type of coccus bacterium.
7. Germ Theory was first proposed by
(A) John Snow
(B) Louis Pasteur
(C) Joseph Lister
(D) Robert Koch
8. Cholera is spread through
(A) polluted air
(B) contaminated food and water (C) insect bites
(D) helminthes
9. ________ are one – celled, microscopic organisms.
(A) bacteria
(B) helminths
(C) prions
(D) viruses
10. The English physician who used maps to trace the source of a deadly outbreak in London, 1854 was
(A) Robert Koch
(B) Joseph Lister
(C) John Snow
(D) Louis Pasteur
11. A way to prevent the spread of cholera is to
(A) take vitamin C
(C) wash hands after using the restroom
(B) cover the mouth while coughing
(D) use mosquito repellant
12. The idea that diseases are caused my microorganisms is called
(A) immunity
(B) germ theory
(C) Koch’s postulates
(D) scientific method
13. What substance would you test for the presence of cholera?
(A) hair
(B) saliva
(C) urine
(D) feces
14. A major symptom of cholera
(A) difficulty breathing
(B) constipation
(C) diarrhea
(D) skin rash
15. Circle the letter that illustrates a type of bacillus bacterium
16. In Prokaryon’s refugee camp, how did cholera spread?
(A) through food
(B) through water
(C) through insects
(D) person to person
Name: _____________________________________
You will need to go to the following website in order to complete this assignment:
MISSION LOG 3: Nemesis in Neuropolis
When Dr. Xu is talking to Beta and Delta, she tells them that she thinks that a
patient has smallpox. You then learn that smallpox is contagious. What does
this mean?
When searching the apartment with Delta, you find out that smallpox was
eradicated in the 20th century, but that smallpox could be used a weapon for
When searching the apartment with Delta, you find a Traveler’s Alert that tells
you, that to avoid getting monkeypox, you should limit your contact with what
In the lab you see an interactive model of a virus. What is the part of the virus
called that contains instructions to make other virus?
In the lab, you see an interactive movie on viral reproduction. The process by
which the virus obtains a new coating from the host cell’s membrane is called:
replication, docking, or release?
In the lab, you look at the viruses in Jeremy’s blisters with Beta. His
blister look similar to those a person would get from
When Alpha is in the lab he says that Dr. Xu has prevented anyone from
entering or leaving the hospital. What is this called?
After the dissection of the robospider, information is released which tells you
who created the first vaccine. Who was it?
In the information that is released from the robospider, you learn that a
pathogen from mild disease can protect some one against smallpox. What is the
name of this disease?
After making the smallpox vaccine, you dip a special needle into the
vaccine to vaccinate someone. What is the name of this needle?
MedMyst Mission 3 Quiz
1. The first vaccine was invented by
(A) Edward Jenner
(B) Robert Koch
(C) Jeremy Fisher
(D) Louis Pasteur
2. Which one of these statements is TRUE in regard to smallpox?
(A) It can be treated with antibiotics
(C) There is no vaccine available to prevent it
(B) It produces a rash of blisters
(D) It can spread from animal to person
3. Vaccines are substances that help
(A) digest food
(B) prevent diseases
(C) control blood pressure (D) increase oxygen to lungs
4. The _______ gives a virus its shape and form.
(A) nucleic acid
(B) protein coat
(C) flagellum
(D) cytoplasm
5. If a person is immune to getting a particular disease it means the he or she
(A) is resistant to getting the disease
(C) is contagious and can spread the disease to others
(B) is not resistant to getting the disease (D) is placed under quarantine
6. Viruses can only reproduce in
(A) air particles
(B) dead tissues
(C) living cells
(D) water
7. Smallpox is spread through
(A) insect bites
(B) air
(C) animal to person contact
(D) food
8. A virus contains instructions to make a new virus in its
(A) cytoplasm
(B) nucleic acid
(C) cell wall
(D) protein coat
9. The last naturally occurring case of smallpox was in the
(A) 1700’s
(B) 1800’s
(C) 1900’s
(D) 2000’s
Quarantine is
a type of pox disease
a restriction in activities of people that may have been exposed to a pathogen
a substance used to prevent a disease
the same as an antibiotic
11. Smallpox is caused by a
(A) bacterium
(B) prion
(C) fungus
(D) virus
12. Two major structures of a virus are
(A) cell wall and cytoplasm
(B) protein coat and nucleic acid
(C) flagellum and protein coat
(D) flagellum and cell wall
13. In the story, Dr. Xu first thought that Jeremy was sick with
(A) chicken pox (B) elk pox
(C) smallpox
(D) monkeypox
14. What do The Reconstructors® believe was the reason why Mr. Kumar (Jeremy’s father) didn’t get sick?
(A) Mr. Kumar had no contact with Jeremy.
(B) Previous exposure to chickenpox made Mr. Kumar immune to getting monkeypox.
(C) Previous exposure to cowpox made Mr. Kumar immune to getting monkeypox.
(D) Previous exposure to smallpox made Mr. Kumar immune to getting monkeypox.