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The root atm means
smoke or vapor
The Atmosphere
covers the whole
General Information
Exosphere – (exo) meaning outer or beyond, so this is the outermost layer of our atmosphere.
where the atmosphere thins out and merges with interplanetary space.
Thermosphere – (thermo) meaning temperature. Within this layer, ultraviolet radiation (UV)
causes ionization. The thermosphere begins about 85 kilometers (53 mi) above the Earth. At these high
altitudes, the residual atmospheric gases sort into strata according to molecular mass. Thermospheric
temperatures increase with altitude due to absorption of highly energetic solar radiation.
Mesophere – (meso) meaning ball in Greek. The upper boundary of the mesosphere is the
mesopause it is the coldest part of Earth's atmosphere. This sphere generates waves and strong zonal
(East-West) winds.
about 8 to 30 miles high, no weather occurs in the stratosphere. The stratosphere
is 15% of the total mass of the atmosphere, and is where the ozone layer is located. Air temperature
slowly increases with height in the stratosphere.
Troposphere- is the lowest major atmospheric layer, reaching from the Earth's surface up to the
bottom of the stratosphere. The troposphere is where all of Earth's weather occurs. It contains
approximately 80% of the total mass of the atmosphere.
Sphere Interactions
Since the atmosphere covers the whole earth and more, it affects is
interacting with multiple spheres.
• The weather happens in the Troposphere and regulates the environment
on earth.
• The moon that is in the Exosphere affects the tides of the ocean.
• The wind produced in the Troposphere erodes rocks and other objects
along with acid rain which also erodes statues and rocks.
How does the Energy Flow?
 This graph
show the sun’s
energy transfer
through the
Fun Facts
• The mesosphere lies above the maximum altitude for aircraft and below
the minimum altitude for orbital spacecraft. It has only been accessed
through the use of sounding rockets. As a result, it is the most poorly
understood part of the atmosphere.
• Millions of meteors enter the atmosphere, an average of 40 tons per year.
Within the mesosphere most melt or vaporize as a result of collisions with
the gas particles contained there. This results in a higher concentration of
iron and other refractory materials reaching the surface.